Richard Cely jnr. to George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Cely jnr. to George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/24
- Date
- 9 April 1479
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 15
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Rychard Cely, the younger
Jhesu Mliiijclxxix
Ryught reverent and welbelovyd brother I recomende me wnto
you as harttely as I can dewyse or thyke informyng you that I
have ressayoyd a letter from you wryttyn at Callez the xxvij day
of Marche be the qweche I do well onderstonde the demenyng of
owr brother Robard and of hys neyd and how ze have holpyn hym
and how ze be lyke to help hym mor and ze wryte to me for
cownsell Syr me thynkes hyt weldone to leve hym now at hys
neyd so that ze may stond sewyr I wndyrstond be your wrytyng
that ze be schargyd wt an offe I pray God make yow well qwyte
therof and owre father wors sory that he has chargyd hym so sor
or begone on hys byldyng byt at he trystes of comforte from you
&c whe heyr saye that our brother has wrettyn for hys wyfe and
sche has askewyshyd hyr that ther be so many flemynger and
fraynchem apon the see that sche dar not com Syr ther was a
mane wt my godfadyr and askyd hym for owr brother Robard and
sayd he wosse sory of hys losse the caws of hys askyng for hym
was for he ys owr brother Robardes sewyrte for xvli that owr
brother mwste pay at marte besyd xli that ys to Wylliam Eston
qwat ys mor God know whe heyr saye that hys wyfe has sent to
hym for mony ze wryt ze wryt [sic] to me a clawys in your letter.
The mor ys done for hym the mor ys he beholdyng byt me thynky
[sic] the mor comfort that sche have of hym and the mor helpe he
have of you the les wyll sche sette by us be well ware how that ze do
hyt ys better to pyttye than be pyttyd I awyse you to leve hym
no mony ne do nothyng wt hym byt afor record ze knowe the
onstedfastnes of hym well I now I cannote thynke how ze schall
stonde sewyr of that ze have lente hym byt zeve ye can geyte
parte of hys fellz transporte be the court and zeyt hyt wylbe sayd
be hyr frendys that ze have ondone hym whe be informyd that owr
brother Robards chyld ys goyn to Callez ageyn whe marwell in so
myche as he browyt lettyrs at he desyryd none ageyn Syr I wryt
the playnear to yow for owr father sawe your letter er hyt come to
my handys and wos resenably welplesyd therwyth so that ze stonde
sewyr owr father rydys in to Cotsolda wt in viij dayes and I go
to my loordeb . . . Syr I pray ze remembyr my loordes hosse
clothe he . . . Syr I have made Robard Eryke a byll of xvjs fl.
payabull at syet the qweche ys my dewte I pray you harttely that
hyt may be anssorde Syr your hors ys in good plyte and he
hawltyd sor syn ze departyd byt whe have made bathe thys for
hym and so he ys hoyll he wyll playe wt a straw now mor to you
Godd sende me a goyde market for owr hors and you a good
market for owr fellz Jhesu kepe yow Wryt at London on Good
Fryday and I go to my lord on Ester ewe Syr I pray ze recomende
me to owr ostes and aull good frendes and grete well Bawlser.per your brother
Rychard Cely.
Addressed: [SYM] my welbelovyd brother George
Cely merchand of the stapell
at Callez at oste wt Bornellz
whedowa Cotswold. b Sir John Weston; see page 26.