Robert Savile to William Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Robert Savile to William Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 27, p. 208
- Date
- 14 September [1546]
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To other members of the Plumpton family', item 26; Kirby, item 245
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
245 Robert Savile to William Plumpton, 14 September [1546] (No. 27, p.
208)Right worshipfull,a after my most hartiest manner I recommend me to
you. I receiued your letter of Friday. I was buisie a hunting, but as for
your suerty, ye shall never be bownd to me, for I will not sew you: I
had rather louse it. I went immeaddetly to Mr Gargraues1 howse, &
he was with my father, and so I mist of him. I haue drawn an obligation
to be sealed afore you and your servant, Settill, for a knowledge, and
my servant shall deliuer a hundred marke; & for because I am in no
seurty wheare I shall be when ye or any frind of yours shall call, [p.
207] I shall letb another hundred marke [with]c [. . .]d the bearer herof,
of an owre warning to be redy, vpon reasonable seurty to be repaid
within one yeare. And to this bearrer I haue declaired my mind to
shew you in all things. And thus I bid you hartely farwell. From Sotthill,
þe xiiij of September.Your asured to his power Robart Sauille
No endorsedment
a Marginal note: 27 letter by Robart Savill.
b Marginal note, as above.
c MS whe.
d his deleted.
e Marginal note: Copied the 14 of June, Wedsday.
1 Sir Henry Savile’s mother, Elizabeth Paston, daughter of William Paston (d.1490), a
younger son of Judge Paston (d.1444), married Robert Gargrave of Gargrave and Nostell
as her fourth husband, N. Davis, The Paston Letters and Papers of the Fifteenth Century (2 vols,
Oxford, 1971–6), i, pp. lii, lvii. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
(No address.)
Right worshipfull, after my most hartiest manner, I recommend
me to you. I received your letter of friday ; I was buisie a hunt-
ing, but as for your suerty, ye shall never be bound to me, for I
will not sew you ; I had rather louse it. I went immeaddetly to
Mr. Gargravesa howse, and he was with my father, and so I mist
of him. I have drawn an obligation, to be sealed afore you and
your servant, Settill, for a knowledge, and my servant shall deliver
a hundred marke. And for because I am in no seurty wheare I
shall be, when ye or any frind of yours shall call, I shall let ano-
ther hundred marke with the bearrer herof, of an owre warning to
be redy, upon reasonable seurty to be repaid within one yeare
And to this bearrer I have declaired my mind to shew you in all
things. And thus I bid you hartely farwell. From Sotthill, the
xiiij of September.Your asured to his power
ROBART Robert Gargrave, esq. was the fourth husband of Elizabeth Paston, the mother
of Sir Henry Savill, kt. The family had afterwards their residence at Nostell-priory,
com.Ebor.b Robert Savill, afterwards of Howley, the illegitimate son of Sir Henry Savill
before spoken of, ancestor of the Earls of Sussex.