Robert Bardesey to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Robert Bardesey to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/135
- Date
- 16 November [?1481]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 295; Kingsford, Vol II, item 295
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR16 NOV. [? 1481]
Robert Bardesey is probably the Robert Bardesey of Wallingford, who
died in 1482 (Cal. Inq. p.m., iv, 408). William Abell, fishmonger, of
Queenhithe, was dead before the summer of 1482, when his wife Elizabeth
had married again (Placita de Banco, Roll 881, m 528; cf. Letter Book, L.,
p. 214). The date of this letter cannot therefore be later than 1481, and
may be 1480. For Robert Warner see Nos. 203, 205 and 206. From A.C.,
xlvi, 135.55Right honourable Sir, and my especiall gode Maister, I hertily commaund
me to you: lattyng your Maistership to wytte that one Robert Warner
of Watlyngton, nowe dede, was endetted unto a especiall gode frend of
myne, William Abell of London dewellyng at Quenehith, in the summe
of xviij. li. xij. d., the parcelles whereof I send unto your maistership
enclosed herein: and for that it is do me to understande your maister-
ship or other by you assigned have the disposicion and administracion
of his godes, wich William Abell is visited grete with sekenes and
especially with a palsey, whereof I am full sory, and his wyfe and all
his frendes therefore in grete hevynesse, so that he him self may not
laboure for the recovering of his dettis: and therefore his wyfe, which
is a veray gode and a wytty woman and full well cheriseth him nowe in
his sekenesse, hath prayed me and me instanced gretely to write unto
your maistership to fynde the meane that her husbond and she might
be contented of the seide duetee: and therefore I besech you of your
seide gode maistership, that by the meanes thereof they may be con-
tented of their seide duetee, and I feithfully promyt unto your maister-
ship that they therfore shall do you a pleasure. Besechyng your seide
Maistership to hold me excused in that I this boldly take upon me to
write unto yow herein: and allmyghty Jhesu have you in his blessed
keping. Writtyn at London the xvj day of Novembre,By your servaunt Robt. Bardesey.
To my right honorable and especiall gode maister, Syr Willm, Stonor,
knyght. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR16 NOV. [? 1481]
Robert Bardesey is probably the Robert Bardesey of Wallingford, who
died in 1482 (Cal. Inq. p.m., iv, 408). William Abell, fishmonger, of
Queenhithe, was dead before the summer of 1482, when his wife Elizabeth
had married again (Placita de Banco, Roll 881, m. 528; cf. Letter Book, L.,
p. 214). The date of this letter cannot therefore be later than 1481, and
may be 1480. For Robert Warner see Nos. 203, 205 and 206. From A.C.,
xlvi, 135.Right honourable Sir, and my especiall gode Maister, I hertily commaund
me to you: lattyng your Maistership to wytte that one Robert Warner
of Watlyngton, nowe dede, was endetted unto a especiall gode frend of
myne, William Abell of London dewellyng at Quenehith, in the summe
of xviij. li. xij. d., the parcelles whereof I send unto your maistership
enclosed herein: and for that it is do me to understande your maister-
ship or other by you assigned have the disposicion and administracion
of his godes; wich William Abell is visited grete with sekenes and
especially with a palsey, whereof I am full sory, and his wyfe and all
his frendes therefore in grete hevynesse, so that he him self may not
laboure for the recovering of his dettis: and therefore his wyfe, which
is a veray gode and a wytty woman and full well cheriseth him nowe in
his sekenesse, hath prayed me and me instanced gretely to write unto
your maistership to fynde the meane that her husbond and she might
be contented of the seide duetee: and therefore I besech you of your
seide gode maistership, that by the meanes thereof they may be con-
tented of their seide duetee, and I feithfully promyt unto your maister-
ship that they therfore shall do you a pleasure. Besechyng your seide
Maistership to hold me excused in that I this boldly take upon me to
write unto yow herein: and allmyghty Jhesu have you in his blessed
keping. Writtyn at London the xvj day of Novembre,By your servaunt Robt. Bardesey.
To my right honorable and especiall gode maister, Syr Willm. Stonor,