Richard Calle to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Calle to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 27444, f. 114
- Date
- 1 February 1462
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 507
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
To the ryght reverent and my mooste worschipful master, my
Master John Paston, in the Inneer Tempyll.Plesith it your maisterschip to witte that I have been at Burnewyll in
Nacton to receyve the rentes and fermys of the tenauntes. And I undrestande
be them, and be Robert Goordon that Mastre Jenney whas there and helde a
coorte on the Mondaye next aftre Tlwelthe, and warned the tenauntes that they
schulde pay no money to no man onto the tyme they had worde from hym,
seyng that he whas on of the feffeys of the same maner, and that he whas feed
with Sir John Fastolff, of weche fee he was be hynde for ij. yere; wherfore
he desired the tenauntes that they schulde not be redy in payement onto the
tyme they had word from hym, but that he myght be payed of his seide fee,
lyke as the wylle of the deede was. Wherfore I can gete no money of them
unto the tyme they have knowleche how it stond be twyx your maistership and
Mr. Jenney; for withoute Jenney write to hem or come hom ward that wey,
and have the tenauntes together and lete hem witte that ye ought to have the
rentes and fermes of the seid maner, I can not see that ye be like to have but
litell money there, withoute ye woll do distreyne throuout all the lordeschip. I
have sette dayes to purvey but [their] money ayenst the first weke of cleene
Lenton, and than they schul have an answere who shal receyve it. Wherfore
that it please your maistership to remembre to speke to Mastre Jenney. The
blissed Trinite preserve you and kepe you from all advercyte. Wreten at
Yebbyshep1 the furst daye of Februare.Your pore servaunt and bedman,
Item, the maner of Stratton shuld paye of rente xxvjs. viijd., weche the
fermour seythe my mastresse Brandon is acorded with you. He is be hynde
for certeine yeres, &c.1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The manor of Burneviles in Nacton, near Ipswich,
was part of the lands of Sir John Fastolf which Paston inherited by his will; but his
claim was disputed by Jenney, one of the executors. As Jenney is here said to have
complained that his fee was two years in arrear, we may presume that it was little
over two years since Fastolf’s death when this letter was written. For further
evidences of date compare No. 494. It may also be observed that we find undoubted
evidence that John Paston was residing in the Inner Temple six weeks later (see
No. 511), whereas in the preceding year he was in Norfolk, where his brother Clement
wrote to him news from London (No. 430).1 Ipswich?
FEB. 11462
FEB. 1