Richard Quartermayns to Thomas Stonor and Humphrey Forster
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Quartermayns to Thomas Stonor and Humphrey Forster
- Reference
- SC 1/46/66
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 94; Kingsford, Vol I, item 94
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
In the absence of any clue to the commission referred to, and of any
certainty as to the feast intended by St. Thomas Day, it is difficult to fix thedate of this letter. But Richard Croft, Stonor and Forster were not on the
commission of peace for Oxfordshire or the town of Oxford in the reign of
Henry VI. Quatermayns, William Marmyon and Croft appear on a special
commission in the county in 1463 (C.P.R., Edw. IV, i, 278), but I have not
found any commission relating to the town. Since Stonor was not sheriff,
1465-66 is impossible. If St. Thomas Day means 7 July (Translation of St.
Thomas the Martyr) the year is probably 1467, when 7 July was a Tuesday;
if it means 21 Dec. (St. Thomas the Apostle) the year is probably 1468, when
21 Dec. was on a Wednesday. There were sessions of Parliament in June,
1467, and in May, 1468. The subsidy voted on the latter occasion was being
collected in Nov.-Dec. following (Rot. Parl., vi, 233). From A.C., xlvi, 66.38Worshipfull Sirs, with all recommendacion due hadde, wille ye wete
that it is so that I was at Oxonford as uppon Fryday next byfore seint
Thomas day for diverse maters by the Kynges commaundement for the
seid Towne of Oxonford: and at my commyng thethyr ther was the
Shiriffe and also William Marmyon: and ther the Shireff shewyd ij com-
yssions of this graunt as well of the lordes as of the comyns, with certeyn
ynstruccions conteynyng ij papyr leves. And whan the seid Shiryff
hadde shewyd the seid commissions and the ynstruccions to William
Marmyon and to me, he wolde not resseyve them ayen, but willyd and
desyred that William Marmyon and I shuld send and write on to yow
on the Kynges behalf that all the commissioners yn the commissions
expressid shuld assemble and mete togeders at Oxonford as uppon
Monday next, for to take a dyrection what is to be done yn the pre-
misses, at whiche day Richard Croft, Thomas Croft, William Marmyon
to be ther the same Monday. And they prayd and desyred me to write
unto yow to attende ther the same day, and I graunt them that I so
wold doo: that moveth me to write to yow at this tyme, prayng you that
ye write to me of youre commynge, yea or nay, that I may sende them
worde &c. Writyn yn hast uppon Satirday next befor the seid seint
Thomas day.Your Cosyn and Unkle Rich. Quat'.
To my right trusty and wellbeloved Cosyns, Thomas Stoner and
Humfrey Forster, and to everych of them first seyng this letter, be this
delivered in hast. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
In the absence of any clue to the commission referred to, and of any
certainty as to the feast intended by St. Thomas Day, it is difficult to fix the
date of this letter. But Richard Croft, Stonor and Forster were not on the
commission of peace for Oxfordshire or the town of Oxford in the reign of
Henry VI. Quatermayns, William Marmyon and Croft appear on a special
commission in the county in 1463 (C.P.R., Edw. IV, i, 278), but I have not
found any commission relating to the town. Since Stonor was not sheriff,
1465-66 is impossible. If St. Thomas Day means 7 July (Translation of St.
Thomas the Martyr) the year is probably 1467, when 7 July was a Tuesday;
if it means 21 Dec. (St. Thomas the Apostle) the year is probably 1468, when
21 Dec. was on a Wednesday. There were sessions of Parliament in June,
1467, and in May, 1468. The subsidy voted on the latter occasion was being
collected in Nov.-Dec. following (Rot. Parl., vi, 233). From A.C., xlvi, 66.
Worshipfull Sirs, with all recommendacion due hadde, wille ye wete
that it is so that I was at Oxonford as uppon Fryday next byfore seint
Thomas day for diverse maters by the Kynges commaundement for the
seid Towne of Oxonford: and at my commyng thethyr ther was the
Shiriffe and also William Marmyon: and ther the Shireff shewyd ij com-
yssions of this graunt as well of the lordes as of the comyns, with certeyn
ynstruccions conteynyng ij papyr leves. And whan the seid Shiryff
hadde shewyd the seid commissions and the ynstruccions to William
Marmyon and to me, he wolde not resseyve them ayen, but willyd and
desyred that William Marmyon and I shuld send and write on to yow
on the Kynges behalf that all the commissioners yn the commissions
expressid shuld assemble and mete togeders at Oxonford as uppon
Monday next, for to take a dyrection what is to be done yn the pre-
misses, at whiche day Richard Croft, Thomas Croft, William Marmyon
to be ther the same Monday. And they prayd and desyred me to write
unto yow to attende ther the same day, and I graunt them that I so
wold doo: that moveth me to write to yow at this tyme, prayng you that
ye write to me of youre commynge, yea or nay, that I may sende them
worde &c. Writyn yn hast uppon Satirday next befor the seid seint
Thomas day.Your Cosyn and Unkle Rich. Quat’.
To my right trusty and well-beloved Cosyns, Thomas Stoner and
Humfrey Forster, and to everych of them first seyng this letter, be this
delivered in hast.