Philip Fitzlewis to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Philip Fitzlewis to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/157
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 324; Kingsford, Vol II, item 324
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR[28 DEC. 1482]
Probably earlier than No. 326 and therefore some time in 1482, perhaps
28 Dec. As to Gatton, Stonor's ward, see Nos. 157 and 234. As to Clyffe,
lord Cobham and William Swan, see No. 131. From A.C., xlvi, 157.Master Stonner, afftyr all dew and herts recomendacyon premysyd,
serteffyeng yow that I undyrstand hyt hath plesyd yow to send by a
servant of yours unto Thomas Hyllys ffor to receyve off hym vj. li. xiij. s.
iiij. d. dew unto you, to be payd off and ffor the wardship off Gatton,
unto hym by you delyveryd: hyt ys sso that consederyng the gret trobyil
sute, and vexsasyon, that we have by William Swan and the mastyr off
Seynt Thomas Spyttyll of London, and Barre, and other ffor the rerage
off the landes of Clyffe, consernyng to the seyd Gatton, that hyt wuld
lyke you to resspyt and fforbere the seyd Thomas Hyll off the payment
off the seyd some unto such tyme that we may have help and asystans
off you to recover the rerages off them that beffortyme hath ocopyd the
seyd landes, acordyng to yure promys: ffor hyt wer no resone that we
scowld pay the rentes off that seson that other men dyd ocopy hyt, but
ffrome the tyme that we had the ocopasyone we wyll with good wyll
answer and pay all that to the same belonggyth: alwey trustyng that ye
wyll deffend us agenst the cleyme off the lorde Cobham, the whyche
seyeth, that whersoever he ffyndyth the seyd Gatton, that he wyll have
hym ffor hys warde and so to cepe hym: the whyche unto us both were
to gret a trobbyll and hurt. And also we hope that ye wyll cause Barry
to lewe and delyver suche stall off schepe as ther by hym offt to be de-
lyvyrd, as I have herd yure sylffe sey that he so schould doo; and
therffor acordyng to reson and consyens at the reverens off Gode fforber
and suffyr yure dute ffor a seson wythowt dysplesyer: trustyng to
almyghte Jhesus that wyth yure help and asystance we schall endevoyre
us so to do by verey labor and delygence, as yure ryght and the ryght
off other schalbe savyd, and yure dute to be had to yure plesyer, whome
you cepe and preserve ffor his gret merci: serteffyeng youe that yure
servaunte, the brynger off thys, wyll not be seyd nay gladly to receyve
yure dute undyr courteys word and gentyll demenyng, the whyche on
my good ffeyth afftyr my reson delyth ryght well and mannerly, lyk a
trew servaunt to hys mastyr, and amongges theme that ben worsshypffull,
havyng reson wyth them, deservyth lawde and thankes. Wryttyne at
Sutton at Hoane, the day afftyr seynt John.By yowr own alwey Phllp. ffytzLowys.
To my Ryght worschypffull Cossyn, Syr Willm. Stonner, thys be de-
lyvyrd. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR[28 DEC. 1482]
Probably earlier than No. 326 and therefore some time in 1482, perhaps
28 Dec. As to Gatton, Stonor’s ward, see Nos. 157 and 234. As to Clyffe,
lord Cobham and William Swan, see No. 131. From A.C., xlvi, 157.Master Stonner, afftyr all dew and herts recomendacyon premysyd,
serteffyeng yow that I undyrstand hyt hath plesyd yow to send by a
servant of yours unto Thomas Hyllys ffor to receyve off hym vj. li. xiij. s.
iiij. d. dew unto you, to be payd off and ffor the wardship off Gatton,
unto hym by you delyveryd: hyt ys sso that consederyng the gret trobyll,
sute, and vexsasyon, that we have by William Swan and the mastyr off
Seynt Thomas Spyttyll of London, and Barre, and other ffor the rerage
off the landes of Clyffe, consernyng to the seyd Gatton, that hyt wuld
lyke you to resspyt and fforbere the seyd Thomas Hyll off the payment
off the seyd some unto such tyme that we may have help and asystans
off you to recover the rerages off them that beffortyme hath ocopyd the
seyd landes, acordyng to yure promys: ffor hyt wer no resone that we
scowld pay the rentes off that seson that other men dyd ocopy hyt, but
ffrome the tyme that we had the ocopasyone we wyll with good wyll
answer and pay all that to the same belonggyth: alwey trustyng that ye
wyll deffend us agenst the cleyme off the lorde Cobham, the whyche
seyeth, that whersoever he ffyndyth the seyd Gatton, that he wyll have
hym ffor hys warde and so to cepe hym: the whyche unto us both were
to gret a trobbyll and hurt. And also we hope that ye wyll cause Barry
to lewe and delyver suche stall off schepe as ther by hym offt to be de-
lyvyrd, as I have herd yure sylffe sey that he so schould doo; and
therffor acordyng to reson and consyens at the reverens off Gode fforber
and suffyr yure dute ffor a seson wythowt dysplesyer: trustyng to
almyghte Jhesus that wyth yure help and asystance we schall endevoyre
us so to do by verey labor and delygence, as yure ryght and the ryght
off other schalbe savyd, and yure dute to be had to yure plesyer, whome
you cepe and preserve ffor his gret merci: serteffyeng youe that yure
servaunte, the brynger off thys, wyll not be seyd nay gladly to receyve
yure dute undyr courteys word and [ILL]entyll demenyng, the whyche on
my good ffeyth afftyr my reson delyth ryght well and mannerly, lyk a
trew servaunt to hys mastyr, and amongges theme that ben worsshypffull,
havyng reson wyth them, deservyth lawde and thankes. Wryttyne at
Sutton at Hoane, the day afftyr seynt John.By yowr own alwey Phllp. ffytzLowys.
To my Ryght worschypffull Cossyn, Syr Willm. Stonner, thys be de-