Proclamation against Henry Tudor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Proclamation against Henry Tudor
- Reference
- Add. 43490, f. 50
- Date
- 23 June 1485
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol VI, item 1001; Fenn, Vol II, Richard III item 3
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (1st transcript)
On the back of the Paper in an ancient hand is written,
Kent Cherfys.
Cop’ Lrē Rs R. iij p’suaden’ subditos suos ad resistendu’ Henr’ Tyd-
der postea Regem Anglie ac declaran’ a quo idem Henr’ descen-
debat.R. R. R’cus etc, Salt’m, Precipimus tibi, &c.
FORASMOCHE as the Kyng our Soureign Lord hath cer-
teyn knowlege that Piers Bisshop of 1 Exeter Jasper 2 Tyd-
der son of Owen Tydder callyng hymself Erle of Pembroke
John late Erle of 3 Oxon and Sr. Edward 4 Wodevyle with other
dyvrs his rebelles and traytours disabled and atteynted by the
auctorite of the High Court of Parlement of whom many be
knowen for open murdrers advoutrers and extorcioners contr[SYM]
to the pleasure of God and a yenst all trouth honor and nature
have forsakyn there naturall contrey takyng them first to be under
thobeisauncc of the Duke of 5 Bretayn and to hym p’mysed
certeyn thyngs whiche by him and his counsell were thought
thynggs to gretly unnaturall and abominable for them to g’unt
observe kepe and p’fourme and therfore the same utterly re-
fused.The seid Traytours seyng the seid Duke and his Counsell
wolde not aide nor socour theym ner folowe there weyes privily
dep’ted outē of his contrey in to Fraunce and there takyng
theym to be under the obeisaunce of the Kynggs auncient enemy
6 Charlys callyng hymfelf Kyng of Fraunce and to abuse and
blynde the comons of this seid Realme the seid rebelles and
traitours have chosyn to be there Capteyn one Henry 7 Tydder
Son of Edmond Tydder son of Owen Tydder whiche of his am-
bicioness and insociable covetise encrocheth and usurpid upon
hym the name and title of royall astate of this realme of Eng-
lond where unto he hath no manr intrest right title or color as
evry man wele knoweth for he is discended of bastard blood
bothe of ffather side and of mother side for the seid Owen the
g’unfader was bastard borne and his moder was doughter unto
John Duke of Somrset son unto John Erle of Somrset sone unto
Dame Kat’yne Swynford and of ther indouble 8 Avoutry gotyn
wherby it evidently apperith that no title can nor may in hym
which fully entendeth to entre this reame p’posyng a conquest
and if he shulde atcheve his fals entent and p’pose evry man is
lif livelod and goddes shulde be in his hands librte and disposicon
wherby sholde ensue the disheretyng and distruccion of all the
noble and worshipfull blode of this reame for evr and to the
resistence and withstondyng wherof evry true and naturall English
man born must ley to his hands for his owen suerte and wele
And to thentent that the seid Henry Tydder myght the rather
atcheve his fals intent and p’pose by the aide supporte and
assistence of the Kynggs seid auncient enemy of Fraunce hath
covenñted and bargayned with hym and all the counsell of
Fraunce to geve up and relese inp’petuite all the right title
and cleyme that the Kyng of Englond have had and ought to
have to the crowne and reame of Fraunce to gether with the
Duchies of Normandy Anjoy and Maygne Gascoyn and Guyne
Cascell and townys of Caleys Guysnes Hammes with the Mar-
ches app’teynyng to the same and discevir and exclude the Armes
of Fraunce oute of the Armes of Englond for evr.And in more p’ve and shewing of his seid p’pose of conquest
the seid Henry Tidder hath goven as well to dyvrs of the seid
Kynggs enemys as to his seid rebelles and traitours Archebis-
shoprikes Bisshoprikes and other dignitees sp’uels, and also the
Ducheez Erledomez Baronyes and other possessions and inheri-
taunces of Knyghts Squyres Gentilmen and other the Kynggs
true subjetts withynne the reame and entendith also to chaunge
and subvrte the lawes of the same and to enduce and establisse
newe lawes and ordeñnes amongez the Kynggs seid Subjetts and
ovr this and beside the alienacons of all the p’myssez into the
possession of the Kynggs seid auncient enemys to the grettest
anyntishment shame and rebuke that evr myght falle to this seid
land The seid Henry Tydder and others the Kynggs rebelles
and traitours aforeseid have extended at there comyng if they
may be of power to do the most cruell murdrers slaughterys
and roberys and disherisons that evr were seen in eny cristen
Reame ffor the wich and other inestymable daungers to be
escheuved and to thentent that the Kynggs seid rebelles trai-
tours and enemys may be uttrly put from there seid malicious
and fals p’pose and sone discomforted if they 9 enforce to land
The Kyng our Sovraign Lord willith chargeth and comaundith
all and evryche of the naturall and true subgetts of this his
Reame to call the p’myssez to there mynds and like gode and true
Englishmen to endovr themselfs with all there powers for the de-
fence of them there wifs childeryn and godes and heriditaments
ayenst the seid malicious p’poses and conspiracons which the seid
auncient enemes have made with the Kynggs seid rebelles and
traitours for the fynall distruccion of this lande as is aforesaid.
And our said Sovraign Lord as a wele willed diligent and cora-
gious Prynce wel put his moost roiall p’sone to all labor and
payne necessary in this behalve for the resistence and subdvyng
of his seid enemys rebells and traitours to the moost comforte
wele and suerte of all his true and feithfull liege men and
subgetts.And ovr this our seid Sovraign Lord willith and comaundith
all his seid subgetts to be redy in there most defensible arraye to
do his highnes srvyce of werre when thy be opyn p’clamacion
or otherwise shall be comaunded so to do for resistence of the
Kynggs seid rebelles traitours and enemyes.Et hoc sub p’iclo, &c.
T me ips’ apud Westm’ xxiij die 10 Junij anno R ñ sedo.
11 ½ by 9 ½.
Paper Mark,
The Letter P.
Quaterfoil and Bar.
Pl. XIII. No 1.Westminster,
Wednesday, 23d of June,
1483, 2 R. III.This Address of King Richard to his People, is drawn up in the most artful manner,
in order to inflame the minds, not only of the Multitude, but of the Peers, Bishops,
Dignitaries, and great men, and to induce them to resist the attempts of the Earl of Rich-
mond upon the Crown with all their power.1 Peter Courtney, Bishop of Exeter, after the miscarriage of the Duke of Buckingham’s
Conspiracy, fled into Bretagne, to the Earl of Richmond, who, after he became Henry
VII. promoted this Prelate to the See of Winchester, in 1486, in which he died in
1492.2 Jasper Tudor de Hatfield, half brother to Henry VI. created Duke of Bedford in
1485.3 John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, who had escaped from the Castle of Hammes.
4 Sir Edward Wodevile, brother to the Queen of Edward IV.
5 Francis II. the last Duke of Bretagne, was overthrown by Charles VIII. King of
France, and died in 1488.6 Charles VIII. ascended the throne in 1483, and died in 1498.
7 Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond, who, in 1483, became King of England, &c. by
the title of Henry VII. He died in 1509.8 This must mean double Adultery, or Adultery on both sides.
9 Or rather, make good their landing by force.
10 Some of our Historians say, that King Richard was proclaimed on the 20th, and
others, on the 22d of June 1483; the 23d of June, in the second year of his reign,
must therefore be in 1484.Autographs, Pl. VII. Nos. 1 and 2, are taken from Originals, in the possession of
Thomas Astle, Esquire. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (2nd transcript)
On the back of the Paper in an ancient hand is written,
Kent Sheriffs.The Copy of a Letter of King Richard III. persuading his Sub-
jects to resist Henry Tydder (Tudor) afterwards King of Eng-
land, and declaring from whom the said Henry was descended.RICHARD R.
Richard, &c. wisheth health, we command you, &c.
FORASMUCH as the King, our Sovereign Lord, hath cer-
tain knowledge that Piers, Bishop of 1 Exeter, Jasper
2 Tydder (Tudor), Son of Owen Tydder, calling himself Earl
of Pembroke, John, late Earl of 3 Oxford, and Sir Edward
4 Wodevile, with others diverse, his Rebels and Traytors, dis-
abled and attainted by the authority of the High Court of Parlia-
ment, of whom many be known for open Murderers, Advow-
terers (Adulterers), and Extortioners, contrary to the pleasure of
God, and against all truth, honour and nature, have forsaken
their natural country, taking them first to be under the obey-
sance of the Duke of 5 Bretagne, and to him promised certain
things, which by him and his Council, were thought things
too greatly unnatural and abominable, for them to grant, ob-
serve, keep, and perform, and therefore the same utterly refused.The said Traitors seeing the said Duke and his Council would
not aid nor succour them nor follow their ways, privily departed
out of his Country into France, and there taking them to be
under the obeysance of the King’s ancient Enemy, 6 Charles,
calling himself King of France, and to abuse and blind the Com-
mons of this said Realm, the said Rebels and Traytors have
chosen to be their Captain one Henry 7 Tydder (Tudor), Son of
Edmund Tydder, son of Owen Tydder, which of his am-
bitious and insatiable covetise (Covetousness) encroacheth and
usurpeth upon him, the name and title of Royal Estate of this
realm of England; whereunto he hath no manner of interest,
right, title or colour, as every man well knoweth; for he is
descended of bastard blood, both of father’s side, and of mother’s
side; for the said Owen the Grandfather, was bastard born;
and his mother was daughter unto John, Duke of Somerset,
son unto John, Earl of Somerset, son unto Dame Katherine
Swynford, and of their indouble 8 Avoutry gotten; whereby it
evidently appeareth, that no title can nor may in him, which
fully intendeth to enter this realm, proposing a conquest; and if
he should atchieve his false intent and purpose, every man’s life,
livelihood, and goods, shall be in his hands, liberty, and dis-
position; whereby should ensue the disheriting and destruction
of all the noble and worshipful blood of this realm for ever.And to the resistance and withstanding whereof every true and
natural Englishman born, must lay to his hands for his own
surety and weel.And to the intent that the said Henry Tydder might the rather
atchieve his false intent and purpose by the aid, support, and
assistance of the King’s ancient enemy of France, (he) hath co-
venanted and bargained with him, and all the Council of
France, to give up and release in perpetuity all the right, title,
and claim, that the King of England have had, and ought to
have, to the Crown and Realm of France, together with the
Duchies of Normandy, Anjou and Mayne, Gascoign and Guysnes,
Cassell, and the towns of Calais, Guysnes, Hammes, with the
Marches appertaining to the same, and exclude the Arms of
France out of the Arms of England for ever.And in more proof and shewing, of his said purpose of con-
quest, the said Henry Tydder hath goven (given), as well to
divers of the said King’s Enemies, as to his said Rebels and
Traytors, Archbishopricks, Bishopricks, and other Dignities
spiritual; and also the Duchies, Earldoms, Baronies, and other
Possessions and Inheritances of Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen,
and other the King’s true Subjects within the realm; and in-
tendeth also to change and subvert the Laws of the same, and
to enduce (introduce) and establish new Laws and Ordinances
amongst the King’s said subjects.And over this, and besides the Alienations of all the premises
into the possession of the King’s said ancient Enemies, to the
greatest anyntishment, (dishonour) shame, and rebuke, that ever
might fall to this said land, the said Henry Tydder and others,
the King’s Rebels and Traitors aforesaid, have extended (intended)
at their coming, if they may be of power, to do the most cruel
murders, slaughters, and robberies, and disherisons, that ever
were seen in any Christian Realm.For the which, and other inestimable dangers to be eschewed,
and to the intent that the King’s said Rebels, Traitors, and
Enemies, may be utterly put from their said malicious and false
purpose and soon discomforted, if they 9 enforce (endeavour) to
land.The King our Sovereign Lord willeth, chargeth, and com-
mandeth, all and every of the natural and true subjects of this
h s Realm, to call the premises to their minds, and like good
and true Englishmen to endow (furnish) themselves with all their
powers for the defence of them, their wives, children, and
goods, and hereditaments, against the said malicious purposes
and conspirations, which the said ancient enemies have made
with the King’s said Rebels and Traitors, for the final de-
struction of this land, as is aforesaid.And our said Sovereign Lord, as a well willed, diligent, and
courageous Prince, will put his most royal person to all labour
and pain necessary in this behalf, for the resistance and subduing
of his said enemies, rebels, and traytors, to the most comfort,
weel, and surety of all his true and faithful liege men and subjects.And over this, our said Sovereign Lord willeth and command-
eth all his said Subjects, to be ready in their most defensible
array, to do his Highness service of war, when they by open
proclamation, or otherwise shall be commanded so to do, for
resistance of the King’s said Rebels, Traitors, and Enemies.Witness myself at Westminster, the 23d day of 10 June in
the second year of our Reign.11 ? by 9 ?.
Paper Mark,
The Letter P.
Quaterfoil and Bar.
Pl. XIII. No 1.Westminster,
Wednesday, 23d of June,
1483, 2 R. III.This Address of King Richard to his People, is drawn up in the most artful manner,
in order to inflame the minds, not only of the Multitude, but of the Peers, Bishops,
Dignitaries, and great men, and to induce them to resist the attempts of the Earl of Rich-
mond upon the Crown with all their power.1 Peter Courtney, Bishop of Exeter, after the miscarriage of the Duke of Buckingham’s
Conspiracy, fled into Bretagne, to the Earl of Richmond, who, after he became Henry
VII. promoted this Prelate to the See of Winchester, in 1486, in which he died in
1492.2 Jasper Tudor de Hatfield, half brother to Henry VI. created Duke of Bedford in
1485.3 John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, who had escaped from the Castle of Hammes.
4 Sir Edward Wodevile, brother to the Queen of Edward IV.
5 Francis II. the last Duke of Bretagne, was overthrown by Charles VIII. King of
France, and died in 1488.6 Charles VIII. ascended the throne in 1483, and died in 1498.
7 Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond, who, in 1483, became King of England, &c. by
the title of Henry VII. He died in 1509.8 This must mean double Adultery, or Adultery on both sides.
9 Or rather, make good their landing by force.
10 Some of our Historians say, that King Richard was proclaimed on the 20th, and
others, on the 22d of June 1483; the 23d of June, in the second year of his reign,
must therefore be in 1484.Autographs, Pl. VII. Nos. 1 and 2, are taken from Originals, in the possession of
Thomas Astle, Esquire. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume VI'
R. R.
Ricardus, etc. salutem. Precipimus tibi, etc.
FORASMOCHE as the Kyng our sovereign Lord hath
certeyn knowlege that Piers, Bisshop of Exeter,2 Jasper
Tydder,3 son of Owen Tydder, callyng hymself Erle
of Pembroke, John, late Erle of Oxon,4 and Sir Edward
Wodevyle,5 with other dyvers his rebelles and traytours, dis-
abled and atteynted by the auctorite of the High Court of
Parlement, of whom many be knowen for open murdrers,
advoutrers [adulterers], and extorcioners, contrary to the
pleasure of God, and a yenst all trouth, honour, and nature,
have forsakyn there naturall contrey, takyng them first to be
under th’obeisaunce of the Duke of Bretayn,6 and to hym
promysed certeyn thyngs whiche by him and his counsell were
thought thynggs to gretly unnaturall and abominable for them
to graunt, observe, kepe, and perfourme, and therfore the
same utterly refused.The seid traytours,1 seyng2 the seid Duke and his counsell
wolde not aide nor socour theym ner folowe there wayes,
privily departed oute of his contrey in to Fraunce, and3 there
takyng theym to be under the obeisaunce of the Kynggs
auncient enemy, Charlys,4 callyng hymself Kyng of Fraunce,
and to abuse and blynde the comons of this seid Realme, the
seid rebelles and traitours have chosyn to be there capteyn one
Henry Tydder,5 son of Edmond Tydder, son of Owen Tydder,6
whiche of his ambicioness and insociable7 covetise8 encrocheth9
and usurpid10 upon hym the name and title of royall astate of
this Realme of Englond, where unto he hath no maner interest,
right, title, or colour, as every man wele knowyth;11 for he is
discended of bastard blood bothe of ffather side and of mother
side, for the seid Owen the graunfader was bastard borne, and
his moder was doughter unto John, Duke of Somerset, son
unto John, Erle of Somerset, sone unto Dame Kateryne Swyn-
ford, and of ther12 indouble13 avoutry [adultery] gotyn, wherby it
evidently apperith that no title can nor may [be]14 in hym,
which fully entendeth to entre this Reame, purposyng a con-
quest. And if he shulde atcheve his fals entent and purpose,
every man is lif, livelod, and goddes shulde be in his hands,
liberte, and disposicion, wherby sholde ensue the disheretyng
and distruccion of all the noble and worshipfull blode of this
Reame for ever, and to the resistence and withstondyng wherof
every true and naturall Englishman born must ley to his hands
for his owen suerte and wele.And to th’entent that the seid Henry Tydder myght the
rather atcheve his fals intent and purpose by the aide, supporte,
and assistence of the Kynggs seid auncient enemy of Fraunce,1
hath covenaunted and bargayned with hym and all the counsell
of Fraunce to geve up and relese inperpetuite all the right,
title, and cleyme that the Kyng[es] of Englond have, had, and
ought to have, to the Crowne and Reame of Fraunce, to gether
with the Duchies of Normandy, Anjoy, and Maygne, Gascoyn
and Guyne, castell[es] and townys of Caleys, Guysnes, Hammes,
with the marches apperteynyng to the same,2 and discevir and
exclude the armes of Fraunce oute of the armes of Englond
for ever.And in more prove and shewing of his seid purpose of
conquest, the seid Henry Tidder hath goven as well to dyvers
of the seid Kynggs enemys as to his seid rebelles and traitours,
archebisshoprikes, bisshoprikes, and other dignitees spirituels,
and also the ducheez, erledomez, baronyes, and other posses-
sions and inheritaunces of knyghts, squyres, gentilmen, and
other the Kynggs true subjetts withynne the Reame, and
entendith also to chaunge and subverte the lawes of the same,
and to enduce and establisse newe lawes and ordenaunces
amongez the Kynggs seid subjetts.2 And over this, and beside
the alienacions of all the premyssez into the possession of the
Kynggs seid auncient enemys to the grettest anyntisshment,3
shame, and rebuke that ever myght falle to this seid land, the
seid Henry Tydder and others, the Kynggs rebelles and
traitours aforeseid, have extended [intended] at there comyng,
if they may be of power,1 to do the most cruell murdrers,
slaughterys, and roberys, and disherisons that ever were seen
in eny Cristen reame.For the wich, and other inestymable daungers to be
escheuved, and to th’entent that the Kynggs seid rebelles,
traitours, and enemys2 may be utterly put from there seid
malicious and fals purpose3 and sone discomforted,4 if they
enforce to land,5 the Kyng our soveraign Lord6 willith,
chargeth, and comaundith all and everyche of the naturall and
true subgetts of this his Reame to call the premyssez to there
mynds, and like gode and true Englishmen to endover them-
selfs with all there powers for the defence of them, there wifs,
chylderyn, and godes, and heriditaments ayenst the seid
malicious purposes and conspiracions which the seid auncient
enemes7 have made with the Kynggs seid rebelles and traitours8
for the fynall distruccion of this lande as is aforesaid. And
our said soveraign Lord, as a wele willed, diligent, and corag-
ious Prynce, wel put his moost roiall persone to all labour and
payne necessary in this behalve for the resistence and subduyng
of his seid enemys, rebells, and traitours9 to the moost com-
forte, wele, and suerte of all10 his true and feithfull liege men
and subgetts.And over this, our seid soveraign Lord willith and
comaundith all his seid subgetts to be redy in there most
defensible arraye to do his Highnes servyce of werre, when
thy be opyn proclamacion, or otherwise shall be comaunded so
to do, for the resistence of the Kynggs seid rebelles, traitours,
and enemyes. Et hoc sub periculo, &c.—T. me ipso apud
Westmonasterium, xxiij. die Junij, Anno regni nostri secundo.1 [From Fenn, ii. 318.] The MS., as Fenn tells us, was endorsed in an ancient
hand, ‘Kent Cherfys [Sheriffs].—Copia literae Regis R. III. persuadentis subditos suos
ad resistendum Henr’ Tydder, postea Regem Angliae ac declarantis a quo idem
Henricus descendebat.’ Another but imperfect copy of this proclamation will be
found in the Harleian MS., No. 433, f. 220 b. A similar proclamation had been
issued on the 7th December 1484, of which a copy will also be found in the same
Harleian volume at folio 273 b. Sir Henry Ellis has also printed in his Original
Letters (2 Ser. i. 162) a copy of this proclamation as set forth in the original warrant
for issuing it, which the King addressed to the Bishop of Lincoln as Chancellor.
The MS. followed by Ellis was a transcript from one of the records formerly in the
Tower. I have compared these different texts throughout with that printed by
Fenn, and noted all variations that are of any consequence. The two Harleian
texts I have called A. and B., the former being that of the proclamation issued on the
7th December preceding. The text printed by Ellis I have called E.2 Peter Courtney, Bishop of Exeter, after the miscarriage of the Duke of Bucking-
ham’s conspiracy, fled into Bretagne to the Earl of Richmond, who, after he became
Henry VII., promoted this Prelate to the See of Winchester in 1486, in which he died
in 1492.—F.3 Jasper Tudor of Hatfield, half-brother to Henry VI. He was created Duke of
Bedford in 1485.4 John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, who had escaped from the Castle of Hammes.—F.
5 Sir Edward Wodevile, brother to the Queen of Edward IV.—F. The names
given in text A. are ‘Piers, Bisshop of Excestre, Thomas Grey, late Marques Dorset,
Jasper, late Erle of Pembroche, John, late Erle of Oxenford, and Sir Edward Widevile.’6 Francis II., the last Duke of Bretagne, was overthrown by Charles VIII., King of
France, and died in 1488.—F.1 ‘The said traytours.’ They. A. 2 that. A. B. E.
3 ‘and’ omitted in A. B. and E.
4 Charles VIII. ascended the throne in 1483, and died in 1498.—F.
5 Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond, who in 1483 became King of England, by
the title of Henry VII.—F.6 ‘one Herry ...................... Owen Tydder’ oon Herry late calling himself Erie of
Richemond. A. 7 ‘ambicious and insaciable.’ A. B. E.8 ‘stirred and excited by the confederacie of the Kinges said rebelles and traytours,’
added in A. 9 Here text B. comes to an end. 10 ‘usurpeth.’ E.11 From here to the end of the paragraph is omitted in A.
12 ‘ther’ her. A.
13 This either means double adultery, that is adultery on both sides; or indubitable,
undoubted adultery.—F. I suspect the true reading to be ‘and of her in double
avowtry gotyn.’ It is a great question whether John, Earl of Somerset, John of
Gaunt’s eldest son by Catherine Swynford, was not born during the life of her lawful
husband as well as during that of John of Gaunt’s lawful wife.—See Excerpta
Historica, 155-6.14 Supplied from E.
1 The beginning of this sentence in A. is as follows:—’ And to th’entent to
accheve the same by th’aide, support, and assistence of the Kinges seid auncyent
ennemyes and of this his royaume.’2 From the words ‘and discevir’ to the sentence beginning ‘And over this,’ all is
omitted in A.3 Aneantisement—anientised is used by Chaucer in his Tale of Melibeus, for
reducing to nothing.—F.1 ‘if they may be of power,’ omitted in A.
2 rebelles and traytours. A. 3 malicious purposes. A.
4 discomfited. A. E.
5 Or rather, made good their landing by force.—F.
6 desireth. A. E. 7 the auncyentes ennemyes of this lande. A.
8 ‘and traitours,’ omitted in A.
9 rebelles, traitours, and enemyes. A. In which text the proclamation ends
with these words, and is followed by the usual words addressed to the Chancellor as
his authority for making out the proclamation: ‘And thise oure lettres shall be your
sufficient warrant in that behalve.’ This warrant to the Chancellor is dated ‘at oure
Castell of Notyngham, the xxj. day of Juyn, the secund yere of our reigne,’ two days
before the proclamation was issued. 10 and singlier. A.1485
JUNE 231485
JUNE 231485
JUNE 231485