R[obert] Medford to Thomas Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- R[obert] Medford to Thomas Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/59
- Date
- 1466
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 83; Kingsford, Vol I, item 83
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
Clearly written in the year that Stonor was sheriff of Oxford and Berks,
i.e. in 1465-66. Medford was presumably under-sheriff; he occurs in that
capacity between 1467 and 1472 (Early Chancery Proceedings, 46/307).
See also the reference to Robert Medford under date 1467 in vol. ii, p. 167.
From A.C., xlvi, 59.32After due recommendacion unto your maistershipp be hadde: like
yow to wete þat y have be with my maisterys Langford and Roger as
for be quenys gold.33 Langford hathe promysed me to pay yow at
London þis same weke: and as for Roger, y sende yow v. marcs for
his parte: yff so be þat Langford make defaute þe ye most gete lenger
day of his parte, and þer for y sende yow be writte white backed &c.
Also y sende yowe a noþer writte endosed ayenst my maister Restwold:
ye most sende unto hym for þe seid C. s. Also y sende yowe a noþer
writte ayenst Dalamar. As for be vendicioni exponas, ye seye þat ye
have paid þe money: þer for y sende yowe the writte white, and sende
ye most sende Combes word. Syr, y sende yow a capias þat Langford
delyvered me, as y rode homeward, which y coude nat serve for lac of
tyme, praying yowe to put hym yn to þe bondell amonges Berk,
writtes. Syr, y wold have come to Walyngford as to morowe: but
þer shalle be a privy Session at Charlehamstre by Hungeford, and þer
will be Dalamar, and þer y may be suere to speke with hym for suche
writtes as byn ayenst hym &c. On Sunday Dalamar was at Lytelcoote,
and þer was cominicasion as for ?e child: but y hire seye they were
for a part. To morowe at Hungeford at þe said Sessions I shalle
knowe more: for þer wilbe Syr George Darell, and Syr Ric. Darell
bothe. Besekyng yowe to send forthe þes writtes to London, þat they
may be in court on Wennesday erly, and þat ye sende summe man to
Walyngford to awayte þer &c. Wreten at Shaldebourne in hast þis
same mornynge.Your owne servaunt, R. Medford.
To my reverent Maister Thomas Stonor.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
Clearly written in the year that Stonor was sheriff of Oxford and Berks,
i.e. in 1465-66. Medford was presumably under-sheriff; he occurs in that
capacity between 1467 and 1472 (Early Chancery Proceedings, 46/307).
See also the reference to Robert Medford under date 1467 in vol. ii, p. 167.
From A.C., xlvi, 59.After due recommendacion unto your maistershipp be hadde: like
yow to wete þat y have be with my maisterys Langford and Roger as
for þe quenys gold. Langford hathe promysed me to pay yow at
London þis same weke: and as for Roger, y sende yow v. marcs for
his parte: yff so be þat Langford make defaute þe ye most gete lenger
day of his parte, and þer for y sende yow þe writte white backed &c.
Also y sende yowe a noþer writte endosed ayenst my maister Restwold:
ye most sende unto hym for þe seid C. s. Also y sende yowe a noþer
writte ayenst Dalamar. As for þe vendicioni exponas, ye seye þat ye
have paid þe money: þer for y sende yowe the writte white, and sende
ye most sende Combes word. Syr, y sende yow a capias þat Langford
delyvered me, as y rode homeward, which y coude nat serve for lac of
tyme, praying yowe to put hym yn to þe bondell amonges Berk.
writtes. Syr, y wold have come to Walyngford as to morowe: but
þer shalle be a privy Session at Charlehamstre by Hungeford, and þer
will be Dalamar, and þer y may be suere to speke with hym for suche
writtes as byn ayenst hym &c. On Sunday Dalamar was at Lytelcoote,
and þer was cominicasion as for þe child: but y hire seye they were
for a part. To morowe at Hungeford at þe said Sessions I shalle
knowe more: for þer wilbe Syr George Darell, and Syr Ric. Darell
bothe. Besekyng yowe to send forthe þes writtes to London, þat they
may be in court on Wennesday erly, and þat ye sende summe man to
Walyngford to awayte þer &c. Wreten at Shaldebourne in hast þis
same momynge.Your owne servaunt, R. Medford.
To my reverent Maister Thomas Stonor.