Robert Repps to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Robert Repps to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 43488, f. 5
- Date
- 1 November 1440
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol II, item 36; Fenn, Vol I, Henry VI item 2
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume I' (1st transcript)
A mon tresreu’ent e treshoñable Maistr Ioh. Paston soit done.
SAlvete &c Tytyngs the Duk of 1 Orlyawnce hath made his
oath upon the Sacrement and usyd it nevr for to bere armes
ayenst Englond in the p’sence of the Kyng and all the Lordes ex-
cept my Lord of2 Glouc’ and in p’vyng my seyde Lord of Glouc’
agreyd nevr to hys delywaunce qwan the masse be gan he toke
hys barge &c.God yef grace the seide Lord of Orlyaunce be trewe for this
same weke shall he to ward Fraunce.Also Freynchmen and Pykardes a gret nowmbre kome to3 Ar-
fleet for to arescuyd it and or Lordes wyth here smal pusa˜ nce manly
bytte them and pytte hem to flyte and blyssyd be or Lord have
take the seide Cite of Arflet the qwych is a great Juell to all Eng-
lond and in esp˜all to or cuntre.Moreou’ there is j kome in to Eñlond, a Knyght out of Spayne
wyth a4 Kercheff of Plesŭnce i wrapped aboute hys arme the
qwych Knyght wyl renne a cours wyth a sharpe spere for his
sou’eyn lady sake qwom other Sr Ric5 Wodvyle or Sr Xpofōre
6 Talbot shall delyu’ to the wyrchip of Englond and of hem selff
be Goddes grace.Ferthermore ye be remembryd that an Esquyer of Suff’ callyd
Joh Lyston recou’yd in ass: no: dis: vijc m˜rc in dam: ayenst Sr
Rob Wyngfeld &c. in avoydyng of the payemēt of the seid vijC
m˜rc the seide Sr Rob 7 Wyngfeld sotylly hath8 outlawed the seide
Joh Lyston in Notyngham shir be the v˜tue of qwch outlagar’ all
man’ of chattell to the seide Joh Lyston app¯teynyng am acruwyd
on to the Kyng &c. And anon as the seede utlagar’ was c’tyfyed
my Lord Tresorer g’untyd the seid vijC m˜rc to my Lord of 9 Norff’
for the arrerag of hys sowde qwyl he was in Scotland, and acor-dyng to this assignemēt forseide taylles delyu’ed. And my Lord
of Norff hath relesyd the same vii C m˜re to Sr Rob Wyngfeld.And here is greet hevyng an shovyng be my Lord of 10 Suff
and all his Counsell for to aspye hough this mat’ kam aboute &c.
Sr I beseche recom˜nde me on to my mast’s yor modyr to my
mast’s yr wyff and to my mast’s yor Sust’ & om˜ibus alijs quor’
int’est &cSr I py you wyth all myn hert hold me excusyd that I wryte
thus homly and briefly on to you for truly conable space suf-
fycyd me nowt.No more atte this tyme butte the Trynyte hawe you in p¯tec-
con &c and qwan yor leysyr is resorte ageyn on to yor college
the Inner Temple for ther ben many qwych sor desyr yor prsence,
Welles and othyr, &cWretyn in le fest de touts Seynts ent’ Messe & Mateyns ca-
lamo festinant,’ &c.11 ¾ by 5. Yōs 11 Rob. Reppes.
Tuesday, 1 Nov.
1440. 19 H. VI.This Letter gives us an account of the Ceremonies used, at the time the Duke of Orleans
was released, and of the Duke of Gloucester’s absolute disapprobation of this measure.1 Charles, Duke of Orleans and Milan, was born in 1391, 14 R. II. and was taken
Prisoner at the famous battle of Agincourt, fought on Friday the 25th of October, 1415,
3 H. V. where he was found under a heap of dead bodies almost lifeless; and had con-
tinued a prisoner till this time (1 Nov. 1440, 19 H. VI.), a space of twenty-five years.Henry V. on his death bed, had ordered that this duke should not be released, till
a peace with France was concluded; and the duke of Gloucester, not only now protest-
ed against his enlargement, but had his Protest recordedThis, however, availed nothing, for the Cardinal Bishop of Winchester, Henry Beau-
fort, and his Party prevailed.The duke of Orleance died in 1465. 5 E. IV.
2 Humphrey Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester, youngest son of Henry IV. and Pro-
tector of Henry VI. was murdered at Bury St. Edmunds in 1447, by the contrivance
of Queen Margaret and the duke of Suffolk, &c.3 Harfleur, a port town in France, in the province of Normandy.
4 A scarfe, or rich embroidered handkerchief, presented him by his Sovereign Lady,
and which, in honour of her, he wore tied upon his arm; such ornaments were often
worn by Knights at their tilting matches.5 Afterwards earl Rivers, and Father to Elizabeth, the Queen of Edward IV.—He
was beheaded at Banbury, in 1469.6 Third Son of John, the famous Earl of Shrewsbury. He was slain in the battle
of Northampton, in July, 1460, fighting for the house of Lancaster.
7 The Wingfields were an ancient family seated at Wingfield Castle, and at Lethe-
ringham in Suffolk.8 Referring to this Outlawry, on the back of the original Letter, in an ancient hand,
is written, “ a lewde practise in those dayes.”9 John Mowbray.
10 William de la Pole, earl of Suffolk; he was afterwards duke of Suffolk, and
beheaded at sea, in 1450.11 The family of Repps flourished from the Conquest, for many centuries, at Repps,
&c. in Norfolk.—This writer is styled in the pedigree Robert Repps, esq. and married
Margaret, daughter of ——. Pl. II. N° 17.Paper Mark.
A strange Animal
with one Horn.
Plate VIII. N° 1.N. B. Several of these letters have a character, either at the beginning or before the
name at the conclusion, which I apprehend signifies Jesu Maria. This has it at the
beginning. It is represented before T. Cant. Plate 1. No. 9; before J. Fastolf, Pl. 11.
No. 15; and more fully before Henry Berry, Pl. v. No. 19. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume I' (2nd transcript)
To my right reverend, and right honourable Master, John Paston,
be this given.SAlvete, &c. Tidings, the duke of 1 Orleans hath made his
oath upon the sacrament, and used it, never for to bear
arms against England, in the presence of the King, and all the
Lords, except my Lord of 2 Gloucester; and in proving my said
Lord of Gloucester agreed never to his deliverance, when the
Mass began, he took his barge, &c.
God give grace the said Lord of Orleans be true, for this same
week shall he towards France.Also Frenchmen and Picards a great number came to3 Arfleet,
for to have rescued it; and our Lords with their small puissance
manly beat them, and put them to flight, and blessed be our
Lord, have taken the said City of Arfleet; the which is a great
Jewel to all England, and especially to our Country.
Moreover there is one come into England, a Knight out of
Spain, with a4 Kerchief of Plesaunce enwrapped about his arm;
the which Knight will run a Course with a sharp spear for his So-
vereign Lady’s sake, whom, either sir Richard5 Wodvile, or sir
Christopher6 Talbot, shall deliver to the worship of England,
and of themselves by God’s grace.Farthermore ye be remembred, that an Esquire of Suffolk,
called John Lyston recovered in assize of novel disseisin, seven
hundred marks (466l. 13s. 4d.) in Damages against sir Robert
Wingfield, &c. In avoiding of the payment of the said 700
marks, the said sir Robert7 Wingfield, subtlely hath8 outlawed
the said John Lyston in Nottinghamshire, by the vertue of which
Outlawry, all manner of chattel to the said John Lyston apper-
taining are accrued unto the king, &c. And anon (as soon) as
the said Outlawry was certified, my Lord Treasurer granted the said
700 marks to my Lord of9 Norfolk, for the arrears of his sowde
(pay) whilst he was in Scotland. And according to this assign-
ment aforesaid, Tailles (were) delivered &c. And my lord ofNorfolk hath released the same 700 marks to sir Robert Wing-
field.And here is great heaving and shoving by my Lord of 10 Suf-
folk and all his Counsel, for to espy how this matter came about,
&c. Sir, I beseech (you) recommend me unto my Mistress your
Mother, to my Mistress your Wife, and to my Mistress your Sis-
ter, et omnibus alijs quorum interest, &c.Sir, I pray you, with all my heart, hold me excused, that I
write thus homely and briefly unto you, for truly convenable
(competent) space sufficed me not.No more, at this time, but the Trinity have you in protection,
&c. and when your leisure is, resort again unto your college, the
Inner Temple, for there be many which sore desire your pre-
sence, Welles and others, &c.Written on the Feast of All Saints, between Mass and Matins
calamo festinante, &c.11 ? by 5.
All-Saints-Day, Yours, 11 ROBERT REPPS.
Tuesday, 1 Nov.
1440. 19 H. VI.This Letter gives us an account of the Ceremonies used, at the time the Duke of Orleans
was released, and of the Duke of Gloucester’s absolute disapprobation of this measure.1 Charles, Duke of Orleans and Milan, was born in 1391, 14 R. II. and was taken
Prisoner at the famous battle of Agincourt, fought on Friday the 25th of October, 1415,
3 H. V. where he was found under a heap of dead bodies almost lifeless; and had con-
tinued a prisoner till this time (1 Nov. 1440, 19 H. VI.), a space of twenty-five years.Henry V. on his death bed, had ordered that this duke should not be released, till
a peace with France was concluded; and the duke of Gloucester, not only now protest-
ed against his enlargement, but had his Protest recordedThis, however, availed nothing, for the Cardinal Bishop of Winchester, Henry Beau-
fort, and his Party prevailed.The duke of Orleance died in 1465. 5 E. IV.
2 Humphrey Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester, youngest son of Henry IV. and Pro-
tector of Henry VI. was murdered at Bury St. Edmunds in 1447, by the contrivance
of Queen Margaret and the duke of Suffolk, &c.3 Harfleur, a port town in France, in the province of Normandy.
4 A scarfe, or rich embroidered handkerchief, presented him by his Sovereign Lady,
and which, in honour of her, he wore tied upon his arm; such ornaments were often
worn by Knights at their tilting matches.5 Afterwards earl Rivers, and Father to Elizabeth, the Queen of Edward IV.—He
was beheaded at Banbury, in 1469.6 Third Son of John, the famous Earl of Shrewsbury. He was slain in the battle
of Northampton, in July, 1460, fighting for the house of Lancaster.
7 The Wingfields were an ancient family seated at Wingfield Castle, and at Lethe-
ringham in Suffolk.8 Referring to this Outlawry, on the back of the original Letter, in an ancient hand,
is written, “ a lewde practise in those dayes.”9 John Mowbray.
10 William de la Pole, earl of Suffolk; he was afterwards duke of Suffolk, and
beheaded at sea, in 1450.11 The family of Repps flourished from the Conquest, for many centuries, at Repps,
&c. in Norfolk.—This writer is styled in the pedigree Robert Repps, esq. and married
Margaret, daughter of ——. Pl. II. N° 17.Paper Mark.
A strange Animal
with one Horn.
Plate VIII. N° 1.N. B. Several of these letters have a character, either at the beginning or before the
name at the conclusion, which I apprehend signifies Jesu Maria. This has it at the
beginning. It is represented before T. Cant. Plate 1. No. 9; before J. Fastolf, Pl. 11.
No. 15; and more fully before Henry Berry, Pl. v. No. 19. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume II'
A mon tresreverent et treshonerable Maister John Paston soit doné.
SALVETE, &c. Tytyngs, the Duk of Orlyawnce3 hath
made his oath upon the Sacrement, and usyd it, never
for to bere armes ayenst Englond, in the presence of
the Kyng and all the Lordes, except my Lord of Gloucestre.4And proving my seyde Lord of Gloucestre agreyd never to
hys delyveraunce, qwan the masse began he toke his barge, &c.God yef grace the seide Lord of Orlyaunce be trewe, for
this same weke shall he to ward Fraunce.Also Freynchmen and Pykardes, a gret nowmbre, kome to
Arfleet,1 for to arescuyd [have rescued] it; and our Lordes
wyth here smal pusaunce manly bytte [beat] them, and pytte
hem to flyte, and, blyssyd be our Lord, have take the seide
cite of Arflet; the qwych is a great juell to all Englond, and
in especiall to our cuntre.Moreover there is j. [i.e. one] kome in to Englond, a
Knyght out of Spayne, wyth a kercheff of plesaunce i wrapped
aboute hys arme; the qwych Knyght wyl renne a cours wyth
a sharpe spere for his sovereyn lady sake; qwom other [either]
Sir Richard Wodvyle2 or Sir Christofore Talbot3 shall delyver,
to the wyrchip of Englond and of hem selff, be Goddes grace.Ferthermore, ye be remembryd that an esquyer of Suffolk,
callyd John Lyston, recoveryd in assisa nov disseisin 4 vijc
[700] marc in damages ayenst Sir Robert Wyngfeld, &c. In
avoydyng of the payement of the seid vij. c. marc, the seide
Sir Robert Wyngfeld sotylly hath outlaywed the seide John
Lyston in Notyngham shir, be the vertue of qwch outlagare,
all maner of chattell to the seide John Lyston apperteynyng,
arn acruwyd on to the Kyng, &c. And anon as the seide
utlagare was certyfyed, my Lord Tresorer5 graunted the seid
vij. c. marc to my Lord of Norffolk, for the arrerag of hys
sowde [pay] qwyl he was in Scotland; and, acordyng to this
assignement forseide, taylles [tallies] delyvered. And my Lord
of Norffolk hath relesyd the same vij. c. marc to Sir Robert
Wyngfeld. And here is greet hevyng an shovyng be my Lord
of Suffolk and all his counsell for to aspye hough this mater
kam aboute, &c.Sir, I beseche recomende me on to my mastres your modyr,
to my mastres your wyff, and to my mastres your suster, et
omnibus alijs quorum interest, &c.Sir, I pray you, wyth all myn hert, hold me excusyd that I
wryte thus homly and briefly on to you, for truly convenable
space suffycyd me nowt.No more atte this tyme, butte the Trynyte have you
in proteccion, &c.; and qwan your leysyr is, resorte ageyn on
to your college, the Inner Temple, for ther ben many qwych
sor desyr your presence, Welles and othyr, &c.Wretyn in le fest de touts Seynts, entre Messe et Mateyns,
calamo festinante, &c. Yours, ROB. REPPES.2 [From Fenn, i. 4.] This letter was written in 1440, the year of the release
of the Duke of Orleans.3 Charles, Duke of Orleans, who was taken prisoner at the battle of Agincourt in
1415, and had never since been released.4 Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, uncle of the King, and before this time
Protector.1 Harfleur. 2 Afterwards Earl Rivers, father of Elizabeth, Queen of Edward IV.
3 Third son of John, the famous Earl of Shrewsbury.
4 i.e., in an assize of novel disseisin—an ancient law process.
5 Ralph, Lord Cromwell.
NOV. 11440
NOV. 11440
NOV. 1