Richard Southwell to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Southwell to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 34888, f. 78
- Date
- 18 December 1451
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol II, item 206; Fenn, Vol III, Henry VI item 92
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume III' (1st transcript)
To my Mastir Iohn
Paston Esquier.RIGHT Worshippful Sr. I recomaunde me unto you And
please it you to witte of oure newe tydinges here as this
day com writing both to my 1 lorde and to my lady from lon-
don that there be certein lettres directed to my lorde from my
lady his 2 moder and diurse other lordes for to haue 3 Danyell
in his favor a geyne and as it is supposed by the meanes of the
Duc of Somrsette for he hath ben right Convrsaunte wt hym all
this quartr of this yere. And also thei yt sente this writing sayn
playnly that the lorde Skales is gode lorde to hym and yt he hath
p’mysed hym to make Sr Thomas Tudenh’m Heydon and hym
accorded and other mē in the cuntre and that he shall be suffred
to entre in to Brayston and kepe it to yentente yt the cuntre shall
thinke and my lorde also yt he hathe grete favor amonge the
lordes of the Counsell and cause men to fere hym ye more whe-
thir it be thus or non I can not say neur the lesse me thinketh ye
shall sone knowe if Mounford will agree yt he shall entre in to
Brayston and if yt be trewe all the remerr’nt shall seme the more
likly I pray you brenne this lettr. when ye haue redde it. My
lorde and my lady sayn ye shall be right welcome and ye will se
theym this Crisemasse I reporte me to yor wisdom And god haue
you in his keping Writon at Framlyngh’m the xviij day of
Decembr.4 Ric. Southwell.
11 ? by 6.
18th of December,
Before 1460, 39 H. VI.1 John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, married Ellenor, daughter of William Bourchier,
Earl of Ewe, in Normandy.2 Catharine, daughter of Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland, and widow of John Mowbray,
Duke of Norfolk.3 Thomas Daniel, Esq. was Constable of Rising-Castle, and married Margaret, sister
of John Howard, afterwards Duke of Norfolk.He is said to have been attainted in the beginning of the reign of Edward IV. but
afterwards restored and taken into favour.4 Richard Southwell, Esq. married Amy, daughter and co-heir of Sir Edmund
Wichingham, of Wood-Rising, Esq. and so became possessor of that Estate. Autograph.
Pl. XX. No 27. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume III' (2nd transcript)
To my Master John Paston, Esq.
RIGHT worshipful Sir, I recommend me unto you, and
please it you to weet of our new tidings here; as this day
came writing both to my 1 Lord and to my Lady from London
that there be certain Letters directed to my Lord from my Lady
his 2 Mother, and divers other Lords for to have 3 Daniel in
his favour again, and as it is supposed by the means of the Duke
of Somerset, for he hath been right conversant with him all this
quarter of this year. And also they that sent this writing say
plainly that the Lord Scales is good Lord to him, and that he
hath promised him to make Sir Thomas Todenham, Heydon,
and him accorded, and other men in the country, and that he
shall be suffered to enter into Brayston, and keep it to the entent
that the country shall think, and my Lord also, that he hath
great favour amongst the Lords of the Council, and cause men
to fear him the more. Whether it be thus or no I cannot say,
nevertheless me thinketh ye shall soon know if Mounford will
agree that he shall enter into Brayston, and if that be true, all
the remenant shall seem the more likely.I pray you brenne (burn) this Letter when ye have read it.
My Lord and my Lady say ye shall be right welcome, and (if)
ye will see them this Christmas; I report me to your wisdom,
and God have you in his keeping. Written at Framlingham,
the 18th day of December.4 RICHARD SOUTHWELL.
11 ½ by 6.
18th of December,
Before 1460, 39 H. VI.1 John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, married Ellenor, daughter of William Bourchier,
Earl of Ewe, in Normandy.2 Catharine, daughter of Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland, and widow of John Mowbray,
Duke of Norfolk.3 Thomas Daniel, Esq. was Constable of Rising-Castle, and married Margaret, sister
of John Howard, afterwards Duke of Norfolk.He is said to have been attainted in the beginning of the reign of Edward IV. but
afterwards restored and taken into favour.4 Richard Southwell, Esq. married Amy, daughter and co-heir of Sir Edmund
Wichingham, of Wood-Rising, Esq. and so became possessor of that Estate. Autograph.
Pl. XX. No 27. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume II'
To my mastir, John Paston, Esquier.
RIGHT worshippful sir, I recomaunde me unto you.
And please it you to witte of oure newe tydinges
here; as this day com writing both to my Lorde2 and
to my Lady from London, that there be certein lettres directed
to my Lorde from my Lady his moder,1 and diverse other
Lordes for to have Danyell2 in his favour a geyne, and as it
is supposed by the meanes of the Duc of Somersette,3 for he
hath ben right conversaunte with hym all this quarter of this
yere. And also thei that sente this writing sayn playnly that
the Lorde Skales is gode lorde to hym, and that he hath pro-
mysed hym to make Sir Thomas Tudenham, Heydon, and
hym accorded, and other men in the cuntre, and that he shall
be suffred to entre in to Brayston, and kepe it to th’entente
that the cuntre shall thinke, and my Lord also, that he hathe
grete favour amonge the Lordes of the Counsell, and cause
men to fere hym the more. Whethir it be thus or non I
can not say; never the lesse me thinketh ye shall sone knowe
if Mounford will agree that he shall entre in to Brayston, and
if that be trewe, all the remenant shall seme the more likly.I pray you brenne this letter when ye have redde it. My
Lorde and my Lady sayn ye shall be right welcome and ye
will se theym this Crisemasse. I reporte me to your wisdom,
and God have you in his keping. Writon at Framlyngham,
the xviij. day of Decembre. RIC. SOUTHWELL.1 [From Fenn, iii. 366.] This letter must have been written in 1451. It appears
from No. 119 that Daniel entered the manor of Brayston or Braydeston during the
sitting of the Parliament at Leicester in the spring of 1450. He was dispossessed by
Mundford and Heydon on the 7th September following, but he entered the place a
second time in the 30th year of Henry VI., i.e. some time between the 1st September
1451 and the 31st August 1452. In this letter it is anticipated that he will be
enabled to enter the place by his influence with Lord Scales and the Duke of
Somerset. This cannot refer to his first entry, as Somerset was in France for a long
time before.2 John Mobray, Duke of Norfolk, married Ellenor, daughter of William Bourchier,
Earl of Ewe, in Normandy.—F.1 Catharine, daughter of Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland, and widow of John
Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk.—F.2 Thomas Daniel, Esq., was Constable of Rising Castle, and married Margaret,
sister of John Howard, afterwards Duke of Norfolk.—F.3 Edmund Beaufort.
DEC. 18
DEC. 18