Since I left you I have received at Cotton £4: 2s., with which I have made purchases of linen shirts, &c. for you. Shall have more money before Christmas. Debenham, Jenney, nor none of his men ‘come not there sen’ that I was there.’ A letter of attorney is made for Nakton in your name to Sir John Heveningham, and a rental and fermal sent him. We kept a court this week at Calcotte but could get little money, not so much as I paid my Lady of Suffolk’s officers. Farmers will not occupy there till appointment be made between Paston and Debenham; nor Risynge till he hear from Paston. Can get no day for Mautby. They will not give a noble, nor even 6 shillings, for a cow. Dey occupies your lands there till you come home. Risynge would take them and the closes at Castre if he is not to have Calcotte. The prests shall be paid as soon as we get money, I hope this week. Wheat 12d. a comb, barley 8d., malt 9d. and 10d. No good price for malt, ‘saving, as we understand, it is good Flanders.’ John Russe and Robert Glover are sending a ship with corn over, and we have ventured with them 100 comb malt. You should make some bargain with your beer brewers. Can get no money from Aleynes, farmer of Gresham, since ye rode, but 40s. Has laid in sufficient beef for Paston’s household till ‘Faste- gang’ (Lent). Sir Thomas Howys advises my mistress not to send Edmund Paston to Cambridge or elsewhere till after Christmas. Please ask Clement, your brother, to get a writ against Geoffrey Clerk of West Somerton for the 20s. that Belys gave him to pay Clement. Remember the letter I sent you last week.
Caister, St. Edmund’s Day.
[From what is here said of the levying of rents at Cotton, and from the mention of Debenham and Jenney in connection with it, we may presume this letter was written in 1461. With this supposition agrees the reference to John Paston’s brother, Clement, who, as we see by No. 484, was in London in October.]
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.]
1461 NOV. 20