Richard Calle to Margaret Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Calle to Margaret Paston
- Reference
- Add. 27445, f. 66
- Date
- 27 November 1472
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 820
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
To the ryght reverent and worshipffull my mastres,
Margaret Paston, in haste.Plesith it you to wete that I have receyved your letter, wherin I conceyve
ye wolde undrestonde how I do with the sale of Sporle Wode. It is so that I
have begonne to felle asshe at the townes ende for to sette the contre on werke,
and be that I shall undrestonde how the remnaunt wol doo. I have sette suche
a classe [glass] before here ien [their eyes] ther, that they are madde upon it, so
that I truste be Ester to make of money, what with the barke and with the
asshe, at the leest l. marke for to retayle the wode our selfe, and be Cristemas
next after that, other l. marke, and so yerely l. marke at Cristemesse as longe as
the wode lasteth, to the some that I tolde you, and I truste more; and to this I
durste be bound. Nevertheles, I am a bowte to selle it all a grete and to brynge
it to all moste to as goode proffe as thowe we retayled it oure silffe, for it is so
that ther is a man of Carbroke, they calle hym Saunders, I may have of hym
for all the wode and barke that is in Sporle xjxx. marke, to paye at suche dayes
a fore reherseyd, we to bere the costes of the fense and of the tithe; but we are
not throw yet, nor nought shal be tille I have worde from you a yene, weche I
must have be Sonday come sevenyte at the fertheste, for on the Wednesdaye
nexte after that we shal mete a yene at Sporle. Wherfore I beseche you sende
me your avice how ye thynke herein, and I shal doo that in me is be Godes
grace; if I can do better with hym I shall. It shal be harde werke, but if
I haunse hym som what, for ther is moche money be twix us, and therfore spare
not to sende my master, Sir John, worde to take suche dayes of payment as is
a bove wreten, for it shalbe performed what wey som ever we take be Godes
grace.Item, mastres, as for your write [wright] ye may not have hym tille after
Cristemas, for he had taken an howse to make while I was with you, it wolbe
this iij. wekes yet or then he make an ende, &c.Item, I mette with Robert at Heythe of Matelaske at Norwiche, when I
come from you. I felle on hande with hym for Matelaske Kerre, I myght
have had of hym for that vij. marke and xxd. Dele nogh as ye thynke.Item, as for money of the fermour of Sporle, he telles me he is bounde to
Tounesende to pay hym at this Candelmesse. And he seythe if he may be
discharged a yenst hym your money shalbe redy at hys daye, be Godes grace,
Who have you in His blissed kepyng.Wreten at Sporle, the Friday next after Seint Edmund the Kynge.
Your servaunt, R. CALLE.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It is evident that this letter must have been written
some time after the preceding, but very probably in the same year.NOV. 27
NOV. 27