Robert Pichard to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Robert Pichard to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 209, p. 145
- Date
- 27 January [1500-1503/4]
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 163; Kirby, item 178
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
178 Robert Pichard1 to Sir Robert Plumpton 27 January [1500 ×
1503/4] (No. 209, p. 146)Right worshipfull Sir, in my best maner I comend me vnto you. And
vnderstand þat but layte ye have made clame & pretence vnto a
certayne land in Rybstone of long tyme in the tennor [p. 147] of one
John Ampleforthe,a the which, abouc þe tyme wherof is any memory,
hath belonged vnto þe person of Spofford for the tyme beying, wher,
[. . .]b though all vnworthy, at this tyme I occupie þe rowme, & the
same land, without any let or interuption hath had at his dissposicion,
as is wel known to all ancient & aged persones within the lordship of
the same, & nygh in þe country thervnto. Wherfore, Sir, I trust veryly,
of your wyssdome, ye will not in þat matter, nor in [. . .]c no other, any
thing attempt against the right of me & my sayd church more than ye
have heretofore done in þe tyme of my predecessorЗ, or of ther deputs
and fermors. And if ye redely will, I must defend me & my sayd right
as I may, & so will. Neuertheless, if I may have the right of my church
with your loue & favor, I wold be right glad, for right loth I wold be,
not compelled, to be in troble with you, or any worshipfull of my
parishe. Therfor, Sir, I requier you to let me have my right peasiably
as my predecessors tofore hath had, & so doing, ye shall have my
service, & otherwise not, as this berer, my servant, to whom please yt
you to give credence, shall more largly shew you on my behalfe.
Wrytten at Pettewoorth2 the xxvij of January, with the hand of him þat
wold, having noo cause to the contrary, owe you his service.Robart Pichard person of Spofforthed
Endorsed (p. 146): To the right worshipfull Sir Robt Plompton knight
a Marginal note: Land in Ribston vidz.
b of deleted.
c any deleted.
d Appended: Copied þe 11th of May 1613.
1 Incumbent of Spofforth (d.1502), presented by the 5th earl of Northumberland, 14
Dec. 1499, shortly after receiving livery of his estates, Kirk, 62; 125n, 183.2 The Sussex estate of Petworth which belonged to Northumberland.
- Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To the right worshipfull Sir Robart Plompton, knight.
Right worshipfull Sir, in my best maner I comend me unto
you; and understond that but layte ye have made clame and
pretence unto a certayne land in Rybstone,a of long tyme in the
tennor of one John Ampleforthe, the which, above the tyme
wherof is any memory, hath belonged unto the parson of Spof-
ford for the tyme beying, wher, though all unworthy, at this tyme
I occupie the rowme, and the same land without any let or inte-
ruption hath had at his disposicion, as is well knowne to all ancient
and aged persones within the Lordship of the same, and nygh in
the country therunto. Wherfore, Sir, I trust veryly of your
wyssdome ye will not in that matter, nor in noe other, anything
attempt against the right of me, and my sayd Church, more than
ye have heretofore done in the tyme of my predecessors, or of
ther deputs and fermors. And if ye nedley will, I must defend
me and my sayd right as I may, and so will; nevertheles, if I
may have the right of my church with your love and favor, I
wold be right glad, for right loth I wold be, not compelled, to be
in troble with you, or any worshipfull of my parishe. Therfore,
Sir, I requier you to let me have my right peasiably, as my pre-
decessors tofore hath had, and so doing, ye shall have my service,
and otherwise not, as this berer, my servant, to whom please yt
you to give credence, shall more largly shew you on my behalfe.
Wrytten at Pettewoorth, the xxvii of January, with the land of
him that wold, having noo cause to the contrary, owe you his
parson of Spofforthe.
a Could this have been the land in Rybston field, of which Lady Plumpton speaks
in the preceding letter? If so, the attempt to sell it appears only to have added to
the Knight's misfortunes in drawing down upon him the wrath of the rector of his
parish, and the displeasure of the powerful Earl of Northumberland. (See next