Richard Calle to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Calle to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 34888, f. 210
- Date
- n.d.
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 523; Fenn, Vol III, Henry VI item 108
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume III' (1st transcript)
To my maystre Iohn Paston.
PLESITH yor maistrschip to wit that I whas at Scole and
spake wt alblastre Iohn Sadeler and wt other good yomē of
the contre to undrestonde how they were gided for the vetelyng
of the Barge of Yermouth And I undrestonde be thē that there
hundred haue payed nevrtheles it is but litell ther was gatherd
in that hundred xviijs and certein Corn and some other hundred
vj m’rc and corne and so they have payed in all the hundreds and
townys here a boute that it to sey Est Flegge and West Flegge
and up to Blofeld Tunsted and up to Stalom I undrestand be the
comiscon that debenh’m hath it is more large thanne Mastr Iohn
is as ye schal undrestand wherof I send you A copy weche
causeth me that I labor no ferther therin notwtstandyng yor
maistrschip schal have knowleche what every hundred geve and
Yermeth bothe Wretē at Wynterton the morwe aftre I deprted
from yor maistrschip.Yor poore bedman,
Ric. Calle.
11 ¾ by 5 ¼.
I have given this Letter as it ascertains the public manner by which the Ships were
victualled, and shews as that it was done by a kind of voluntary subscription, in every
town throughout the hundreds, of money and corn, though what proportion the corn
bore to the money collected, does not appear from this account.Richard Calle of Edinthorpe, he afterwards married Margery, daughter of John and
Margaret Paston. Autograph. Pl. XVIII. No 9. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume III' (2nd transcript)
To my Master, John Paston.
PLEASETH your Mastership to weet, that I was at Scole,
and spake with Alblaster and John Sadler, and with other
good Yeomen of the Country, to understand how they were
guided for the victualling of the Barge of Yarmouth; and I
understand by them that their Hundred have paid, nevertheless
it is but little, there was gathered in that Hundred eighteen
Shillings and certain Corn; and (in) some other Hundred six
Marks (4l.) and corn; and so they have paid in all the Hun-
dreds and Towns here about, that is to say, East Fleg and West
Fleg, and up to Blofield, Tunstead, and up to Stalman, I un-
derstand by the commission that Debenham hath, it is more
large than Master John’s, as ye shall understand, whereof I send
you a Copy, which causeth me that I labour no farther therein,
notwithstanding your mastership shall have knowledge what
every Hundred gives and Yarmouth both.Written at Winterton, the morrow after I departed from your
mastership.Your poor Beadsman,
11 ¾ by 5 ¼.
I have given this Letter as it ascertains the public manner by which the Ships were
victualled, and shews as that it was done by a kind of voluntary subscription, in every
town throughout the hundreds, of money and corn, though what proportion the corn
bore to the money collected, does not appear from this account.Richard Calle of Edinthorpe, he afterwards married Margery, daughter of John and
Margaret Paston. Autograph. Pl. XVIII. No 9. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
To my maistre, John Paston.
PLESITH your maisterschip to wit that I whas at Scole,
and spake with Alblastre, John Sadeler, and with other
good yomen of the contre to undrestonde how they
were gided for the vetelyng of the Barge of Yermouth. And I
undrestonde be them that there [their] hundred have payed;
nevertheles it is but litell. Ther was gatherd in that hundred
xviijs. and certein corn, and some other hundred vj. marc and
corne, and so they have payed in all the hundreds and townys
here a boute, that is to sey, Est Flegge and West Flegge and
up to Blofeld, Tunsted and up to Stalom, I undrestand, be
the comiscion that Debenham hath. It is more large thanne
master John is, as ye schal undrestand, wherof I send you a
copy, weche causeth me that I labour no ferther therin. Not-
withstandyng your maisterschip schal have knowleche what
every hundred geve, and Yermeth bothe.Wreten at Wynterton, the morwe aftre I departed from
your maisterschip.Youre poore bedman, RIC. CALLE.
1 [From Fenn, iii. 430.]