104 Robert Fitz John, abbot of Lilleshall,1 to Sir Robert Plumpton [20 March 1491/2] (No. 67, p. 39)
Right worshipfull Sir, I recomennd me vnto you, thanking you as hartely as I can for your great kyndnes & gentlenes shewed to me and to my poore tenaunts in Arkenden. And wheras ye haue written to me þat one Robert Walkinham2 is iniuried & wronged of his tennor in Arkenden, contrarie to right & concience. Wherfore I purposse, sonne after Whitsontide next comying to send a brother of myne and other officers to Arkenden, and ther to haue a court to be houlden, & right to be had, according to reason & good concience, with the <grace> of God, who haue you in his gouernance. Written in hast on Tewsday in the ijd week of Lent.
Your good lover The Abbot of Lilleshilla
Endorsed: To the right worshipfull Sir Robart Plompton kt be thes letter deliuered
a Appended: This letter hath a seale. Copied 12 of March 1612.
1 Elected abbot of the Augustinian abbey of St Mary, Lilleshall 1464, resigned 1499. The abbey held property in Arkendale, near Knaresborough and retained Sir Robert as steward, VCH, Shropshire, ed. A.T. Gaydon, ii (1973), 79: CPR 1461–67, 334; ibid., 1494– 1509, 107.