Philip Fitzlewis to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Philip Fitzlewis to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/158
- Date
- 12 March 1483
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 326; Kingsford, Vol II, item 326
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
Of the same date as No. 327, which like this is written from Horton.
From A.C., xlvi, 158.Ryght worschypffull Syr and Cossyn, afftyr all dew and hertty reco-
mendacion premysyd, serteffyeng you that by yure wretyng and message
ye ley unto me divers thyngges to my gret charge, off the whyche
undowttyd with Goddes merci, wyth my honure and acordyng to law
and consyens I schalbe dyschargyd off: and what so evyr he be that
wole cause me to lease yure ffrendshypp and goode wyll, yet I wyll not
so lese hyt, thowgh I schould therby suffyr a gret payne: and also I
wold not ye schould lese myn thorowgh yure deffaut: thowgh I be semple,
notwithstondyng consederyng the alyanse betwyxt yure blode and myn,
ffor any thyng off unkyndnese by youe and yurs shewd unto me, yet
rather than hyt schold be undyrstond in what deffaute hyt wer ffor the
dysworsshyp that myght ensew to hym that were in deffawt, yet rather,
as I seyd beffor, I wold bere a payne and all: yet notwithstondyng in
all thynges and demaundes that now in be fferme of Horton be in
travers betwyx you and me I wyll abyd, and by thys my wretyng bynd
me to abyde, the rule off my brother Page, and off Ruhse and Elmys,
and anny other worshippfull off yure Cownsell. And Jhesu have you
in hys cepyng. Wryttyn at Hurtton the xijth day of Marche, Ano xxiijo
R. Ed. iiijti,By yure Cossyn Phllp. ffytz Lowys.
To the Ryght wurshypffull and my welbeloved Cossyn, Syr Willm.
Stonner. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
Of the same date as No. 327, which like this is written from Horton.
From A.C., xlvi, 158.Ryght worschypffull Syr and Cossyn, afftyr all dew and hertty reco-
mendacion premysyd, serteffyeng you that by yure wretyng and message
ye ley unto me divers thyngges to my gret charge, off the whyche
undowttyd with Goddes merci, wyth my honure and acordyng to law
and consyens I schalbe dyschargyd off: and what so evyr he be that
wole cause me to lease yure ffrendshypp and goode wyll, yet I wyll not
so lese hyt, thowgh I schould therby suffyr a gret payne: and also I
wold not ye schould lese myn thorowgh yure deffaut: thowgh I be semple,
notwithstondyng consederyng the alyanse betwyxt yure blode and myn,
ffor any thyng off unkyndnese by youe and yurs shewd unto me, yet
rather than hyt schold be undyrstond in what deffaute hyt wer ffor the
dysworsshyp that myght ensew to hym that were in deffawt, yet rather,
as I seyd beffor, I wold bere a payne and all: yet notwithstondyng in
all thynges and demaundes that now in þe fferme of Horton be in
travers betwyx you and me I wyll abyd, and by thys my wretyng bynd
me to abyde, the rule off my brother Page, and off Ruhse and Elmys,
and anny other worshippfull off yure Cownsell. And Jhesu have you
in hys cepyng. Wryttyn at Hurtton the xijth day of Marche, Ano xxiijo
R. Ed. iiijti,By yure Cossyn Phllp. ffytz Lowys.
To the Ryght wurshypffull and my welbeloved Cossyn, Syr Willm.