Richard Cely jnr. to George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Cely jnr. to George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/87
- Date
- 5 November 1481
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 68
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Rychard Cely the younger
Anno Jhesu iiijciiijxxj
Riught whell belovid brother I recomend me wnto yow wyth
aull myne hart informeyng yow at the makyng of thys howr
fathe and mother were whell comforttyd and sendys yow ther
blessynges hyt whos so that be the menys of Brandon howr father
and I wher indyttyd for scleyng of an hartte that whos drevyn
into Kent the qweche whe nevyr se ner knew of and thys day I
have ben wt master Mwngewmtrea and gevyn hym the whalew of
a pype whyn to have ws howt of the boke hevir hyt be schewyd
the Kyng and so he has promysyd me and to be good master to
howr father and ws in the matter betwhene Brarddon [sic] and hus
John Froste Foster brohut me to hys mastyrschyp and aqwaynttyd
me wt a gentyll mane of hys hos name ys Ramston that ys a ny
mane to master Mongewmbre and so I mwste informe hym my
matters at aull tymys and he whyll sche them to hys master &c
Syr I have ressavid a letter frome yow wryte at Calleys wherby I
wndyrstonde ze have pwrwayd xli in carolus grottes I pray yow
send them at the next passayg for I pwrpos schorttely into
Cottysowllde and I have informyd my godfather that ze have made
for hym wt Wylliam Browell xxxjli and I thanke God that He pwt
hyt in yowr mynd to have the c xxxli howt of the whystelersa
handys when I whos laste wt yow at Bregys Syr hyt whosso that
when Whykyngb whos deyd and another whos chossyd howr father
whos sor kawlyd apon and byt at Charyb whos bettyr knowyn
howre father hade beyn scheryfe &c howr father wyll that ze by
vjc stykes more canvas at thys marte and I wndyrstonde that ze
have sowlde yowr grehyt gray hors and I am ryught glade therof
for ij ys as good as xx I wndyrstonde that ze have a fayre hawke
I am ryught glade of hyr for I trwste to God sche schall make
yow and me ryught grehyt sporte zefe I whor sewyr at what
passayge ze whollde send her I whowlde fett hyr at Dowyr and
kepe hyr tyll ze cwm a grehyt inforttewin ys fawlyn on yowr
beche for sche had xiiij fayr whelpys and aftyr that sche hade
whelpyd sche whelde newyr hett mette and so sche ys deyd and
aull her whelpys byt I tryste to pwrwhay agayn yowr comyng as
fayr and as good to plesse that genttyll man I wndyrstond ze
pwrpos to be wt ws for Crystemes and therof whe be riught glade
and whe schaull make mery whethyr Brandon wyll or not be the
grasse of God and as for Py ys as hartty as hevir I sau hym and
in ressenabull good plyte and hole Wylliam Cely do ys partte
whell in kepyng of hym and as for howr pensyon in fornyng
whall ys in schaull be payde wythin thys iiij days Syr heyr aftyr
aperythe howr father schypyng and schypys namys and mastyrsItem in the Mary of London Wylliam Sordywoll
master vij packys cottsowllde fellys bestowyd
behynde the maste vj be wndyr hollc and a Summa
packe lyes wpwrmwste apon Dawlttons behynde xxjcviij fellz
the masteItem in the Crystower of Raynamea Hary Wyl-
kyns master vij packys and an hawlfe cottsowlde
thay ly behynd the maste and no mane abowe
xxxc fellz
them . . . . . . . . . . . .
Item in the Tomas of Maydston Hary Lawson
master vj packys cottysowlde medyllyd wt somer
London fellys markyd wt O thay ly befor the
maste wndyr hatches and parte behynde zevyn
xxciij fellz
next the maste in a pyle as brod as ij fellys be
long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Item in the Mary Grasse of London John Lokyng-
ton master vj packes fellys qwherof be vclvj
whynter London thay be markyd wt C. and the
rembnant be Cottsowlde thay ly behynde the
xxciiij fellz
maste and Granger apon them and Rade betwyn
them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Item in the Myhell of Lyll,b Andrew Good master
j packe fellz cottsoulde medyllyd wt somer
London markyd wt O. thay ly behynde the
iiijc fellz
maste wpurmoste and I have payde hyme hys
hole frayte for that packe fellys . . . . . . .
Item in the Thomas of Newhythec Robard Hewan
master a packe lxiiij fellz Cottysowlde thay ly
behynde the maste and Bett sonys fellz ly abowe
iiijclxiiij fellz
them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summa total of howr fathers fellz. . . . . . .
xjMliiijclxiiij fellz
Item in somer London fellz .. . . . . . . . .
vjclxiij fellz
Item in whyntter London . . . . . . . . . . .
vclvj fellz
Item in Cottsowlde . . . . . . . . . . .
xMlijcxlv fellz
Item in the Mary of Rayname John Dangell master
I schyppyd iiij packys xlj fellz of yowrs and
myn thay ly behynde the maste iij packys of
them be Cottsowlde and whon packe xlj fellz be
Wharwykeschyre thay ly wppurmwste I pray
yow lay them by themselfe for hurtteyng of the
tother sorte . . . . . . . . . . . . .xvjcxlj fellz
Item my godfather has vj packys a hawlfe lvij
fellz in the same schype and no mane has a fell
in that schype byt whe my godfadyr and ISumma
xxvjclvij somer
London fellz
clawys that ze whrat of Laysettera in and he whos riught glade
therof I whosse hys geste on Hawlhalou hevyn in howlde Fysche
Strette at dynar wt hym and Charllys Wyllars I pray yow thanke
the at ther comyng to Calles Syr I whowllyd fayn heyr some
good tydyngys of yowr matter that Claysse Demowll has in hande
No more to yow at thys tyme Jhesu kepe yow Whrtte [sic] at
London the v day of Nowembyr.per yowr brother
Rychard Cely.
George Cely merchant of the
stapell be at Caleys so dd.a Rainham, in Essex. b Hull. See Letter of Oct. 31.
c Newhithe on the Medway.
a Sir Thomas Montgomery, Member of the Privy Council to Edward IV. and
Steward of the King?s Forest of Essex.a Money-changer. Wisselen, in Flemish, ‘to exchange.’ See May 13, 1482.
b William Wikyng, Sheriff of London, died 1481; Richard Chaury succeeded him.
c Below the deck.