Richard Cely jnr. to George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Cely jnr. to George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/90
- Date
- November 1481
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 72
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Rychard Cely the younger
Probably written in 1481, Richard Cely the elder being alive.
Ruight whelbelovyd brother, I recomende me unto yow as
lovyngly as harte can devyse or thynke plese hyt yow to undyr-
stond thys same day I ressayvyd a letter frowm yow be Kay and
the fayreste sora hawke thys day wt in anll Yngelond the qweche
schaul be as whelkepyd tyll ze cwm be the grase of God and I
have yowr box wt saulwe hyt schall be whell kepyd tyll ze cwm
and I am ryughte glade of your apwnttemente and pwrpos to be
heyr at Sente Tomas tyde. Syr I sente yow a lettyr by Robard
Flemyngys man by the qwyche ze myte heyr of aull owr schypynge
and many hother maters at has beyn to me laborous and owr
father and ws cwstelew. Syr I pray yow send me the xli that ye
whrate to me ze had pwrwhayde in carlys grottes. I porposyd to
be yn Cottysowlld wt in iij daye after the dat of thys byt for
taryng for that xli byt hyt cwm wt in thys xij dayes I am hawlfe
shamyd hellys be my promys and ther for I pray yow for God
sake rememyr my pwr honeste. Syr howr father whyryttys to
yow an letter I awyse yow loke threon and undyrstonde hyt
whell for he thynkes the whorllde qwhessy and ze ar whelknowyn
and therfor he whowlde that ze gehart not yowrselfe to hofton
to Bregys rather he had levyr ze sent Geos and as for tydynges I
can whrytte yow noyn byt hyt ys sayd ther schawlbe a cownsell
and a parlemente sone after. Syr I have ressayvyd my lorddysb
hoby and I schawll have the hawke and I hawe a goode kepar of
my nowyn pwrwyans byt I pwrpos to have hym and that hauke to
Melcheburnec and leve yowr mehyg wt what kyn fawkyner at
Bwshaya or hellys to have her wt me in to Cottysould. Plumar
has promysyd me to brynge me to my loorde of Essex and I to
schew hym that my loorde gave me at Barwykeb I undyrstond that
my sayd loorde sayce that he newyr gave Brandon no powher I
schall whryte mor playnely to yow be my nexte letter. I have
delyvyrd Kay iij s acordyng to yowr whryttyng and vj d mor
becaus he says he whos robbyd be the whay of iij s. byt the thevys
gave hym viijd ageyn . . . he delyvyrd me the hawkes in savete
and he sayd ze spake to master . . . te and marschaull for yowr
sarwantes and ze had them grawnttyd . . . vc Doche pepwll whos
pwt hut of Calles No more wryt at London . . . . day of
Nowhembyr.per yowr brother
Rychard Cely.
Addressed: Unto my whellbelovyde brother
George Cely marchand of the
stapell at Calleys dd.a Lat. sorus or saurus, a hawk of a year old.
b Sir John Weston.
c Melchbourn, in Bedfordshire, where was a Preceptory of the Hospitallers.