Richard Page to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Page to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/191
- Date
- [1482]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 322; Kingsford, Vol II, item 322
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
This letter must be later than No. 321, and is of about the same date
(or a little earlier) as No. 324. From A.C., xlvi, 191.70In as humble wise as y can I recommaunde me to your good master-
ship. Syr, y have spoken with Master Lewes: I can not desire hym to
be more courtais ne more gentyll towardes your mastership then he is
in every behalve. Wherfor your mastership must remembre the favour-
able delyng and alliance bytwene yow: he woll not in no maner wise
lese your favour, for he thenkygh it to hym right a singuler tresor: and
also y am right well assurid your mastership woll not hurt hym, ne lese
his ffavour: hit were not to doo, savyng yourself and your dewte, whiche
he is, and I dar say wolbe, as glad to perform [every]ythyng accord[yng
to] your [p]lesyr and reson, as [any] gentilman in Kent, or any other
man levyng. I[ . . . n]o man speke better of your mastership then he
spekys, and that in every point. [Y write] under correccion of your
mastership, yet this [must] be consideryd in a . . . [gen]tilman, and
that your mastership myght, if it [plese y]ow, dele more favourably
[with] hym for this maner of is delyng to come . . . in displesyr, which
God defe[nd. And Syr], this me semys it wer well don . . . [I have]
spake with John Ford to be your fermor at Horton, y have confortyd
hym ther[in], and he is for yow. I pray God save you, and my lady,
and my yonge master your son for my grete comfort. Writen at your
Horton this . . . with the hand of your servaunt.Ric. Page.
To my good master, Syr Willm. Stonor, knyght for the Kynges body.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
This letter must be later than No. 321, and is of about the same date
(or a little earlier) as No. 324. From A.C., xlvi, 191.In as humble wise as y can I recommaunde me to your good master-
ship. Syr, y have spoken with Master Lewes: I can not desire hym to
be more courtais ne more gentyll towardes your mastership then he is
in every behalve. Wherfor your mastership must remembre the favour-
able delyng and alliance bytwene yow: he woll not in no maner wise
lese your favour, for he thenkygh it to hym right a singuler tresor: and
also y am right well assurid your mastership woll not hurt hym, ne lese
his ffavour: hit were not to doo, savyng yourself and your dewte, whiche
he is, and I dar say wolbe, as glad to perform [every]ythyng accord[yng
to] your [p]lesyr and reson, as [any] gentilman in Kent, or any other
man levyng. I[ . . . n]o man speke better of your mastership then he
spekys, and that in every point. [Y write] under correccion of your
mastership, yet this [must] be consideryd in a . . . [gen]tilman, and
that your mastership myght, if it [plese y]ow, dele more favourably
[with] hym for this maner of is delyng to come . . . in displesyr, which
God defe[nd. And Syr], this me semys it wer well don . . . [I have]
spake with John Ford to be your fermor at Horton, y have confortyd
hym ther[in], and he is for yow. I pray God save you, and my lady,
and my yonge master your son for my grete comfort. Writen at your
Horton this . . . with the hand of your servaunt.Ric. Page.
To my good master, Syr Willm. Stonor, knyght for the Kynges body.