Richard Quartermayns to Thomas Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Quartermayns to Thomas Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/67
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 116; Kingsford, Vol I, item 116
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
[? 12 APRIL, 1471]
There is no clear indication of the date. Quatermayns had a lawsuit with
John Barantyne as to the manors of Chalgrove and Haseley, of which he was
feoffee under the will of Barantyne's father; this was between 1467 and
1472; during the same time John Parys was parson of Haseley (Early
Chancery Proceedings, 31/440 and 39/246-8). Barantyne also had a dispute
with Thomas Mylle or Mull as executor of Richard Drayton, with reference
to a bond in surety for an annuity on the manor of Churchill; this was not
earlier than 1469 (id. 45/98). This letter may belong to the same year as
No. 118; if so it may probably be dated in 1471, when Good Friday was
12th April. From A.C.. xlvi, 67.51My right worshipfull Cosyn, with all dewe recommendacion had, I
wol ye wete that I have resseyvyd your letter send unto me by your
servaunt, berer herof: and, Cosyn, all the contenus of your writynge I
have wel understand, and where yn the seid contenu of your letter
that such promys and speche as hath be betwene yow and me att
dyverse tymes, that tho shuld be holdyn, Cosyn, I asserteyne yow that
such speche as hath be betwene yow and me I shall in my parte vary,
with the helpe of Jhesu, nether for cosyn Barentyne nether for parson
Parys, for they both shall not make me ayenst yow, and that ye shall
right wel knowe, for I truste to Jhesu that I have not be varyant of my
promys in tyme passyd: and they shall not make me brake it. How-
beit, cosyn, the seid parson Parys was with me at Ricoote appon our
Lady evyn last past, and brought with hym grete writyng under the
Seal of the deane of the Arches under my lord of Caunterbury, mak-
ynge mension of Innybucions and other mucche maters, and of appar-
aunce in the seid Arches at such days as in his Innybucions it is
conteynyd. And, cosyn, when he had shewyd me this, he willyd to
be aydyd by me. I aunsweryng hym that I wold not in no wise, but I
chargyd hym to kepe the peas, and seid hym that I had conspromytted,
and that I wold not breke with the helpe of Jhesu, whom kepe yow.
Wretyn in hast half crasyd appon goode Fryday.Your cosyn, Ric. Quat'.
To my right worshipfull Cosyn, Thomas Stoner, be this letter
deliveryd.1 Written above the line; apparently the receipts for Shipton.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
STONOR[? 12 APRIL, 1471]
There is no clear indication of the date. Quatermayns had a lawsuit with
John Barantyne as to the manors of Chalgrove and Haseley, of which he was
feoffee under the will of Barantyne’s father; this was between 1467 and
1472; during the same time John Parys was parson of Haseley (Early
Chancery Proceedings, 31/440 and 39/246-8). Barantyne also had a dispute
with Thomas Mylle or Mull as executor of Richard Drayton, with reference
to a bond in surety for an annuity on the manor of Churchill; this was not
earlier than 1469 (id. 45/98). This letter may belong to the same year as
No. 118; if so it may probably be dated in 1471, when Good Friday was
12th April. From A.C., xlvi, 67.My right worshipfull Cosyn, with all dewe recommendacion had, I
wol ye wete that I have resseyvyd your letter send unto me by your
servaunt, berer herof: and, Cosyn, all the contenus of your writynge I
have wel understand, and where yn the seid contenu of your letter
that such promys and speche as hath be betwene yow and me att
dyverse tymes, that tho shuld be holdyn, Cosyn, I asserteyne yow that
such speche as hath be betwene yow and me I shall in my parte vary,
with the helpe of Jhesu, nether for cosyn Barentyne nether for parson
Parys, for they both shall not make me ayenst yow, and that ye shall
right wel knowe, for I truste to Jhesu that I have not be varyant of my
promys in tyme passyd: and they shall not make me brake it. How-
beit, cosyn, the seid parson Parys was with me at Ricoote appon our
Lady evyn last past, and brought with hym grete writyng under the
Seal of the deane of the Arches under my lord of Caunterbury, mak-
ynge mension of Innybucions and other mucche maters, and of appar-
aunce in the seid Arches at such days as in his Innybucions it is
conteynyd. And, cosyn, when he had shewyd me this, he willyd to
be aydyd by me. I aunsweryng hym that I wold not in no wise, but I
chargyd hym to kepe the peas, and seid hym that I had conspromytted,
and that I wold not breke with the helpe of Jhesu, whom kepe yow.
Wretyn in hast half crasyd appon goode Fryday.Your cosyn, Ric. Quat’.
To my right worshipfull Cosyn, Thomas Stoner, be this letter