Richard Drewe, bailiff of Ermington, co. Devon, to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Drewe, bailiff of Ermington, co. Devon, to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/149
- Date
- [1480]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 270; Kingsford, Vol II, item 270
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
This letter probably belongs to 1480 when Halmath Malyverer was sheriff
of Devon. In 1482 Halmath Malyverer, late sheriff of Devon, brought an
action in the Common Pleas against Richard Drewe, late of Ermington, yeo-
man, for the delivery of a reasonable account for the time during which he was
bailiff of the hundred of Ermington (Placita de Banco, Roll 880, m. 92, for
Easter Term, 1482). Drewe was still bailiff in 1481 (see No. 284). Mathew
was bailiff in 1473 (see No. 126). From A.C., xlvi, 149.Ryght worschypfull Master, y recommaunde me onto you, doyng yow
to wete that Master Malyverer hath take an accyon off a Counte agayn
your bayly off Ermyngton by the informacyon off on Sowche, chere
clerke onto the sayde Master Malyverer, and thay wolde compell your
bayly to acounte wyth the sayde Scherve off the mercement wythyn
your hunderd. and to compell your bayly to geder the mercement wythyn
the sayde hunderd: and that was never don hebeffore: therfore y be-
seche your Masterschyp to se the mene at thys terme, that y may be
dyschargyd off thys accyon that ys agayn me, and off the whyche mater
Thomas Mathew can infourme yow, for he hath byn your bayly afore
thys tyme. Y-wrytyn att Ermyngton by your bayly,Rychard Drewe.
Thys byll be deliveryd onto my Master, Syr Wyllyam Stoner, in hast.
1 A Travers was a denial of a fact alleged. A Travers of an Office was made to
prove that an inquisition of lands or goods was defective. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
This letter probably belongs to 1480 when Halmath Malyverer was sheriff
of Devon. In 1482 Halmath Malyverer, late sheriff of Devon, brought an
action in the Common Pleas against Richard Drewe, late of Ermington,, for the delivery of a reasonable account for the time during which he was
bailiff of the hundred of Ermington (Placita de Banco, Roll 880, m. 92, for
Easter Term, 1482). Drewe was still bailiff in 1481 (see No. 284). Mathew
was bailiff in 1473 (see No. 126). From A.C., xlvi, 149.Ryght worschypfull Master, y recommaunde me onto you, doyng yow
to wete that Master Malyverer hath take an accyon off a Counte agayn
your bayly off Ermyngton by the informacyon off on Sowche, chere
clerke onto the sayde Master Malyverer, and thay wolde compell your
bayly to acounte wyth the sayde Scherve off the mercement wythyn
your hunderd and to compell your bayly to geder the mercement wythyn
the sayde hunderd: and that was never don hebeffore: therfore y be-
seche your Masterschyp to se the mene at thys terme, that y may be
dyschargyd off thys accyon that ys agayn me, and off the whyche mater
Thomas Mathew can infourme yow, for he hath byn your bayly afore
thys tyme. Y-wrytyn att Ermyngton by your bayly,Rychard Drewe.
Thys byll be deliveryd onto my Master, Syr Wyllyam Stoner, in hast.