Robert Kyllygrewe to Richard Wasse
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Robert Kyllygrewe to Richard Wasse
- Reference
- Add. 34889, f. 181
- Date
- n.d.
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol VI, item 1083; Gairdner, 'Paston Letters', item 105
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume VI'
Thys letter be delyvyrde on to my fadyrynlav Rychard Wasse
dewelly yn the parris of Morton.WELLE belovyd fadyr, y recommende me on to you,
and y thonke you of your gode cherre to me beyng
vyt you laste, &c. Fadyr, hyt ysso asfor the
promysse that ys by twyxt you and me, y hope to God to
contayne you of my promysse. So by that y am so lenge on
y payde on to you, Fadyr, hyt ysso ye have y lefte me yn so
grete a danger wyt the reparasyon of Wolston ande wythe
Benet Barnarde that y am so lenge byhynde vyt you of my
promys; nere the les y have sende you by Herry Penennec
iiij. mark a fore Crystmas, ande the wederyng fyl so fowle a
konnot go on to you. Fadyr, hyt yesso y have payde Benet
Barnarde viij. marke for the fe that ye made on to hym, and
more y moste pay hym for you, for he axyt of you yn holle
xijli. wyt the fe, ande hys labor that a dyde for you yn
London. For he sayt that ye nevyr payde hym of no fyne,
nodyr for no odyr coste that a dyde for you wylle ye werre yn
thys contray. Therfore y pray you to sende on to me a dys-
charge for the sayde xijli., or ellys a wolle dystrayne me and
put me to scharge an coste as a hath strayne my tenenttes
byfore for thys mater and costys. For dermore Boryng hath
take an accion yn the comyn law ayenst us bothe, entendyng
to dryve us to a new particion, for a shewyth owre to tenentes
to tempe ande meve them to cry fore a noder particion, ande
to have suche as plesyth hym to hys reteyne; and therfore,
but we have the better consayle hyt woll cost moch mony
wyth owt dowt. Ther fore send me suche evydens as may
dyscharge and save bothe you and me, wyche byth yn your
hon dysposal; hyt hath coste me xls. for the accion that he
hath take ayenst Tomas Snel and Wyllyam Snell, for bycause
that T. Snell forbede1 Bouryng ys tenents fro my wode yn
Boter towne, which bythe alders. Your doctor [daughter] re-
commende hyr on to you and prayyt of your dayly blessyng,
and sche hat a son, bleste by God. Namore to you at thys
tymme. God have you yn Hys kepyng.—By your Son,ROBERTE KYLLY GREWE.
2 [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 181.] It is difficult to connect this letter with the rest of
the Paston correspondence, or to give any idea as to its date.1 ?forbede? repeated in MS.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, 1422-1509'
[Add. MS. 34,889, f. 181]
It is difficult to connect this letter with the rest of the Paston Corre-
spondence, or to give any idea as to its date.Thys letter be delyvyrde on to my fadyrynlav Rychard
Wasse dewelly yn the parris of Morton.MELLE belovyd fadyr, y recommende me on
to you, and y thonke you of your gode
cherre to me beyng vyt you laste, &c.
Fadyr, hyt ysso asfor the promysse that ys
by twyxt you and me, y hope to God to contayne
you of my promysse. So by that y am so lenge on
y payde on to you, Fadyr, hyt ysso ye have y lefte
me yn so grete a danger wyt the reparasyon of
Wolston ande wythe Benet Barnarde that y am so
lenge byhynde vyt you of my promys; nere the les
y have sende you by Herry Penennec iiij. mark a
fore Crystmas, ande the wederyng fyl so fowle a
konnot go on to you. Fadyr, hyt yesso y have payde
Benet Barnarde viij. marke for the fe that ye made on
to hym, and more y moste pay hym for you, for he
axyt of you yn holle xijli. wyt the fe, ande hys labor
that a dyde for you yn London. For he sayt that
ye nevyr payde hym of no fyne, nodyr for no odyr
coste that a dyde for you wylle ye werre yn thys
contray. Therfore y pray you to sende on to me a
dyscharge for the sayde xijli., or ellys a wolle dys-
trayne me and put me to scharge an coste as a
hath strayne my tenenttes byfore for thys mater and
costys. For dermore Boryng hath take an accion yn
the comyn law ayenst us bothe, entendyng to dryve
us to a new particion, for a shewyth owre to ten-
entes to tempe ande meve them to cry for a noder
particion, ande to have suche as plesyth hym to hys
reteyne; and therfore, but we have the better con-
sayle hyt woll cost moch mony wyth owt dowt.
Ther fore send me suche evydens as may dys-
charge and save bothe you and me, wyche byth yn
your hon dysposal; hyt hath coste me xls. for the
accion that he hath take ayenst Tomas Snel and
Wyllyam Snell, for bycause that T. Snell forbede1
Bouryng ys tenents fro my wode yn Boter towne,
which bythe alders. Your doctor [daughter] recom-
mende hyr on to you and prayyt of your dayly
blessyng, and sche hat a son, bleste by God. Namore
to you at thys tymme. God have you yn Hys
kepyng.—By your Son,ROBERTE KYLLY GREWE.
1 ‘forbede’ repeated in MS.