Richard Germyn to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Germyn to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/161
- Date
- 7 April [1481]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 285; Kingsford, Vol II, item 285
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
The reference to the Almshouse seems to show that this belongs to the same
year as Nos. 284 and 289, moreover, it could hardly have been written in
April, 1480, which is the only other possible year. "My lord Markas" is the
Marquis of Dorset, who had lands in Devonshire; Agnes Stonor's land at
Clyst was held of him. The vacancy in the Chantry may be the one referred
to in Nos. 279 and 291. Thomas Haiward was bailiff at Wolveston, see
No. 272. From A.C., xlvi, 161.52Right Wurshipfull and Onerable Maister, y comaund me unto you
with alle suche servyse as y can or may. Please your maistership have
enknowliche here y sende the copy of a writte, which is agayn you at
the Kinge is sute in Devonshire uppon the Deum claus. extr.,1 which was
taken before the Escaetour. As the writte maketh menshion, see ye the
meane to have hit oute of the Chekour, for ye go to a grete mersement;
and more ye had, and y had not sarched therfore. Also I moved you
at my last being at Stonore that my lord Markas his officer hath dis-
trayned your tenaunt at Clist, and clemyth a mersshe, the third ffote in
alle the said mersshe, where as he nor noon of his ancetours oute of
tyme that no mynde is never had: and y teld you that y had apoynted
with Broun his auditour, that the seid mersshe shuld ly voyde and
not to be ocupyed in to the tyme that my lorde and ye hadde spoken
together: hit wer wel doon that ye moved my lord of, and to cause him
to write a letter unto Thomas Hexte, his stuard, so that your londe may
be sette. Ther is oon John Wyndbow, which is my lord is tenant, and
holdith moche lond of you, he clemyth this londe, sayng that hit shuld
be longing to his place whiche he holdith of my lorde, and he is causer
of alle this. Ye comaundid me that y shuld warne him oute of alle
suche londes as he holdith of you: and so have y doon: have ye this
mater in remembrauns. Furthermore y send you worde by Thomas
Mathu, that ther was a almeshous fallen, which shuld be youre geft: y
hure no more synne of. And so stont hit own-gevyn as yet. And now
a nother also, what ye wille shal be doon there in: hit wer wel doon
that ye wrote a letter unto M. Speke ther of. Youre Maistership
gave unto me the next avoydens of oon pore man, and ye remember,
in your stode at Stonore before your cosyn, Walter Elmys: in lasse then
ye wrete unto the seid M. Speke, he will noon admytte. Moreover,
your chauntry prest of Ermyngton is admytted into the seid your
chantre: y made his presentacion, and my lorde is officers admitted
him. And ye be the grettist man with my lord, and in his consaite:
because of your hors geven and your attendauns unto him at London,
that he may do and al his men ye may have: his servantes reportith of
you that ye be the courtys knyght, that ever thei sawe, where of y am
glad. Also ye wrote a letter unto me that y schuld content M. Speke,
xx. li., wherof y have contented him on this quarter rent of Cristismas
xvj. li. iij. s. iiij. d., as y shal shew you at my nexte comyng ever passed off
my resaite, and as I bede Thomas Mathu to infurme you. The re-
menaunt he shal have this quarter of Ester rentes, and then he is content.
And as to your tenaunts in Cornwale, thei be as trew unto you as y can
understond as any tenauntes that ye haye. And as to John Meger, he
wille com and speke with you at suche tyme as y come, and that shal
be, by the grace of God, before Wytsunday, and bringe his Obligacion.
And as to youre wode there, Thomas Haiward wolle geve you xx. li., save
ye shall cope hit at youre cost: or els he to cope hit and to pay you
xvij. li. And no peny more wol he geve. Yet ye muste geve him daies
of payment, Mighelmas next comyng x. li., and the next Mighelmas after
the remenaunt. And yef hit leke you that he shal have hit at this price,
ye must wrete your letter to him, so that he may fille hit before holy
Rode day now comyng, or els he can not fille hit alle this yere. And
as for your whete there, y have made Thomas Haiward to sille hit to
your most advaile, of which ye shal have enknowlich, when y come.
Also your place at Clist is in divers places owver heled: wher ye wol
that y shalle set workmen uppon hit or no, y wold have enknowlich.
There after your comaundement will y do. Richard Wideslade willith
me to pay him this quarter v. li, which he saith hit is youre covenaunt:
and he wolle deliver me your Obligacion of so moche mony: and he
desirith xij. s. iiij. d for his fee at Wulston: wher ye will y shal pay him
or no, y wold have enknowliche fro you, or els he shal noon have. ij
lettres have y wreten unto you synne the first weke of Clene laynte: and
yet had y never answer nor letter fro you. For goddis sake remember
ye to move my lord Markas ffor this your mersshe, so that he may
directe his letter unto Thomas Hext or unto Speke, for he is my lord is
Resever late made by the deth of Geffrey Bedwelle. No more to you
at this tyme, but alle myghty God be ever youre gode spede. At
Exeter un the vije day of April.your Servaunt Richard Germyn.
To the right wurshipfull and Onerable Maister, Sir William Stonore,
knyghte, be this delivered.1 sc. Diem clausit extremum.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
The reference to the Almshouse seems to show that this belongs to the same
year as Nos. 284 and 289; moreover, it could hardly have been written in
April, 1480, which is the only other possible year. “My lord Markas” is the
Marquis of Dorset, who had lands in Devonshire; Agnes Stonor’s land at
Clyst was held of him. The vacancy in the Chantry may be the one referred
to in Nos. 279 and 291. Thomas Haiward was bailiff at Wolveston, see
No. 272. From A.C., xlvi, 161.Right Wurshipfull and Onerable Maister, y comaund me unto you
with alle suche servyse as y can or may. Please your maistership have
enknowliche here y sende the copy of a writte, which is agayn you at
the Kinge is sute in Devonshire uppon the Deum claus. extr.,1 which was
taken before the Escaetour. As the writte maketh menshion, see ye the
meane to have hit oute of the Chekour, for ye go to a grete mersement;
and more ye had, and y had not sarched therfore. Also I moved you
at my last being at Stonore that my lord Markas his officer hath dis-
trayned your tenaunt at Clist, and clemyth a mersshe, the third ffote in
alle the said mersshe, where as he nor noon of his ancetours oute of
tyme that no mynde is never had: and y teld you that y had apoynted
with Broun his auditour, that the seid mersshe shuld ly voyde and
not to be ocupyed in to the tyme that my lorde and ye hadde spoken
together: hit wer wel doon that ye moved my lord of, and to cause him
to write a letter unto Thomas Hexte, his stuard, so that your londe may
be sette. Ther is oon Jdhn Wyndbow, which is my lord is tenant, and
holdith moche lond of you, he clemyth this londe, sayng that hit shuld.
be longing to his place whiche he holdith of my lorde, and he is causer
of alle this. Ye comaundid me that y shuld warne him oute of alle
suche londes as he holdith of you: and so have y doon: have ye this
mater in remembrauns. Furthermore y send you worde by Thomas
Mathu, that ther was a almeshous fallen, which shuld be youre geft: y
hure no more synne of. And so stont hit own-gevyn as yet. And now
a nother also, what ye wille shal be doon there in: hit wer wel doon
that ye wrote a letter unto M. Speke ther of. Youre Maistership
gave unto me the next avoydens of oon pore man, and ye remember,
in your stode at Stonore before your cosyn, Walter Elmys: in lasse then
ye wrete unto the seid M. Speke, he will noon admytte. Moreover,
your chauntry prest of Ermyngton is admytted into the seid your
chantre: y made his presentacion, and my lorde is officers admitted
him. And ye be the grettist man with my lord, and in his consaite:
because of your hors geven and your attendauns unto him at London,
that he may do and al his men ye may have: his servantes reportith of
you that ye be the courtys knyght, that ever thei sawe, where of y am
glad. Also ye wrote a letter unto me that y schuld content M. Speke,
xx. li., wherof y have contented him on this quarter rent of Cristismas
xvj. li. iij. s. iiij. d., as y shal shew you at my nexte comyng ever passed off
my resaite, and as I bede Thomas Mathu to infurme you. The re-
menaunt he shal have this quarter of Ester rentes, and then he is content.
And as to your tenaunts in Cornwale, thei be as trew unto you as y can
understond as any tenauntes that ye have. And as to John Meger, he
wille com and speke with you at suche tyme as y come, and that shal
be, by the grace of God, before Wytsunday, and bringe his Obligacion.
And as to youre wode there, Thomas Haiward wolle geve you xx. li., save
ye shall cope hit at youre cost: or els he to cope hit and to pay you
xvij. li. And no peny more wol he geve. Yet ye muste geve him daies
of payment, Mighelmas next comyng x. li., and themext Mighelmas after
the remenaunt. And yef hit leke you that he shal have hit at this price,
ye must wrete your letter to him, so that he may fille hit before holy
Rode day now comyng, or els he can not fille hit alle this yere. And
as for your whete there, y have made Thomas Haiward to sille hit to
your most advaile, of which ye shal have enknowlich, when y come.
Also your place at Clist is in divers places owver heled: wher ye wol
that y shalle set workmen uppon hit or no, y wold have enknowlich.
There after your comaundement will y do. Richard Wideslade willith
me to pay him this quarter v. li, which he saith hit is youre covenaunt:
and he wolle deliver me your Obligacion of so moche mony: and he
desirith xij. s. iiij. d. for his fee at Wulston: wher ye will y shal pay him
or no, y wold have enknowliche fro you, or els he shal noon have. ij
lettres have y wreten unto you synne the first weke of Clene laynte: and
yet had y never answer nor letter fro you. For goddis sake remember
ye to move my lord Markas ffor this your mersshe, so that he may
directe his letter unto Thomas Hext or unto Speke, for he is my lord is
Resever late made by the deth of Geffrey Bedwelle. No more to you
at this tyme, but alle myghty God be ever youre gode spede. At
Exeter un the vije day of April.your Servaunt Richard Germyn.
To the right wurshipfull and Onerable Maister, Sir William Stonore,
knyghte, be this delivered.1 sc. Diem clausit extremum.