Playter to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Playter to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 43489, f. 19
- Date
- July 1462
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 528; Fenn, Vol I, Edward IV item 16
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume I' (1st transcript)
To my Maist’ John Paston at Heylesdon.
IT’ plese you wete of oyr tytyngs, these Lords in yor oyr
lett’ wt Lord Hastyngs and oyr ben to Karlyle to ressve in
ye Qwen of 1 Scotts, and uppon this Appoyntet Erle 2 Duglas
is comaunded to com’ thens and as a sorwefull and a sore
Rebuked man lyth in ye Abbey of Seynt Albons, and by ye
said appoyntet schall not be reputed nor taken but as an Eng-
lyssheman and if he com’ in the daungr of Scotts they to sle hym.
It’ Kyng H’rry and his Aderents in Scotland schall be delyu’ed,
and Lord Dakres of ye northe is wonne and yelden, and ye seid
Lord Sr. Ric’ Tunstall and on Byll[SYM]gham in the said Castell ben
taken and heded. It’ ye Qwen and P’nce ben in ffraunce and
ha mad moche weyes and gret peple to com to Scotland and
ther trust to have Socor and thens to com in to Inglond what
schall falle I can not sey, but I herd yt these appoyntements were
take by ye yong Lords of Scotland but not by ye old.Yor,
3 Plait’.
Xpofer dyed on ye satarday next be for seynt Margret
Ao. E. ijdo.12 by 4 ?.
After the 20th of July,
1462, 2 E. IV. I believe in 1463.The facts mentioned in this Letter are curious, as well those relative to the Queen and
Lords, as those concerning Earl Douglas; and must have happened in 1462, or in the
beginning of 1463.1 Mary, Daughter to Arnold, Duke of Guelders, was married to James II. King of
Scotland in 1448, and died in 1463.2 James, Earl of Douglas, was banished his own Country, and being received by
Edward in England with honour and respect, was by him made a Knight of the Garter.
In 1483, he was taken prisoner by the Scots, and detained a prisoner till his death in
1488. He is said to have entered into Holy Orders.3 Autograph. Pl. v. No 14.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume I' (2nd transcript)
To my Master, John Paston, at Heylesdon.
ITEM, please you weet of other tidings; these Lords in
your other Letter with Lord Hastyngs and others (have)
been to Carlisle to receive in the Queen of 1 Scots. And upon
this appointment, Earl 2 Douglas is commanded to come thence,
and as a sorrowful and a sore rebuked man lieth in the Abbey of
Saint Alban; and by the said appointment shall not be reputed,
nor taken, but as an Englishman, and if he come in the danger
of Scots, they to slay him. Item, King Harry and his Adhe-
rents in Scotland shall be delivered; and Lord Dacre of the
North is won and yeilded, and the said Lord, Sir Richard Tun-
stall and one Byllingham in the said Castle be taken and headed.
Item, the Queen and Prince have been in France and have
made much ways and great People to come to Scotland and
there trust to have Succour, and thence to come into England.
What shall fall I cannot say, but I heard that these appointments
were taken by the young Lords of Scotland, but not by the old.Your,
Christopher died on the Saturday next before Saint Margaret:
(20th July) in the 2d year of Edward IV.12 by 4 ?.
After the 20th of July,
1462, 2 E. IV. I believe in 1463.The facts mentioned in this Letter are curious, as well those relative to the Queen and
Lords, as those concerning Earl Douglas; and must have happened in 1462, or in the
beginning of 1463.1 Mary, Daughter to Arnold, Duke of Guelders, was married to James II. King of
Scotland in 1448, and died in 1463.2 James, Earl of Douglas, was banished his own Country, and being received by
Edward in England with honour and respect, was by him made a Knight of the Garter.
In 1483, he was taken prisoner by the Scots, and detained a prisoner till his death in
1488. He is said to have entered into Holy Orders.3 Autograph. Pl. v. No 14.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
To my maister, John Paston, at Heylesdon.
ITEM, plese you wete of other tytyngs. These Lords in
your other letter,3 with Lord Hastyngs and other, ben to
Karlyle to resseve in the Qwen of Scotts;4 and uppon
this appoyntement, Erle Duglas5 is comaunded to come thens,
and as a sorwefull and a sore rebuked man lyth in the Abbey
of Seynt Albons; and by the said appoyntement schall not be
reputed, nor taken, but as an Englyssheman, and if he come in
the daunger of Scotts, they to sle hym.Item, Kyng Harry and his Aderents in Scotland schall
be delyvered; and Lord Dakres of the Northe is wonne and
yelden, and the seid Lord, Sir Richard Tunstall, and on Byllyng-
ham in the said Castell ben taken and heded.Item, the Qwen and Prince ben in Fraunce and ha mad
moche weyes and gret peple to com to Scotland and ther trust
to have socour, and thens to com in to Inglond: what schall
falle I can not sey, but I herd that these appoyntements were
take by the yong Lords of Scotland, but not by the old.Your, PLAITER.
Christofer dyed on the Satarday next be for Seynt Margret,1
Anno. E. ijdo.2 [From Fenn, i. 270.] This letter seems to have been penned immediately after
the last was sent off.3 i.e. the other letter to you—meaning No. 527.
4 Mary of Gueldres, widow of James II.
5 James, Earl of Douglas, who had been banished from Scotland, but was made by
Edward IV. a Knight of the Garter.1 St. Margaret’s Day was the 20th July. The Saturday before it in 1462 was the