Richard Cely jnr. to George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Cely jnr. to George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/72
- Date
- 4 June 1481
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 53
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Richard Cely the younger
Jhesu Mliiijciiijxxj
Riught interly whelbelovyd brother I recomend me harttely
onto you thankyng you of aull good brotherhod that ze have
scheuyd to me at aull tymns Syr ze know whell that I have bene
in the northe contre and ther I have had grette scheyr of my
nowlde aqweyntans as the bryngar heyrof can informe you and as
for my noncle ys exseketurs has promysyd me and Plomton be the
faythe of ther bodys to be wt howr father her myhellmes and to
make a neynd wt hym and as I whente northe wharde I met
Roger Wyxton a thyssyd Northehamton and he desyryd me to do
so myche as drynke wt hys whyfe at Laysettera and after that I
met wt Wylliam Daulton and he gave me a tokyn to hys mother
and at Laysetter I met wt Rafe Daulton and he brahut me to hys
mother and ther I delyvyrd my tokyn and sche prayd me to come
to brekefaste on the morow and so I ded and Plomton bothe and
ther whe had a gret whelfar and ther whos feyr oste and I pray
yow thanke them for me Syr and ze be remembyrd whe thaulkyd
togydyr in hour bed of Dawltonys syster and ze ferryd the con-
dyscyons of father and brethyrn byt ze neyd not I saw hyr and sche
whos at brekefaste wt hyr mother and ws sche ys as goodly a
zeunge whomane as fayr as whelbodyd and as sad as I se hany
thys vij zeyr and a good haythe I pray God that hyt may be
inpryntyd in yur mynd to sette yowr harte ther Syr howr father
and I comende togydyr in new orchard on Fryday laste and a
askyd me many qwestyonys of gyn and I towlde hym aull as hyt
whos and he whos ryught sory for the dethe of the schldeb and I
toulde hym of the good whyll that the Whegystons and Dawltons
hows to yow and how I lykyd the zenge gentyllwhoman and he
comaunded me to whryte to yow and he whowlde gladly that hyt
whor brohut abohut and that ze laborde hyt betymys and I have
towllyd howe father of Schestyrs douter how that I whowlde fayne
be ther and howar father whos ryught glad of thys comenycacyon
Daultons mother comendes hyr to you and thankes you for the
kuynys that ze sente to hyr howr father has ressayvyd a letter
frome you wherby he undyrstond of the salle ij sarplers and a plke
as for the mony as ys by yow he whyll that hyt ly be yow tyll
Sencyon marte and lette the mersars have the lengar days bothe
Browell and Paullmar and ther mony acordyng Syr I thanke you
at hyt plesehyd you to leve me Goos for he has don to me good
sarves in thys gornay and I have delyvyrd to him xs to bryng hym
to yow. My godfather has be syke byt he ys whell mendyd thankyd
be God thys same day my loorda ys comyn to London to aske the
Kyng leve to go to the Rodesb for he ys sent for Syr I send you be
Goos a purs sche as whos gewyn me at Zeorkec and I pray yow by
for Alyson Myhell a mantell of fyn blake schankys for I have mony
ther for and sche comendes hyr to you. No mor to yow at thys
tyme Jhesu kepe you. Wrytyn at London the iiijthe day of Juyn.per yur brother
Rychard Cely.
Addressed: Wnto my riught whelbelovyd brother
George Cely merchand of the
estapell of Callez be thys dd.a Leicester.
b This is not ‘Margaret’s’ baby. See date of August 29, 1482.