Robert Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Robert Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 156, p. 99
- Date
- [1503]
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 147; Kirby, item 182
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
182 Robert Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton, [1503] (No. 56, p. 99)
After most harty & due comendations, I recomend me vnto your
mastership & brotherhode; & wheras my brother William, like as I
shewed you a byll, hath in his name & myne, put a byll vnto the kings
grace agaynst Rocliffe & Suttell, which hath made answere, as appeareth
in the byll I sent you by Ball. And the kings Counsell comaunded my
brother Wylliam to goe & enter into Okbroke;1 & so, in his coming
home he went thither, & wold have entred, & William Saucheverell2
wold not suffer him; & he showed þe copie of our deed, & he wold
not admyt it; but the tenaunts sayd if he come againe afore Alhal-
lowmes & bryng the deeds under seale, they shold endeuer them to
pay us. And I thinke to send Sir Robart North thither with him in the
weke next after Alhallowmase. Wherfore I pray you ?at ye will lett Sir
Robart haue the ijd deed with him in a box, which is of feoffment,
thider, to ?e intent abousayd, & ye shall haue them deliuered againe
vnto you, or my lady, whether ye shall please. And if you wyll my
brother Wylliam bring them vp to you vnto London, I shall bynd me
?at he shall trewly deliuer you them. [p. 100] And of your gud mynd &
pleasure in thes premysses, I pray you ?at ye will vochsafe to send me
knowledge in wryting. And, Sir, I vnderstand your adversaries reporteth
your matter shalbe determyned by the kyngs iudges and sergiants, and
ther, I dout me, ye gitt but litle favor.3 Therfore ?e sonner ye goe up,
I trust yt be ?e better for you. And almyghty Jesu perserue you & send
you gud speed in all your busines; & ?at shalbe my daly prayer, as
God knoweth. At York, this Munday.Your servant Robt Plomptona
Endorsed (p. 99): To my right worshipfull <master &> brother Sir
[Robart] Plompton knight for ?e kings bodya Appended: Copied ?e 24 of Aprill 1613.
1 150n.
2 155n.
3 This review was Henry VII?s response to Sir Robert?s appeal against the injustice of
the verdicts at Nottingham and York, 166, 177, 206. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my right worshipfull master and brother, Sir Robart Plompton,
knyght for the King's body.After most harty and due recomendations, I recomend me unto
your mastership and brotherhode; and wheras my brother Wil-
liam, like as I shewed you a byll, hath in his name and myne put
a byll unto the Kings grace agaynst Rocliffe and Suttell, which
hath made answere, as appearethe in the byll I sent you by Ball.
And the Kings counsell comaunded my brother Wylliam to goe
and enter into Ocbroke; and so, in his coming home, he went the-
ther, and wold have entred, and William Sawcheverell wold not
suffer him. And he shewed the copie of our deed, and he wold
not admyt it; but the tenaunts sayd, if he come againe afor alhal-
lowes, and bryng the deeds under seale, they shold endever them
to pay us. And I thinke to send Sir Robart North thither with
him, in the weke next afore alhallowmase. Wherfore I pray you
that ye will lett Sir Robart have te ijd deed with him in a box,
which is of feoffment, thider, to the intent abousayd; and ye
shall have them delivered againe unto you, or my lady, whether
ye shal please. And if you wyll my brother Wylliam bring them
up to you unto London, I shall bynd me that shall trewly de-
liver you them. And of your gud mynd and pleasure in thes pre-
myses, I pray you that ye will vochsafe to send me knowledge in
wryting. And, Sir, I understand your adversaries reporteth, your
matter shalbe determyned by the Kyngs Judges and Sergiants,
and ther, I dout me, ye gitt but litle favor. Therfore the sonner
ye goe up, I trust yt be the better for you. And almyghty Jesu
preserve you, and send you gud speede in all your business, and
that shalbe my daly prayer, as God knoweth. At York, this
Munday.(Anno 1503.) Your servant ROBART PLOMPTON.