To my most reverent and worshipfull mastresse, my Mastresse Margaret Paston, this be delyuered.
PLESITH it your mastresseship that my mastre2 wolde that ye alowe the berer hereof for hes costs, in asmoch as he come hether for that matre, and for non other; but ye must lete Thomas Denys wif be prevy therto, for my mastre wol that she bere the cost, for it is her matre; and that ye make her goode cheere, and if ye wol have her hom to you for a seacon, unto the tyme sche be out of her trouble, my mastre is agreed. And if sche sende to my mastre for any matre, let her sende her owne man upon her owne coste, thowe ye paye the money for a secon, unto the tyme that sche may pay you a yein, mastre holdeth hym content. My right wurshipful mastresse, Almyghti Jesu kepe you. Wreten at London the iij. day of Jul.
Your poore seruaunt and bedman,
On the back of this letter is the following memorandum:—’Memorandum of j. comb whete, whereof was mad iiij.xx and x. [fourscore and ten] brown lovis and iiij.xx and xvj. white lovis, after vj. j.d. price the . .’
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter seems to have been written in 1461, just before Thomas Denys was murdered, in consequence of the occurrences mentioned in No. 462.
2 John Paston.