Robert Eyre III to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Robert Eyre III to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 102, p. 61
- Date
- 14 February [1499/1500]
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 111; Kirby, item 143
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
143 Robert Eyre III to Sir Robert Plumpton, 14 February [1499/1500] (No.
102, p. 61)Right worshipfull brother, I recomend me vnto you, & to <my> lady
your wyfe, and to my daughter & yours, with all my other cousins your
childred, desiring to heare of your welfaire & thers both, which I besech
Jesu preserve vnto your most harts comforth, evermore thanking you &
my gud lady your wyfe of the great & worsipfull chere þat I & my
kynsmen had with you. Brother, ye be remembred how the writings of
the couenaunte of marrage of my son & your daughter, as it be not
made vpp by the [. . .]a <vise of learned> counsell; wherfore, if it please
you to apoynt any day, & please about þe beginyng of <Lenten>, when
þat I might wayt vppon you, I wilbe glad to wayt vpon you & a learned
man with me; & all such promyse as I haue made on my part shalbe
well & trewly performed,1 with the grace of Jesu, for ye shall find me
ever one man. Also, brother, I pray you þat ye wold send me by my
servant William Bewott, this bringer, the payment which I shold haue
of you att Candlemas last past, for I haue put my selfe vnto more
charge since I was with you then I had before, for I haue maryed
another of my daughters, & I haue begon to make a wall about my
parke þat I shewed you I was mynded to do, which, I trust, when ye
se it, ye will like it well [. . .]b <Praying you not to fale herin,> as my
trust is in you, & to giue credence to this bringer. No more, but Jesu
preserve you. Written at Padley on St Valantyne Day, with the hand
of your brotherRobart Eyrc
Endorsed: To my right worshipfull brother Sir Robart Plumpton kt these
be deliuereda veyse of lurnd deleted.
b fale ye not to seytt deleted.
c Appended: copied the 3 day of Aprill 1613.
1 A receipt dated 4 Aug. 1500 for 20m was received by Sir Robert in acknowledgement
of an instalment on 250m covenanted for the marriage of his daughter Margaret with
the writer’s eldest son, the future Sir Arthur Eyre. For her keep 50s was to be allowed
out of each instalment, CB, 800; 139, 218. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To my right worshipfull brother, Sir Robart Plompton, kt.
these be delivered.Right worshipfull Brother, I recomend me unto you, and to my
lady your wyfe, and to my daughter and to yours, with all my
other cousins your childred, desiring to here of your welfaire and
thers both, which I besech Jesu preserve unto your most harts
comforth; evermore thanking you and my gud lady, your wyfe,
of the great and worshipful chere I and my kynsmen had with
you. Brother, ye be remembred how the writings of the cov-
naunte of marage of my son and your daughter, as it be not made
upp by the 'vise of learned counsell; wherfore, if it please you to
apoynt any day, and please about the beginyng of Lenten, when
that I myght wayt uppon you, I wilbe glad to wayt upon you, and
a learned man with me: and all such promyse as I have made on
my party shalbe well and trewly performed, with the grace of
Jesu, for ye shall find me ever one man. Also, brother, I pray
you that ye wold send me by my servant, William Bewott, this
bringer, the payment which I shold have of you att Candlemas
last past, for I have put myselfe unto more charge, since I was
with you, then I had before.a For I have maryed another of my
daughters, and I have begon to make a wall about my parke that
I shewed you I was mynded to do, which, I trust, when ye see it,
ye will like it well. Praying you not to fale herin, as my trust is
in you, and to give credence to this bringer. No more but Jesu
preserve you. Written at Padley on St. Valentyne day with the
hand of your brother,(14 Feb. anno 1499-1500.) ROBART EYR.
a Robert Eyre of Padley, com. Derb. esq. had covenanted to grant the marriage of
his eldest son, Arthur Eyre, to Sir Robert Plumpton, kt. for 250 marks; he to be
matched with Sir Robert's daughter, Margaret, for whose keep fifty shillings were to
be henceforth allowed out of each instalment. A receipt for twenty marks, parcel of
this sum, bears date 4 Aug.15 Hen. VII. 1500. (Chartul. No. 800.)