To my moost reverent and wurshipfful mastre, my Master John Paston of the Enner Temple, this be
Plesith your maystership to undrestande that as for the ferme that Cheseman had in Boyton, that is to sey, xl. acre lond erable, j. medwe, and other smale parcell, payng yerly for it iiijli., weche I can not lete the xl. acre lond abowe xl. comb barly or xls., and ye to bere al charges of the reparaucion and fense aboute the place, weche shulde be gret cost. The lond is so out of tylthe that a nedes [uneath, i.e. scarcely] any man wol geve any thyng for it. Ther can no man lete it to the walwe that it was lete before, and that I reporte me to my master, Sir Thomas Howys, not be gret gold. Wherfore I wol not do therin unto the tyme that I have answere from your mastership, weche I beseche you it may be hast. And as for Spitlynges, I have lete som of the lond in smale parcell, because I cowde gete no fermor for it. And as for Sir T. H., in good feythe I fynde [him] weele disposed in all thynges, excepte for Sir W. Chamber- leyn for Rees in Stratton. And so the blissid Trinite preserve and kepe you from all adversite. Wrete at Blofeld, the Thorsday next after Hallowmesday.
Your pore servaunt and bedman,
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The date of this letter is uncertain. Its contents are mere matter of business, and as relating to the same farm mentioned in the last may be supposed to belong to the same year, especially as in the last Calle mentions having written to Paston on the subject ‘at Hallowmass.’ There is, however, a dis- crepancy in the value assigned for the farm.