Richard Calle to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Calle to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 27444, f. 130
- Date
- 28 June 1464
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 568
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
To my ryght wurschipfull my mastre, John Paston, be
this delyverd in haste.PLESITH it youre goode maisterchippe to witte that I
have be with my Mastre Calthorppe for the matre ye
wrote to hym fore, wherin I have founde hym ryght
weele disposed and favorabley; nevertheles he tolde me that
William Jenney hath bene hes goode frende and have ben of
hes councell this ij. yere in all hes matres towchyng the lawe,
but he seide lever he hadde lose the lesser frende than the
greete frende, and so he hathe graunted favour accordyng to
youre desire, and wrote a lettre to the undrescheryff of Norfolk
that he schuld take suerte sufficient to save hym harmeles, and
that done to write a letter to the undrescheryff of Suffolk and
lete hym witte that he hath taken suerte that ye schall appere
in the crastino Animarum upon the exigents returnable, or elles
to bryng a super sedias1 lauful before that daye, chargyng hym
that he do sece [cause to cease] the callyng of the writts, and to
retorne that ye appered the furst day. Weche suerte is taken,
and a letter wreten to the undrescheryff of Suffolk acordynge
herto.Item, as for Sir Thomas Howes, he lythe most at Nor-
wiche. I can thynke he come not up to London tyll
Michelmes.Item, I rode over to Techewelle whan that I whas at
Mastre Calthorppes for to have money of the fermours, and
Yelverton and Sir Thomas hathe sent to hem that they schol
pay to you no more money, for that they had payed to you
they schulde payed [pay it] ayene to them; and so I gane
[can] gete no money of hem. Wherfore I went for to
distreyne hem; and so they seide that I myght not distreyne
hem, for I come before the daye, for her [their] day is at
Midsomer. Nevertheles I wold not lette, for that Simond
Miller and other promysed to Mr. William Cotyng and to
me that I schuld have the money aftre Midsomer, so that I
brought with me a quetaunce of suche money as ye have re-
ceyved of hem, or elles a generall quetaunce; and the tone
I purposed to do in haste be the advice of the seide Mastre
W. Cotynge. For, and I torned, I can thynke it schuld
hurte. I am purposed to lete it in youre name to other
folks or to them ayen, and suerte founde to you, &c. And
Almyghty God preserve and kepe you. Wreten at Norwiche
on Sen Petres Even.Your pore servaunt and bedman,
2 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter refers to the suit brought by Jenney
against Paston in 1464, in which, as will be seen hereafter, Paston failed to appear at
four successive county courts held at Ipswich, and was at last outlawed in Michaelmas
term. See No. 572.1 Super sedias. So spelt in MS.