Richard Bryan to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Richard Bryan to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/142
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 249; Kingsford, Vol II, item 249
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR[29 SEPT. 1479]
In his next letter Bryan gives the report of Betson's illness for Thursday,
30th Sept., and Friday, 1st October; this letter was therefore probably
written on 29th Sept. Betson's uncle is perhaps Sir William Stocker, whose
wife was sister to Lady Stonor. Mistress Jane is probably Jane Ryche, the
younger sister of Betson's wife. Humphrey Starkey was Recorder of London
1471-83 (Dict. Nat. Biog., liv, 108). Robert Tate was sheriff in 1481-82,
and mayor in 1488-89. For Richard Page see Nos. 220 and 247, and for
Fenn and Fyncham see vol. i, p. xxix. The amount of money is large but
compare the list of obligations due by Betson in No. 264. From A.C., xlvi,
142.Sir, according to the commaundement of your mastership we were at
Stebenhith by ix of the Clok: at suche tyme as we come thider we
sawe the gentilman forthwith. And in gode feith he made us gode
chere as a sike man might by countenaunce notwithstonding: for in
gode feith we sawe by his demenour that he might not prospere in this
world: ffor mastres Bevice and oþer Gentilwomen, and his Uncle were
of the same oppynyon. And we desired and praide him to be of gode
comfort and so comfortid him as hertely as we coude in your name and
in my ladies. And so we departid from the Chambre downe into the
halle: and he felle into a grete slombering, and was besily movid in his
spirites. And at a xj of the Clok I1 callid his Uncle out of his
bedde into the gentilman's Chambre, and I asked his advice and my
maystresse his wyf of the stok and of the demenure therof for the yere
and the half that is last past. And as touching the stok he confessid
that it was xj.c li. iij.xx li. Wherin at the sight of your acquietaunce
in discharging of him and alle his doers that shalbe be hinde him the
seid stok shalbe redy. And as for the occupacion of it, as he will
answere betwene god and devell, the boke that he bought it by ye
shalbe prive therto: and the boke that he sold by ye shalbe also prive
to: which ij bokes shalbe his Juges, which remayne in the keping of
my mastresse his wifes handes under lok and key, and other billes and
obligacions accordyng, concernyng the suerte for divers paiementes to
be made by divers merchauntes, as the seid Gentilman seith. Forther-
more, as touching to John Fennys prentice alle thing is according in
suerte, which shalbe delivered into the handes of Laurence Fyncham
and oþer of the same company. I have sent James to Page, and I
trust to God he wilbe here this day by none. And as for the plate my
maystresse Jane and I have caused it to be taken up and set in suerte,
save that that must nedes be occupied. And as touching the bille that
ye have of his awne hande of the sume of iiijxx. li., I praie you send it
me by the bringer of this letter; and as for my lady money which ye
geve by instruccion shulde be iiijxx. li., I pray you shewe it me by
writing how that I may appose it ferther, for as yet I can have no
answere of hers ne yours. I trust to Jhesu he shall endure till þe
messenger come ayene: lenger the ffysicians have not determyned.
The executours be thre persones, my maystresse his wyf, Humfrey
Starky, Recorder of London, Robert Tate, merchaunt of Caleys: not-
withstanding I moved him betwene him and me and mastres Jane that
he shuld breke this testament, and make my mastresse his wyf sole
executrice. What wilbe do ?erin, as yet I can not speke, but I shall do
as I can with Goddes grace, who have you in his kepyng. Written at
London, this present daie at viij of the Clok.By yow owne Ric. Bryan.
To my most worshipfull and singuler gode master Sir William
Stonour, knyght.1 Bryan first wrote "he".
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR[29 SEPT. 1479]
In his next letter Bryan gives the report of Betson’s illness for Thursday,
30th Sept., and Friday, 1st October; this letter was therefore probably
written on 29th Sept. Betson’s uncle is perhaps Sir William Stocker, whose
wife was sister to Lady Stonor. Mistress Jane is probably Jane Ryche, the
younger sister of Betson’s wife. Humphrey Starkey was Recorder of London
1471-83 (Dict. Nat. Biog., liv, 108). Robert Tate was sheriff in 1481-82,
and mayor in 1488-89. For Richard Page see Nos. 220 and 247, and for
Fenn and Fyncham see vol. i, p. xxix. The amount of money is large but
compare the list of obligations due by Betson in No. 264. From A.C., xlvi,
142.Sir, according to the commaundement of your mastership we were at
Stebenhith by ix of the Clok: at suche tyme as we come thider we
sawe the gentilman forthwith. And in gode feith he made us gode
chere as a sike man might by countenaunce notwithstonding: for in
gode feith we sawe by his demenour that he might not prospere in this
world: ffor mastres Bevice and oþer Gentilwomen, and his Uncle were
of the same oppynyon. And we desired and praide him to be of gode
comfort and so comfortid him as hertely as we coude in your name and
in my ladies. And so we departid from the Chambre downe into the
halle: and he felle into a grete slombering, and was besily movid in his
spirites. And at a xj of the Clok I1 callid his Uncle out of his
bedde into the gentilman’s Chambre, and I asked his advice and my
maystresse his wyf of the stok and of the demenure therof for the yere
and the half that is last past. And as touching the stok he confessid
that it was xj.c li. iij.xx li. Wherin at the sight of your acquietaunce
in discharging of him and alle his doers that shalbe be hinde him the
seid stok shalbe redy. And as for the occupacion of it, as he will
answere betwene god and devell, the boke that he bought it by ye
shalbe prive therto: and the boke that he sold by ye shalbe also prive
to: which ij bokes shalbe his Juges, which remayne in the keping of
my mastresse his wifes handes under lok and key, and other billes and
obligacions accordyng, concernyng the suerte for divers paiementes to
be made by divers merchauntes, as the seid Gentilman seith. Forther-
more, as touching to John Fennys prentice alle thing is according in
suerte, which shalbe delivered into the handes of Laurence Fyncham
and oþer of the same company. I have sent James to Page, and I
trust to God he wilbe here this day by none. And as for the plate my
maystresse Jane and I have caused it to be taken up and set in suerte,
save that that must nedes be occupied. And as touching the bille that
ye have of his awne hande of the sume of iiijxx. li., I praie you send it
me by the bringer of this letter; and as for my lady money which ye
geve by instruccion shulde be iiijxx. li., I pray you shewe it me by
writing how that I may appose it ferther, for as yet I can have no
answere of hers ne yours. I trust to Jhesu he shall endure till þe
messenger come ayene: lenger the ffysicians have not determyned.
The executours be thre persones, my maystresse his wyf, Humfrey
Starky, Recorder of London, Robert Tate, merchaunt of Caleys: not-
withstanding I moved him betwene him and me and mastres Jane that
he shuld breke this testament, and make my mastresse his wyf sole
executrice. What wilbe do þerin, as yet I can not speke, but I shall do
as I can with Goddes grace, who have you in his kepyng. Written at
London, this present daie at viij of the Clok.By yow owne Ric. Bryan.
To my most worshipfull and singuler gode master Sir William
Stonour, knyght.1 Bryan first wrote “he”.