98 Robert Warcop1 to Sir Robert Plumpton (No. 118, p. 71)
Right reuerend & worshipful cosin, I commend me unto you as hertyly as I kan, euermore desiring to heare of your welfare, the which I beseech Jesu to continew to his plesure & your herts desire. Cosin, please you witt that I ame enformed þat a poor man, somtyme belonging to mee, called Umfrey Bell,2 hath trespased to a seruant of youres, which I am sory for. Wherfore, cosin, I desire & hartily pray you to take upp the matter into your own hands, for my sake, and rewle him as it please you. And therin you wil do as I may do that may be plesur to you, & my contry, [p. 72] the which I shalbe redy too, by the grace of God, who preserve you.
By your own kynsman
Robert Warcopp of Warcoppa
Endorsed: To his worshipful cosin Sir Robert Plumpton kt
a Appended: Copied þe 11 day of Aprill 1613.
1 Of Warcop, Westmorland. Kinsman of the Plumptons through inter-marriage with the Hammertons, W.H. Hylton and R. Longstaffe (eds), Heraldic Visitation of the Northern Counties by Thomas Tonge, Norroy King of Arms, A.D.1530 (SS, xli 1863), 100; Anglica Historia, 100.
2 Apparently a villein,
56, 164.