Richard Germyn to Dame Agnes Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Germyn to Dame Agnes Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/241
- Date
- 1 May [1481]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 289; Kingsford, Vol II, item 289
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR1 MAY [1481]
This was clearly written to the second Lady Stonor, and no doubt in the
same year as No. 285. Agnes Stonor died on 5 May, and can never have
received the letter. Her grandfather, William Wynnard, who died in 1447,
founded an Almhouse at Exeter for twelve poor men, to be chosen by his heirs.
See Records of the City of Exeter, pp. 278-9, Hist. MSS. Comm.; and
Oliver, Monasticon Dioc. Exon., p. 404. From A.C., xlvi, 241.Right Worshipfull and Reverent Madam, I commaund me unto you
with alle suche servyse as y can or may. Hit is so that oon of youre
poremen is decessed, whiche is Pryns. And ye remember ye graunted
syr John Yotte the next avoidens at your departing. He praiyth you
to remember hym, that he might have these hous, which was Pryns is
hous, as ever he may hereafter do at your comaundment or desire, as
ye know right well he hath doon for you herebefore. And now his
trust is to be remembred at this tyme according to your promyse at hit
(sic) last speking with you. And also my Maister, your husbond that
was, granted oon to the Sudden, and another the Old Reynold, which
have called upon me to (be)1 admytted in to this said hous: and y
have aunswerd them alle that y wolle admitte noon in to the tyme that
my Maister and ye send me youre comaundment wham I shalle admitte
in. Hit is youres, ye may geve it to wham hit pleasith you. More-
over, I hertly pray you, as ever y shal ow you my servyse, to remember
my letter which y wrote unto you by Jakys, which oon mater was your
corne, and the other mater was that my Maister and ye shuld send a
man to reseve this Ester Rent of your londes of your Almeshous for
the payment of youre poremen and priest, and the geding therof. For
I may no longer ocupy hit, nor noght wolle. I must attend my own
besenesse, as I wrote unto youre ladiship: he that was my man is fro
me, and by any thinge that y know y am xxti li. the worse for him. For
which cause y pray you remember ye my lost, and not to awe me your
hevy ladiship, as my trust is y have not deserved. And y shal induce
him that shal ocupy the rule and gedinge of your almshous so that he
shal gede hit beter than ever y ded. And let him com a down so that
he may be at Exeter iiij wekes uppon this Ester:1 and to gether uppe
the rent to this hous belonging. And y shal shew hym alle youre
londes, so that ye shal know your londes fro myn, by the grace of
Jhesu: and preserve me seilf a tru man for alle the report that is made
of me unto my Maister, to wham y pray you to comaund me. And of
this my letter and of your welfare y wold desire to have sume knowlich:
and how ye do in your fesik. And yef ther be any servyse that ye
wolle comaund me to do here in your absens or els where, ye shal
alway fynde me a redy to do your comaundment, as wel as though y
didde ocupy this office under you. Remember ye wel, ye must hastly
to admitte a poreman in Pryns is hous withoute any delay, wham hit
pleasith you: and to assigne him that shall be Resever to pay this next
payment, which wol be within this iij wekes: for y wol pay no mo pay-
mentes after these, which is the day of my letter wretinge, the ffurst
day of May. And y wold that hit plesed my Maister and you to let
Thomas Mathu be Resever of the Almeshous. And Jhesu have you in
his keping and send you as gode hele as y wold have my seilf.Your man Ric. Ger[myn].
To my lady Stonor in hast be this delivered.
1 "be" omitted in MS.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR1 MAY [1481]
This was clearly written to the second Lady Stonor, and no doubt in the
same year as No. 285. Agnes Stonor died on 5 May, and can never have
received the letter. Her grandfather, William Wynnard, who died in 1447,
founded an Almhouse at Exeter for twelve poor men, to be chosen by his heirs.
See Records of the City of Exeter, pp. 278-9, Hist. MSS. Comm.; and
Oliver, Monasticon Dioc. Exon., p. 404. From A.C., xlvi, 241.Right Worshipfull and Reverent Madam, I commaund me unto you
with alle suche servyse as y can or may. Hit is so that oon of youre
poremen is decessed, whiche is Pryns. And ye remember ye graunted
syr John Yotte the next avoidens at your departing. He praiyth you
to remember hym, that he might have these hous, which was Pryns is
hous, as ever he may hereafter do at your comaundment or desire, as
ye know right well he hath doon for you herebefore. And now his
trust is to be remembred at this tyme according to your promyse at hit
(sic) last speking with you. And also my Maister, your husbond that
was, granted oon to the Sudden, and another the Old Reynold, which
have called upon me to (be)1 admytted in to this said hous: and y
have aunswerd them alle that y wolle admitte noon in to the tyme that
my Maister and ye send me youre comaundment wham I shalle admitte
in. Hit is youres, ye may geve it to wham hit pleasith you. More-
over, I hertly pray you, as ever y shal ow you my servyse, to remember
my letter which y wrote unto you by Jakys, which oon mater was your
corne, and the other mater was that my Maister and ye shuld send a
man to reseve this Ester Rent of your londes of your Almeshous for
the payment of youre poremen and priest, and the geding therof. For
I may no longer ocupy hit, nor noght wolle. I must attend my own
besenesse, as I wrote unto youre ladiship: he that was my man is fro
me, and by any thinge that y know y am xxti li. the worse for him. For
which cause y pray you remember ye my lost, and not to awe me your
hevy ladiship, as my trust is y have not deserved. And y shal induce
him that shal ocupy the rule and gcdinge of your almshous so that he
shal gede hit beter than ever y ded. And let him com a down so that
he may be at Exeter iiij wekes uppon this Ester:1 and to gether uppe
the rent to this hous belonging. And y shal shew hym alle youre
londes, so that ye shal know your londes fro myn, by the grace of
Jhesu: and preserve me seilf a tru man for alle the report that is made
of me unto my Maister, to wham y pray you to comaund me. And of
this my letter and of your welfare y wold desire to have sume knowlich:
and how ye do in your fesik. And yef ther be any servyse that ye
wolle comaund me to do here in your absens or els where, ye shal
alway fynde me a redy to do your comaundment, as wel as though y
didde ocupy this office under you. Remember ye wel, ye must hastly
to admitte a poreman in Pryns is hous withoute any delay, wham hit
pleasith you: and to assigne him that shall be Resever to pay this next
payment, which wol be within this iij wekes: for y wol pay no mo pay-
mentes after these, which is the day of my letter wretinge, the ffurst
day of May. And y wold that hit plesed my Maister and you to let
Thomas Mathu be Resever of the Almeshous. And Jhesu have you in
his keping and send you as gode hele as y wold have my seilf.Your man Ric. Ger[myn].
To my lady Stonor in hast be this delivered.
1 “be” omitted in MS.