Richard Page to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Page to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/192
- Date
- 23 August [1482]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 321; Kingsford, Vol II, item 321
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
This letter was clearly written some time after No. 247; it is also later
than No. 310. "My lady" must mean Stonor's third wife, and the letter
affords the closest indication of the date of the birth of her son, which was
certainly some time in the latter part of 1482. From A.C., xlvi, 192.I recommaunde me to your mastership in my best maner: besekyng
of the same I may be recommaundid to my lady, your wif, as he that is
very glad of her good spede: I pray Jhesu save hir, and send hir good
lif and long. Plese it yow to understond that Frere Hugh, chaunter prest
of Horton, woll no longe occupie the Chaunterie ther: wherfor, syr, like
it your mastership to write unto the master of Cobham, whos name is
Doctor Underwode, to put in to the same Chaunterie Syr Robert
Tybe, whiche is an honest prest and good, and a clene levyng man:
y ensure yow he wolbe a sure bedeman to yowr mastership, and do yow
as good service as woll any prest in Kent to his power. As for newes,
the brynger can informe your mastership, to whom like it you to geve
credens. I pray God save you and all yours. Writen at London on
seint Bartholomew ys yeve with the hond of your servant.Ric. Page.
To my master, Syr Willm. Stonor, knyght for the Kynges body, be
thys delivered. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
This letter was clearly written some time after No. 247; it is also later
than No. 310. “My lady” must mean Stonor’s third wife, and the letter
affords the closest indication of the date of the birth of her son, which was
certainly some time in the latter part of 1482. From A.C., xlvi, 192.I recommaunde me to your mastership in my best maner: besekyng
of the same I may be recommaundid to my lady, your wif, as he that is
very glad of her good spede: I pray Jhesu save hir, and send hir good
lif and long. Plese it yow to understond that Frere Hugh, chaunter prest
of Horton, woll no longe occupie the Chaunterie ther: wherfor, syr, like
it your mastership to write unto the master of Cobham, whos name is
Doctor Underwode, to put in to the same Chaunterie Syr Robert
Tybe, whiche is an honest prest and good, and a clene levyng man:
y ensure yow he wolbe a sure bedeman to yowr mastership, and do yow
as good service as woll any prest in Kent to his power. As for newes,
the brynger can informe your mastership, to whom like it you to geve
credens. I pray God save you and all yours. Writen at London on
seint Bartholomew ys yeve with the hond of your servant.Ric. Page.
To my master, Syr Willm. Stonor, knyght for the Kynges body, be
thys delivered.