Robert Eyre III to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Robert Eyre III to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 106, p. 63
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 127; Kirby, item 158
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
158 Robert Eyre III to Sir Robert Plumpton, [September 1501] (No. 106,
p. 63)Right worshipfull brother, I recomend me vnto you, & to my lady your
wiffe, & to my daughter Margaret. Brother, I spake with Frowick1 on
Satterday next after St Bartelmew Day,2 & I enquired of him whether
the assisse held at Nottingham & Darby or not; & he answered & sayd
þat he cold not tell, nor man els, vnto Munday next after, for þat day
the kings grace had comaunded all the iudges & servants to be with
him at Richmond; & whether he wold command them to keepe your
servants, or to tarry for other besines at þat tyme,3 he west neuer. Also,
brother, as for your parte of your pannell, I am promysed suerty they
will appere, whose names ar closed in a byll; but as to the attachment
of your proces for your sute,4 is not yet, as fare as I vnderstand. But I
send about it vnto þe shereffe as sone as Hare Harlad com from you,
for sume remedy ther, if he myspede. I haue sent you part the names
of þe enpannell for Suttell & Rocliffe, which be in the end of the Hye
Peyke, of þe which diuers haue promysed me not to appere, & moe I
trust for to stoppe. Marveling ye send nobody to Darby for to take you
lodging, for Empson hath taken much lodging for him, as I am
enformed. Also, I shall wate one you at Nottingham one Sunday next,
except ye comand me contrary. Praying you to send me answer shortly.Your loving brother Robart Eyre esquirea
Endorsed: To my right worshipfull brother Sir Robart Plompton kt
deliuer thesea Appended: Copied þe 7th of Aprill 1613.
1 152, Marginal note.
2 Saturday, 24 Aug. 1501. On 4 Aug. writs had been issued to the four justices specially
appointed for the trials at Nottingham and York. 181; Kirby, NH, xxv, 118; App. II, 61.3 Until the judges and sergeants had received their instructions from the king in person
the holding of the assize v. Plumpton could have been delayed. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my right worshipfull brother, Sir Robart Plompton, kt.
deliver these.Right worshipfull brother, I recomend me unto you and to my
lady, your wyfe, and to my daughter Margret. Brother, I spake
with Frowick on Satterday next after St. Bartelmewday,a and I
enquired of him whether the assisse held at Nottingham and
Darby, or not; and he answered and sayd, that he cold not tell,
nor man els, unto munday next after, for that day the Kings
grace had comanded all the Judges and Servants to be with him
at Richmond, and whether he wold comand them to kepe your
Servants, or to tary for other besines at that tyme, he west never.
Also, brother, as for you parte of your panell, I am promysed
suerly they will appere, whose names ar closed in a byll; but as
to the attachment of the proces for your sute,b is not yet, as fare
as I understand. But I send about it unto the Shereffe as sone
as Hare Harlad com from you, for sume remedy ther, if he myspede.
I have sent you part the names of the enpannell for Suttell and
Rocliffe, which be in the end of the Hye Peyke, of the which
divers have promysed me not to appere, and moe I trust for to
stoppe. Marveling ye sent nobody to Darby for to take you lodg-
ing, for Emson hath taken much lodging for him, as I am en-
firmed. Also I shall wate one you at Nottingham one sundaynext, except ye comand me contrary, praying you to send me
answere shortly.Your loving brother, ROBART EYRE, esquire.c
(September 1501.)
a In the year 1501 the feast of St. Bartholomew (24 Aug.) fell on a Tuesday, the
Saturday next after would therefore be the twenty-eighth, and the Monday following
the thirtieth of August.b Sir Robert Plumpton had brought a cross action in the name of his feoffees, Tho-
mas Lindley, John Swale the elder, Richard Kyghley, John Alleyn, clerk, and William
Lindley, against Sir John Rocliff, kt. and Margaret his wife, and Elizabeth Sotehill,
widow, for lands in Edinsour and Pillesley, which lands had been awarded to the heirs
general by King Rich. III.; and by the King's writ, tested at Westminster 4 Aug. 16
Hen. VII. 1501, John Vavasor and John Fissher were appointed Justices for the trial
of the same, in the country of Derby. A similar suit was instituted for the recovery of
the manors of Garsington and Steeton in Yorkshire, which, by a writ of the same date,
Humphrey Conyngesby and James Hobert, serjeants, were appointed to try before
them as Justices at York. The attachment has, however, reference probably to pro-
ceedings in Chancery on the part of Sir Robert Plumpton, by reason of the parties not
appearing under the subpena. (See Letter CXXII.)c Robert Eyre of Padley, died 13 Nov. 19 Hen. VII. 1504, when Arthur his son and
heir was of the age of twenty-three years. (Esc. 28 Jan. H. 7, n. 253, pars 1.)CAMD. SOC. 4