202 Robert Chaloner to Sir Robert Plumpton, 16
December [?1506] (No.
130, p. 78)
[p. 79] Right worshipfull Sir, my duty remembred, I recomend me to
your good mastership, praying you to be good master to me as to send
me iiijli, according to your appoyntement afore my master Gascoygne,
at Harwods, the which appoyntment was ?at I should send for yt
within viij days of Martynmas Day. I thinke, by the grace of God, to
goe to London within thes 2 or iij dayes, & therfore I send to you
mastership more hastyly, for because I wold have it with me to pay for
?e cost of the same suyte, & therfore I besech you to bestowe no more
labor in this behalfe; & this my letter, the which this berrer can delyver
to your mastership, shalbe a sufficient discharg of all debts & outlares
by reason of ?e sayd obligacion, as knoweth [. . .]a Jesu, who
keepe you
in worship. At Wakfeald, the xvj day of December.
Your owne to his power Robart Chalonerb
Endorsed (p. 78): To the right worshipfull Sir Robt Plompton kt in
thes [be del deleted]
a you deleted.
b Appended: Copied ?e 16 of Aprill 1613. |