Richard Germyn to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Germyn to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/162
- Date
- 3 April 1481
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 284; Kingsford, Vol II, item 284
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
3 APRIL, 1481
The reference to Sunday, 1st April, fixes the year for 1481, and so helps to
determine the dates of all this series of Letters. As to the Exeter Almhouse
see further No. 285. John Agecomb or Edgcombe was Residentiary of Exeter
and Vicar of Ermington, see No. 285. Christopher Coke was a lawyer who
joined with Richard Page in a recovery of the manor of Berkden against
William and Agnes Stonor (ap. Ch. Misc. 37, iv., 40, see p. 169 below). For
"Master Edmunde," see No. 194. From A.C. xlvi, 162.51Right Onerable and worshipfull Maister, y comaund me unto you with
alle suche servise as y can or may, letinge your Maistership have
enknowliche that Maister John Agecomb is decessed un Sonday the
ffurst day of Averell. Many men have spoken to me that y shuld
labur unto you for Ermyngton. And y teld hem that ye have geven hit
unto Maister Edmunde, and wol in-proper hit to youre Chapel of
Stoner: and so have y aunswerd them. Moreover, Maister Drew hath
wreten a letter unto my lady, that he wol do help my saide lady of hir
sekenesse, and to com unto hir at his own cost and to geve hir a du
attendauns, with that hit pleased you to geve him this saide benfys.
And y have saide unto him, that his letter is wreten in vayne. And
also y wrote a letter unto youre Maistership, which was delivered unto
Lannoys, skynner, the furst weke in Clene Lente: y trust ye have him.
For as to any man or men, here wolle noon be goten, as y wrote unto
you: savinge ther is oon Vyncent, a servaunt of my lady is, a gode
archer, y suppose he wolle com unto you: but horse nother harnys hath
he noon nor mony. Aray him ye must at your own cost, yef he com.
Jakys shal bringe you the serteynte of his comynge. And y trust
that at M. Elmes comyng that ye wol assigne whom hit please you to
occupy the ruel of your Almeshous, for y may no longer occupy hit
nor can not; my besenesse wol be suche here after: for y must attende
my ocupacion; for my servant which had the gedinge of my shoppe is
fro me, and with me hath be to longe, for y am the worse for him y can
not tell how moche me seilf. And as to the deth of Cristoffer Coke,
y suppose ye have enknowliche: un who is soule God take mercy. Y
pray your Maistership that this my letter may comaund me unto my
lady, to whom y pray Godde sende hele and comfort, who have you in
his keping. At Exeter in hast the iij day of Averelle.Youre servant Richard Germyn.
Unto my right Onerable and worshipful Maister, Syr William Stonore,
knyght, at London in the Old bailly. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
The reference to Sunday, 1st April, fixes the year for 1481, and so helps to
determine the dates of all this series of Letters. As to the Exeter Almhouse
see further No. 285. John Agecomb or Edgcombe was Residentiary of Exeter
and Vicar of Ermington, see No. 285. Christopher Coke was a lawyer who
joined with Richard Page in a recovery of the manor of Berkden against
William and Agnes Stonor (ap. Ch. Misc. 37, iv., 40, see p. 169 below). For
“Master Edmunde,” see No. 194. From A.C. xlvi, 162.Right Onerable and worshipfull Maister, y comaund me unto you with
alle suche servise as y can or may, letinge your Maistership have
enknowliche that Maister John Agecomb is decessed un Sonday the
ffurst day of Averell. Many men have spoken to me that y shuld
labur unto you for Ermyngton. And y teld hem that ye have geven hit
unto Maister Edmunde, and wol in-proper hit to youre Chapel of
Stoner: and so have y aunswerd them. Moreover, Maister Drew hath
wreten a letter unto my lady, that he wol do help my saide lady of hir
sekenesse, and to com unto hir at his own cost and to geve hir a du
attendauns, with that hit pleased you to geve him this saide benfys.
And y have saide unto him, that his letter is wreten in vayne. And
also y wrote a letter unto youre Maistership, which was delivered unto
Lannoys, skynner, the furst weke in Clene Lente: y trust ye have him.
For as to any man or men, here wolle noon be goten, as y wrote unto
you: savinge ther is oon Vyncent, a servaunt of my lady is, a gode
archer, y suppose he wolle com unto you: but horse nother harnys hath
he noon nor mony. Aray him ye must at your own cost, yef he com.
Jakys shal bringe you the serteynte of his comynge. And y trust
that at M. Elmes comyng that ye wol assigne whom hit please you to
occupy the ruel of your Almeshous, for y may no longer occupy hit
nor can not; my besenesse wol be suche here after: for y must attende
my ocupacion; for my servant which had the gedinge of my shoppe is
fro me, and with me hath be to longe, for y am the worse for him y can
not tell how moche me seilf. And as to the deth of Cristoffer Coke,
y suppose ye have enknowliche: un who is soule God take mercy. Y
pray your Maistership that this my letter may comaund me unto my
lady, to whom y pray Godde sende hele and comfort, who have you in
his keping. At Exeter in hast the iij day of Averelle.Youre servant Richard Germyn.
Unto my right Onerable and worshipful Maister, Syr William Stonore,
knyght, at London in the Old bailly.