Richard Calle to John Paston, Junior
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Calle to John Paston, Junior
- Reference
- Add. 34888, f. 209
- Date
- 1462
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 522; Fenn, Vol IV, Edward IV item 41
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (1st transcript)
To my Maistre Iohn
Paston the yonger be this
delyv'ed.SERE I haue receyved yor lettre wherin I understand that my
Maistre desired that my Maistre yor brother myght haue the
gidyng and governance of the Barge of Yermouthe as to that
and men of Yermouthe had knowen my maistre entend a For-
nyght a goo he had ben swer of it but nough it is so that
Debenh'm hathe a Comyscon of the Kyng expressed oonly for
that schip named in hes comyscon and he hathe ben here at Yer-
mouthe and spoken wt the Balyffs and wt the own's of the seide
schip and takyn suche a direccon that they may g'unted it ne
man but hym And moreou' he hathe endented wt the own's of
the schip what daye it schulbe redy as well vetaylled as manned
and also he hathe brought downe letters from my lord tresorer
to all p'ōs s and gentlemē in this Contre to helpe hy and assiste
hy to vetayle and manne the seide schip and hes men is here
dayle and gothe abought and gathereth whete malt money and
what so eur any man woll gave &c. The blissed t'nyte p'serue
you Wretē at Castre the Friday next aftre I receyued yot letter
It' is talked here that my maistre yor brother and Debenh'm
were at words at london and that Debenh'm shuld haue streken
hym had nought Howard a beene &c. Wherof I am ryght sory
&c. neurthelesse I truste to god all schul be weell.Yor s'vu'nt
Ric Calle.Paper Mark,
A Vine Branch.
Pl. X. No 11.we have in this Letter a further account of the proceedings relative to the command-
ing manning, and victualling of the Barge of Yarmouth, and the means made use of to
procure the different stores to sit her for voyage, &c.Autograph. Pl. XVIII. No 9. Seal, an Eagle's Head erased, &c. Pl. XXIII. No 8.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume IV' (2nd transcript)
To my Master John Paston, the younger, be this delivered.
SIR, I have received your Letter, wherein I understand that
my master desired that my master your brother might have
the guiding and governance of the Barge of Yarmouth; as to
that and (if) men of Yarmouth had known my master's intent
a fortnight ago he had been sure of it, but now it is so that De-
benham hath a Commission of the King expressed only for that
ship named in his Commission, and he hath been here at Yarmouth,
and spoken with the Bailiff and with the owners of the said ship,
and taken such a direction that they may grant it no man but
him; and moreover he hath indented with the owners of the
ship what day it shall be ready as well victualled as manned; and
also he hath brought down Letters from my Lord Treasurer to
all Priors and Gentlemen in this Country to help him and assist
him to victual and man the said ship, and his men is here daily,
and goeth about and gathereth wheat, malt, money, and what-
soever any man will give, &c.The blessed Trinity preserve you. Written at Caister, the
Friday next after I received your Letter.Item, it is talked here that my master your brother and De-
benham were at words at London, and that Debenham should
have stricken him had not Howard a been (have been) &c.
whereof I and right sorry, &c. nevertheless I trust to God all
shall be well.Your Servant
RICHARD CALLE.Caister, Friday, July 1463.
3 E. IV.
See Letter CVIII. Vol. III.we have in this Letter a further account of the proceedings relative to the command-
ing manning, and victualling of the Barge of Yarmouth, and the means made use of to
procure the different stores to sit her for voyage, &c.Autograph. Pl. XVIII. No 9. Seal, an Eagle's Head erased, &c. Pl. XXIII. No 8.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
To my maistre, John Paston the yonger, be this delyvered.
SERE, I have receyved your lettre, wherin I undrestand
that my maistre desired that my maistre your brother
myght have the gidyng and governaunce of the Barge
of Yermouthe. As to that, and men of Yermouthe had knowen
my maistre entend a fornyght a goo, he had ben swer of it,
but nough it is so that Debenham hathe a comyscion of the
Kyng expressed oonly for that schip named in hes comyscion;
and he hathe ben here at Yermouthe, and spoken with the
balyffs and with the owners of the seide schip, and takyn
suche a direccion that they may graunted it ne man but hym.
And moreover he hathe endented with the owners of the schip
what daye it schulbe redy as well vetaylled as manned; and
also he hathe brought downe letters from my Lord Tresorer
to all priours and gentlemen in this contre to helpe hym and
assiste hym to vetayle and manne the seide schip, and hes men
is here dayle, and gothe abought and gathereth whete, malt,
money, and what so ever any man woll geve, &c.The blissed Trinyte preserve you. Wreten at Castre, the
Friday next aftre I receyved your lettre.Item, is talked here that my maistre your brother and
Debenham were at words at London, and that Debenham
shuld have streken hym, had nought Howard a’ beene, &c.,
wherof I am ryght sory, &c. Neverthelesse I trust to God all
schul be weell.Your servaunt, RIC. CALLE.
1 [From Fenn, iv. 144.] This and the next letter were evidently written not
very long after the last.1462