Robert Girlington to Mrs Isabel Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Robert Girlington to Mrs Isabel Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 8, p. 187
- Date
- 10 February [1549/50]
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To other members of the Plumpton family', item 30; Kirby, item 250
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
250 Robert Girlington1 to Mrs Isabel Plumpton, 10 February
[1549/50] (No. 8, p. 187)Right worshipfull and my singuler good Aunt,a my deuty to you
premised, I haue me recommended vnto you. This shall be to certyfy
you that according to your commaundment haith kept your cort at
Sacompte, and there Setle, your servant, reseiued of [. . .]b <tow> men
that was admited tennements at this your cort iiijli saue 40d; and of
one power woman xiijs 4d; [. . .]c <which> was admitted tennements
in reverscion he did receiue xjs, which I haue written to you, ouer and
aboue your rents and your estreats. And I desire you, good Aunt, to
let me know how you will haue your corts ordered, whether you will
haue them kept one or tow times in the yeare, by your next letter; and
I, acording to your commaundement gevin I shold doe, with the grace
of almighty Jesus, who haue you, yours and all your houshold in his
blessed keping. Written the xth of FebuarijBy yours to comaund Robart Girlingtond
Endorsed: To his right worshipfull aunt Mrs Isabell Plompton at Plompton
Hall deliuer thisa Marginal note: 8 letter by Rob: Girlington.
b Tolle deleted.
c whitch deleted.
d Marginal note. Copied the 6 of June 1626, Tewsday.
1 Possibly Robert, a younger son of Nicholas Girlington, of Hackforth, Richmondshire.
His father, or grandfather, supported Sir Robert at the York assizes 1502. Stapleton
suggests that Robert may have been related to Isabel Plumpton through his father’s
marriage with William Elleson’s sister Joan, Flower’s Visitation, 141; Stapleton, 256n.; CB,
824; 129, 162; App. II, 68. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To his right worshipfull Aunt, Mrs. Isabell Plompton, at Plomton
Hall, deliver this.Right worshipfull and my singuler good Aunt, my deuty to you
premised, I have me recommended unto you. This shall be to certyfy
you that according to your commaundment haith kept your cort
at Sacompte, and there Setlea, your servant, reseived of tow men that
was admited tennements at this your cort iiij li save 40d, and of
one power woman xiiis. 4d; which was admited tennements in re-
scion he did receive xis, which I have written to you, over and
above your rents and your estreats. And I desire, good Aunt, to let
me know how you will have your corts ordered, whether you will
have them kept one or tow times in the yeare, by your next letter;
and I according to your commanundement terein I shold doe,
with the grace of Almighty Jesus, who have you, yours, and all
your hoshold in his blessed keeping. Written the Xth of
Februarii.By yours to comaund
a By charter dated 6th Jan. 5 Edw. VI. 1551-2, Isabella Plumpton granted to
Robert Sittills, for term of his life, an annuity of 261, 8s. 8d. issuing out of lands in
Kirkby-upon-Wharfe, or elsewhere within the county of York. (Towneley MSS.
G.24).b A nicholas Girlington was one of the many friends and lovers who rode with Sir
Robert Plumpton to York, to maintain him in his suit with Suttell and Rocliffe, at the
Lammas Assize in the year 1502, and to William Girlington, gent. William Plumpton,
and Isabel or Elizabeth his wife, y their deed dated 3 Mar. 22 Hen. VII. 1506, con-
veyed their lands and tenements in Eastofts, in the county of York, for 33l. 15s.
(Chartul. No. 830.) Burton, in the Pedigree of Babthorpe, printed in his Specimen
History of the parish of Hemingborough, marries Robert Babthorpe, the father of Isasbel
Plumpton, to Joan the daughter of Nicholas Girlington; but this statement is dis-
proved by the evidence that Glover had seen, which renders it more than probable
that she was by birth a Hagthorpe. I venture, therefore, to infer from the testimony
of this letter a marriage between the father of Robert Girlington, mistaken for
Robert Babthorpe, and joan, half-sister of Isabel Plumpton, of the family of Elson of
Selby; for it is only upon this supposition that I can account for her being addressed
by him as "my singuler good Aunt." (See the Note to Letter CLXXIX. p. 118.)