A tres reverent Sire, John Paston, Esquier, demouraunt ou lostell le Roy soit d[onne].
RIGHT worshipfull sir, I recomaund me to you. And, sir, yesterday I resceived of you a lettre from oure sovereign lord the Kyng directe to John Fulman, dyvers othir, and me, by the quych, for certeyn causes that meved hym, and for the well and save gard of his person and this his realme, he desired we chuld fynd men for kepyng of the see. I said to you that I hade beyn dyvers tymes spoled and robbed, as ye have herd, and also gretely vexed and sued to me [my] unportab[l]e [charges];2 nevir the les, to my pouer, with my body and my gode, I chall be redy to do hym servyce in resistyng his enmyse and rebelles. Also I said I dwelled uppon the cost of the see here, and be langage hit were more necessare to with hold men here than take men from hit. The said the Kyng hade wreton to dyvers persones here quych hade promysed men, queruppon I promysed a man, quych chall be redy at such tyme I have knowelege quere the shippyng chall be, to waite uppon yow, or quane the Kyng comaundes. I write to you of my promyse as ye comaund me, and pray you I may have a copy of the said lettre. And I pray Godd kepe you. Wrete at Plumsted on the Fest of Seynt Gervaise and Prothase.3
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] As we find by the last letter that John Paston was with the King in the beginning of June 1461, this may with great probability be attributed to the same year.
2 Omitted in MS.
3 19th June.