Richard Calle to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Calle to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 27444, ff. 122-123
- Date
- [February] 1463
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 538
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
To my ryght reverent and wurschip[full] mayster, my Mayster
John Paston in the Ynner Temple at London.PLESITH your goode maystrechip to witte that ther
comen doune to the undrescheryff of Norwiche, a
writte to a tache Mr. John P. the yongere, wherof I
sende you a copy closed herin, but they woll not a reeste hym
within Norwich; but I undrestande ther is comen an other
writte to the undrescheryff of Norfolk bothe for hym and me,
and for all thoo that ben indyghted. Wherfore I purpose me
to ride to Hoonyng to the scheryff thys day, to undrestande
how he is disposed, and to desire hym to shewe favour to your
pore tenaunts; and as I feele hym disposed I schall send your
maystreship answer.And as for tidyngs here in this contre, we have noon but
that ther be many Frenchemen upon the see and do moche
answer upon the coosts. Mr. Yelver[ton] knew of the comyng
up of the teste within ij. dayes after they were goon, &c. My
ryght reverent and wurschipful maystre, the blissed Trinite
preserve and kepe and ferther you in all your maters.Sir William Wyllugby whas at Risynge Castell, and yester-
day he come home a yenne. On Tentale hathe entred in to a
parte of Felbregge lyvelod, and a corte holden, and the tenaunts
retorned. Item, as for the cort that Deben[ham] schuld holde
at Calcot we here not of it.Your pore servaunt and
bedman, R. C.Rex vi[ce]comitibus Norwici, salutem. Præcepimus vobis quod capiatis
Johannem Paston juniorem, nuper de Norwico, armigerum, si inventus fuerit in
balliva vestra, et eum salvo custodiatis, ita quod habeatis corpus ejus coram nobis
a die Paschæ in unum mensem ubicunque tunc fuerimus in Anglia, ad respon-
dendum nobis de quibusdam feloniis et transgressionibus unde in comitatu nostro
Suffolchiæ indictatus est. Et si prædictus Johannes in balliva vestra inveniri
non poterit, tunc ad duos comitatus in balliva vestra citra terminum prædictum
proximo tenendos juxta formam statuti in hujusmodi casu provisi proclamari
faciatis quod idem Johannes sit coram nobis ad præfatum terminum ad respon-
dendum nobis de præmissis. Et habeatis ibi hoc breve. Teste Johanne
Markham apud Westmonasterium, xxxjo die Januarii, anno regni nostri
Rotulo xxvjo R. Per contr’ Anno secundo Regis Ed. iiijti r. xiij. Irrotulatur coram
Rege de recordo, termino Hillarii anno secundo Regis Ed. iiijti, prout patet in rotulo
infrascripto.11 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] As the writ, of which a copy is subjoined to this
letter, is dated on the 31st January in the second year of Edward IV. (1463), the letter
itself must have been written in February.1 This note is to imply that the writ is enrolled among what are called the Records
on the Coram Rege Roll of Hilary term, 2 Edw. IV., rot. 26, a former writ against
John Paston, junior, being enrolled in the Controlment Roll, 2 Edw. IV., rot. 13.[FEB.]