Passport to the Besieged on Surrender of Caister
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Passport to the Besieged on Surrender of Caister
- Reference
- Add. 43489, f. 32
- Date
- 26 September 1469
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 730; Fenn, Vol II, Edward IV item 28
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (1st transcript)
The Duc of Norff’.
WHERE John Paston esquier and other diu’s p’sones
have ageyn the peas kepte the Manoir of Caster with
force ageyne the wille and entent of us the Duc of Norff’
to oure grete displeaser whiche notwtstanding at the comtē-
placion of the writing of the moost worshipfull and reu’ent
fader in God the Cardenall of England and our moost trusty
and entierly beloved Unkel the Archbisshop of Canterbury the
right noble Prince my Lord of Clarence and other Lords of
oure blood And also at the grete labour and enstaunce of our
moost dere and singler belovid Wiffe We be agreed that the seidJohn Paston and his seid ffellaship beyng in the feid Maneur
shall depart and goo out of the seid Maneur without delay and
make therof deliu’aunce to suche p’sones as we will assigne the
seid ffellaship havyng their lyves and Goods horsse and harneys
and other goods beyng in the kepyng of the seid John Paston
except Gonnes Crossebows and Quarells and alle other hostel-
ments to the seid Maneur annexed and belonginge And to have
xv Dayes respyte aftir their seid departing out to goo in to
what place shall like theim without any accions or quarell to be
taken or made by us in our name to theim or any of theim.
within our ffraunchise or without duryng the seid tyme.Yoven under our signet at Yermouth the xxvj Day of Sep-
tembr the ixte yere of King Edward the iiijth.Norfk’. O
11 ? by 7 ?.
Tuesday, 26th of September,
1469, 9 E. IV.Endorsed in an ancient hand.
“The Duke of Norff’ Lr’e upon his entrie into Caister Ao E. 4. IX.”
This is given to shew the regal style used by the Nobility of these times.
In Blomefield’s History of Norfolk, vol. v. p. 1552. A particular Acccount of the
Siege of Caister Castle is given, with the names of the principal Persons engaged on
both sides.The Mark of the Signet remains, but the Impression is defaced.—It is likewise signed
with the Duke’s own hand. Pl. IV. No 3. - Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume II' (2nd transcript)
The Duke of Norfolk.
WHERE(AS) John Paston, Esquire, and other diverse
persons have, against the Peace, kept the Manor of
Caister with force, against the Will and intent of Us the
Duke of Norfolk, to our great Displeasure; which notwith-
standing, at the contemplation of the Writing of the most
worshipful and reverend Father in God the Cardinal of Eng-
land, and our most trusty and entirely beloved Uncle the Arch-
bishop of Canterbury, the right noble Prince my Lord of
Clarence, and other Lords of our blood, and also at the great
labour and instance of our most dear and singular beloved Wife,
We be agreed that the said John Paston and his said Fellowship,NORFOLK.
11 ? by 7 ?.
Tuesday, 26th of September,
1469, 9 E. IV.Endorsed in an ancient hand.
“The Duke of Norff’ Lr’e upon his entrie into Caister Ao E. 4. IX.”
This is given to shew the regal style used by the Nobility of these times.
In Blomefield’s History of Norfolk, vol. v. p. 1552. A particular Acccount of the
Siege of Caister Castle is given, with the names of the principal Persons engaged on
both sides.The Mark of the Signet remains, but the Impression is defaced.—It is likewise signed
with the Duke’s own hand. Pl. IV. No 3. - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
WHERE John Paston, esquier, and other divers per-
sones have, ageyn the peas, kepte the manoir of
Caster with force, ageyne the wille and entent of us
the Duc of Norffolk, to oure grete displeaser; whiche not-
withstanding, at the contemplacion of the writing of the moost
worshipfull and reverent Fader in God the Cardenall of Eng-
land, and our moost trusty and entierly beloved Unkel the
Archbisshop of Canterbury, the right noble Prince my Lord
of Clarence, and other Lords of oure blood, and also at the
grete labour and enstaunce of our moost dere and singler
belovid wiffe, we be agreed that the seid John Paston and his
seid fellaship, beyng in the seid maneur, shall depart and goo
out of the seid maneur without delay, and make therof deliver-
aunce to suche persones as we will assigne, the seid fellaship
havyng their lyves and goods, horsse, and harneys, and other
goods beyng in the kepyng of the seid John Paston; except
gonnes, crossebows, and quarells, and alle other hostelments,
to the seid maneur annexed and belonginge. And to have xv.
dayes respyte aftir their seid departing out, to goo in to what
place shall like theim, without any accions or quarell to be
taken or made by us, in our name to theim, or any of theim,
within our fraunchise or without, duryng the seid tyme.Yoven under our signet at Yermouth the xxvj. day of
Septembr the ixte yere of King Edward the iiijth.NORFF’.
1 [From Fenn, ii. 24.]
SEPT. 26