Richard Page to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Page to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/194
- Date
- 25 September [1479]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 247; Kingsford, Vol II, item 247
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR25 SEPT. [1479]
The year is fixed by the reference to Lestan as farmer of Horton; Lestan
was farmer in 1478 (see No. 233), and had lost that position in October, 1480
(see No. 276). Sutton Hone is between Horton Kirby and Dartford.
Appelton will be the owner of Grandisons Manor at Wilmington, which is
close by. From A.C., xlvi, 194.My ryght synguler good Master, after dew recommendacion, like it
you to wete that all your servauntes and tenauntes in thes parties fare
well, and I recommaunde thaym to your mastership, and so do we all
to my lady your wif. The cause of my writyng to your mastership is
this: it is so that I have the gift of the presentacion of the Vicarage of
Sutton bysydes your maner, and for that feith and service that your
chaunterie prest of Horton, Syr William, beres to your mastership, y
have geven hym the benefice, so it be your plesyr. Syr, ther ys a frere
prechour off thabbey of Dertford, is name is frere Hugh Fabri, whiche
y have allway aught my verry good will and favour onto, and so does
Appelton, Martyn, and all the gentelmen in oure parties. I certifye
your mastership he is a good prest, and a clene, ther is non better to
my understandyng unfaynyd. Syr, if it wold plese your mastership to
write a letter to the master of Cobham that it were your plesyr, he
shold succede syr William in your Chaunterie, it wold be to the grete
comfort of all the gentelmen in thes parties; and over that ye shall have
the dayly praier of a good prest, ther was never non suche ther syns I
knew Kent. By my trowth undoutyd my lord bysshop wold have geven
hym a benefice, but he woll non have. I pray your mastership to
tendre this mater the rather at this my pore instance. I thank your
mastership for my buk. I dar incombre you no longer. I pray
Jhesu send you all youre goodly hertes desire. Writen at your Horton
this xxv day of Septembr with the fest of yourPage.
Syr, Lestan, your fermer, understode that y wrote to your mastership,
cam onto me and desirid me to remembr yow for hym: if it plese you,
it is thus, he is suffisaunt within your distres, he woll content your
mastership at Martynmas xx. li., if ye geve hym laysyr, he shall now pay
your mastership well and sumsauntly, and if ye be hasty uppon hym he
must sel his graynys at mischef, and in concluson undon. He is sore
ferd of your Steward: he hath promisid me he will content your master-
ship this same yere xl. li. Plese it yow to send me oon litel word here.To my master Syr Willm Stonor, knyght for the kynges body.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR25 SEPT. [1479]
The year is fixed by the reference to Lestan as farmer of Horton; Lestan
was farmer in 1478 (see No. 233), and had lost that position in October, 1480
(see No. 276). Sutton Hone is between Horton Kirby and Dartford.
Appelton will be the owner of Grandisons Manor at Wilmington, which is
close by. From A.C., xlvi, 194.My ryght synguler good Master, after dew recommendacion, like it
you to wete that all your servauntes and tenauntes in thes parties fare
well, and I recommaunde thaym to your mastership, and so do we all
to my lady your wif. The cause of my writyng to your mastership is
this: it is so that I have the gift of the presentacion of the Vicarage of
Sutton bysydes your maner, and for that feith and service that your
chaunterie prest of Horton, Syr William, beres to your mastership, y
have geven hym the benefice, so it be your plesyr. Syr, ther ys a frere
prechour off thabbey of Dertford, is name is frere Hugh Fabri, whiche
y have allway aught my verry good will and favour onto, and so does
Appelton, Martyn, and all the gentelmen in oure parties. I certifye
your mastership he is a good prest, and a clene, ther is non better to
my understandyng unfaynyd. Syr, if it wold plese your mastership to
write a letter to the master of Cobham that it were your plesyr, he
shold succede syr William in your Chaunterie, it wold be to the grete
comfort of all the gentelmen in thes parties; and over that ye shall have
the dayly praier of a good prest, ther was never non suche ther syns I
knew Kent. By my trowth undoutyd my lord bysshop wold have geven
hym a benefice, but he woll non have. I pray your mastership to
tendre this mater the rather at this my pore instance. I thank your
mastership for my buk. I dar incombre you no longer. I pray
Jhesu send you all youre goodly hertes desire. Writen at your Horton
this xxv day of Septembr with the fest of yourPage.
Syr, Lestan, your fermer, understode that y wrote to your mastership,
cam onto me and desirid me to remembr yow for hym: if it plese you,
it is thus, he is suffisaunt within your distres, he woll content your
mastership at Martynmas xx, li., if ye geve hym laysyr, he shall now pay
your mastership well and suffisauntly, and if ye be hasty uppon hym he
must sel his graynys at mischef, and in concluson undon. He is sore
ferd of your Steward: he hath promisid me he will content your master-
ship this same yere xl. li. Plese it yow to send me oon litel word here.To my master Syr Willm. Stonor, knyght for the kynges body.