Proclamation of a Truce by Sea
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Proclamation of a Truce by Sea
- Reference
- C 47/37/3/16
- Date
- 24 April 1464
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 73; Kingsford, Vol I, item 73
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
24 APRIL, I464
This Proclamation is given in a writ, dated at Westminster, 24th April
1464, and addressed to the Sheriff of Oxon. and Berks., requiring him to
publish it. The negotiations to which the Proclamation refers are given in
Foedera, xi, 520-2. The original has endorsed on it a receipt by William
Bekyngham, collector of the tenth, for a payment from the vill of Stanlake,
dated 10 October, 1464. From Ch. Misc., 37, iii, 16."Forasmuch as betweixt the right trusty and right welbelovyd Cosyn
to our soverayn lord the kyng, Richard, Erle of Warrewik and Sar., grete
chamberleyn of England, and the right trusty and welbelovyd knyght,
John Wenlok, Lord Wenlok, oure seid sovereyn lordez deputeez and
commissarez on that oon partie, and the noble and worthy lord, the lord
Lannoy, ambassiatour and Comyssarye of the excelent and myghty prynce
Lowes of Fraunce, cosyn and adversarye to our seid soverayn lord, on
that other partie, certeyn abstinence of Werre by the see, stremez and
fresshwaters, for the partie and in the name of oure said soverayn lord
and the partie and in the name of his seid cosyn of Fraunce, be appoynted,
taken and concluded under certeyn maner and forme, as other trewes
by land late were accepted, accorded, and concluded by the ambassiatours
and Commissariez of bothe parties in the Toun of Hedyn: the seid
trewes be see, stremez and fresshwaters to begynne the xx day of Maii
next comming, and to endure to the sonne goyng down of the first day
of Octobre than next suyng: the kyng oure seid soverayn lord strictly
chargeth and commaundeth all his liegemen and subgectes and everye
of theym wele and duely to observe and kepe the same abstinencez of
Werre by see, stremez and ffresshwaters duryng the tyme abovesaid, ac-
cordyng to theffect, tenure, and contenue of the seid appoyntement,
nothyng doyng or attemptyng to the contrarie therof, as they woll
aunswere at theyr parell and eschewe to be punysshed as brekers of the
seid abstinences accordyng to the lawes of oure seid soverayn lord and
statutes ordeyned and made in that behalve." - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
24 APRIL, 1464
This Proclamation is given in a writ, dated at Westminster, 24th April,
1464, and addressed to the Sheriff of Oxon. and Berks., requiring him to
publish it. The negotiations to which the Proclamation refers are given in
Foedera, xi, 520-2. The original has endorsed on it a receipt by William
Bekyngham, collector of the tenth, for a payment from the vill of Stanlake,
dated 10 October, 1464. From Ch. Misc., 37, iii, 16.“Forasmuch as betweixt the right trusty and right welbelovyd Cosyn
to our soverayn lord the kyng, Richard, Erle of Warrewik and Sar., grete
chamberleyn of England, and the right trusty and welbelovyd knyght,
John Wenlok, Lord Wenlok, oure seid sovereyn lordez deputeez and
commissarez on that oon partie, and the noble and worthy lord, the lord
Lannoy, ambassiatour and Comyssarye of the excelent and myghty prynce
Lowes of Fraunce, cosyn and adversarye to our seid soverayn lord, on
that other partie, certeyn abstinence of Werre by the see, stremez and
fresshwaters, for the partie and in the name of oure said soverayn lord
and the partie and in the name of his seid cosyn of Fraunce, be appoynted,
taken and concluded under certeyn maner and forme, as other trewes
by land late were accepted, accorded, and concluded by the ambassiatours
and Commissariez of bothe parties in the Toun of Hedyn : the seid
trewes be see, stremez and fresshwaters to begynne the xx day of Maii
next comming, and to endure to the sonne goyng down of the first day
of Octobre than next suyng : the kyng oure seid soverayn lord strectly
chargeth and commaundeth all his liegemen and subgectes and everye
of theym wele and duely to observe and kepe the same abstinencez of
Werre by see, stremez and ffresshwaters duryng the tyme abovesaid, ac-
cordyng to theffect, tenure, and contenue of the seid appoyntement,
nothyng doyng or attemptyng to the contrarie therof, as they woll
aunswere at theyr parell and eschewe to be punysshed as brekers of the
seid abstinences accordyng to the lawes of oure seid soverayn lord and
statutes ordeyned and made in that behalve.”