Richard Cely jnr. to George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Cely jnr. to George Cely
- Reference
- SC 1/53/119
- Date
- 13 May 1482
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 89
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Rychard Cely the younger
Anno Jhesu Mliiijciiijxxij
Ruight interly whelbelovyd brothe I recomende me harttely
unto yow informing yow at the makyng of thys howr mother
brother my godfather and the howsowlde ar in goode heyll thankyd
be the good Loorde Syr the same day that I departtyd into
Cottesowlde I ressayvyd a letter frome yow wryte at Calles the
xiiij day of Aprell wher in I fynde the inuiatory of syche godes
that whos howr fathers and mony on that syd of the see Syr I
spake not wyth the byschopys ofesars syn that I ressayvyd yowr
letter when I spake laste wt them thay sayd that awlthynges
schulde abyd yowr cwmyng I wndyrstonde be your letter that ze
wyll make howyr abowe vcli I hawhe beyn in Cottysowllde thys
iij whekys and packyd wt Wylliam Mydwyntter xxij sarplers and
a poke whereof be iiij mydyll Wylliam Bretten saye hyt ys the
fayreste woll that he saw thys zeyr and I packyd iiij sarplers at
Camden of the same bargeyn wher ar ij good ij mydyll ther wylbe
in aull wt blottes apon xxvij or xxviij sarplers wholl. Syr I
cannot hawhe Wylliam Mydwynttyrs fellys undyr iijli xld the c.
and I schaull [hawhe them I]a go to that pryse I pray yow send
me a letter schorttely Syr I hawhe bohyt in Cottysowlde apon
the poynt of vijM1 resenabyll good fellz and I pay iijli I can gehet
noyn undyr Syr I whryte to yow a prosses I pray God send
ther of a good heynd the same day that I come to Norlacheb on a
Sonday befor mattens frome Kurfordec Wylliam Mydwyntter
wyllecwmyd me and in howr comynycacyon he askyd me hefe I
wher in any whay of maryayge I towlde hyme nay and he
informeyd me that ther whos a zeunge genttyll whoman hos father
ys name ys Lemryke and her mother ys deyd and sche schaull
dispend be her moter xlli a ze as thay say in that contre and her
father ys the gretteste rewlar as rycheste mane in that conttre and
ther hawhe bene grete genttyllmen to seyr and wholde hawhe her
and hewyr matens wher done Wylliam Mydwynter had mevyd
thys mater to the gretteste mane a bot the gentylman Lemeryke
and he zeyd and informyd the forsayd of aull the matter and the
zewng gentyll woman bothe and the Sattyrday aftyr Wylliam
Mydwyntter whent to London as aull wholl getherars wher sent
for be wryt be the men of Pettyt for in wynde and grete markyng
and thay hawhe day to cwm [agen] at Myhellmas. When I had
packyd at Camden and Wylliam Mydwyntter parttyd I came to
Norlache ageyn to make a nende of packyng and on Sonday nexte
aftyr the same mane that Wylliam Mydwyntter brake fyrste to
cam me and telde me that he had brokyn to hys master acordyng
as Mydwyntter desyryde hym and he sayd hys master whos ryght
[we]ll plesyde ther whothe and the same mane sayd to me hefe I
whowllde tary May day I schulde hawhe a syte of the zeunge
gentyllwhoman and I sayd I wholld tary wt a good wyll and the
same day her father schul a syttyn at Norlache for the Kyng byt
he sent whon of hys clarkys and rod hymselfe to Wynchecwmea and
to mattens the same day come the zewnge gentyll whoman and her
mother i law and I and Wylliam Bretten wher seyng mattens
when thay com in to chyrche and when mattens whos done thay
whente to a kynnys whoman of the zewnge gentty woman and I
sent to them a pottell of whyte romnay and thay toke hyt thanke-
fully for thay had cwm a myle a fote that monyng and when mes
whos done I come and whellcwmyd them and kyssyd them and
they thankyd me for the whyne and prayd me to cwm to dyner wt
them and I ascwysyd me and they made me promys to drynke wt
them after dyner and I sent them to dyner a galon whyne and thay
sent me a heron sew roste and aftyr dyner I cwm and dranke wt
them and toke Wylliam Bretten wt me and whe had ryught gode
comynecacyon and the person plesetheyde me whell as be the
fyrste comenycacyon sche ys zewnge lytyll and whery whellfavyrd
and whytty and the contre spekys myche gode by hyr. Syr aull
thys matter abydythe the cwmyng of her father to London that
whe may wndyrstonde what some he wyll departe wt and how he
lykys me he wyll be heyr wtin iij whekes I pray send me a letter
how ze thynke be thys matter Heyr has beyn whyt my mother
Myhell Koke and hys whyfe from Zeorkeb and my mother and I
hawhe made them gret scheyr and my mother has gewyn to
Myhellz wyfe a cremsyn goune of hyr wheryng and sche has prayd
me to whrayt to yow to by for her a for of callo . . . for to lay in
the same gowne and hys Kokys whyfe and sche prays yow to by
for them x as fyne mynkes as ze can fynde in the marte and ze
schawl be plesyd for them I schawll send to Calles be Robard
Heryke at thys Whyttisontyd the byll of xiijs iiijd hyt amwntys to
xvli vjs viijd and payde I undyrstonde be Wylliam [Celys] letter
that ze hawe whryttyng frome my lorde of Sent Jonysa I pray yow
send me partte of your tydyng I sent to yow the laste that I had
Syr thay hawhe begwn to schype at London and aull howr wholl
and fell ys hyt in Cottysowlde sawhe iiij sarplers therfor whe can
do nothyng at thys tyme. Syr I thynke mony wyll be gode at
thys marte for the Kyng has sente to the mercars and lette them
what that he wylle hawe iij whystyllesb whon at Bregys another at
Callez the thyrd at London and as I am informyd what merchand
of the stapell that fellys hys whe he may by what whar that he
wyll ageyn and thay that by nowhar schaull brynge in ther mony
into the Kynges wystyll at Bregys ar Calles and be payd at
London at a monythe day and the mony schawlbe stablyschyd at
viijs the mercars be not conttent therwt. I pray yow remembyr
howyr bowys. No mor. Wrhyt at London the xiij day of May.per Rychard Cely.
Addressed: To my riught whellbelovyd George
Cely merchand of the Stapell at
Calleys or at the Marte be thys dd.On the Dorse: Billes and letteres of Anno
Mliiijciiijxxij super viset.a Crossed out. b Northleach. cPerhaps Burford,
a Winchcombe, in Gloucestershire. b York.
a Sir John Weston.
b Wissel, in Flemish, ‘An exchange for money.’ See November 5, 1481.