Parties in Norfolk
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Parties in Norfolk
- Reference
- Add. 27444, f. 19
- Date
- 1452
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol II, item 219
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume II'
ITT is to remembre under hos rule that the gode lord is
at this day, and whiche be of his new cownseyll.Item, that Debenham, Lee, Tymperle, and his old
cownseyl and attendans, as well as the gode ladijs servawntys,
be avoydyd, and Tymperle of malys apelyd of treson.Item, that the sescionys of the pees wyth owte cause was
warnyd in the myddys of hervest, to grette trobill of the
contre, whiche was never se in Norffolk at seche tym of the
yere; and itt was unlawfully warnyd to appere with inne iiij.
or V. days after the warnyng. Howbeitt the contre was before
warnyd at the shyer day to have had the sescionys the Tewys-
day befor Michelmes.Item, that at the seid sescionys was non other cawse of
settyng thereof declaryd but a commysyon beryng date before
Estern, &c., to arest, take, and expungne traytorys and re-
bellys, of whiche, be Goddis grace, is no nede in this contre at
this tyme, &c.Item, be the demenyng of the seyd sescionys was verily
conseyvid be the jantylmen of the shyer that it was set of
purpose to have, be indytements, defowlyd seche personys as
wer of the old counseyl with the seid Lord, and seche as kepe
Wodhows lond, or seche as help or confort Osbern Munford,
marchale of Kalys, in his rygth of the maner of Brayston, of
whiche he is now late wrongfully dyssesyd,3 and generally to
have hurt all other that wold not folwe the oppynyons of the
seyd new cownseyll; whiche malysiows purposid oppynyon
the jantylmen of the seyd shyer that wer sworyn att the seyd
sescions kowd not fynde in her conciens to observe, but dede
the contrarye as it apperyth be here verdyte if itt be shewyd,
&c. Remembre the verdyt of Brayston, &c.And where on Roger Chirche, wyth on Robert Ledham,
Charlys Nowell, John son of Hodge Ratcleff, and on Robert
Dallyng had the rewle and kepyng of the seid maner of
Brayston to the use of Thomas Danyell after the dyssesing
of the seyd Osbern Monford, the seyd Roger be the comon
ascent of his seyd felashep, be the colowre of xv. personys
gadderid be the exitation of the seyd Roger Chyrche and his
felashep, accusid many notable and thryfty men that were well
willid to the seyd Munford for the seid maner of Brayston, to
be ryseris, wher as the seyd thrifty men, as well as all that
contre, hath at all tymys be pesyble and of no seche dis-
posicion: It was purposid after the seid sescions, whan the
intents of the seyd new cownseyl mygth not be executyd be
indytements, than to have had the seyd Roger Chirche owte
of the Kyngs gayle, seying that he shuld appele for the Kyng,
and wold have do the sheryff delyverid hym owt of prison,
howbeit he was comyttyd thidder be the justyse of assyse and
gayle delyvere be cawse he was indyted of fellonye, and that
ther apperid not suffycient inquest to delyver hym.Item, day seth thei labour feynid materis to hurt jentilman
and odir be soch acusements, &c.Memorandum, as itt semyth be the confescion of dyvers of
the seid xv. personys that thei were innocent and knew not
whi thei assemelyd but only be the excitacion of the seyd
Chirche and his menys, and after the tyme of that they con-
seyvid itt was do to no good intent, thei never medillid
forther in the mater. Item, to remembre how suttely the
seyd Chirche was, be his owyn assent, led to my Lord of
Norffolk be his owyn felashep to the entent to accuse and
defame seche as they lovyd not.Memorandum, of the sescion at Norwich. Memorandum,
of my Lord of Somerset and of the Blak frers.Memorandum, that Charlys Nowell is baly of Brayston, and
hath ther ijd. on the day, and of that mater growyth his malys.Item, memorandum of them that for fer of disclosid of
her falsenes acusid odyr that they shuld not be thowth gilti
hemself, and labour to have the mater handlid be her frends
that the trowth shuld not be triid owt.1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This paper bears upon the same matters as the
last, and must be attributed to the same date. The MS. is a draft, with corrections in
John Paston’s handwriting.2 The Duke of Norfolk.
3 Mountford was disseised of Brayston by Daniel in the spring of 1450, but
recovered possession on the 23rd September. I find no note of his having been
disseised again, but I should think he must have been, as this paper is certainly two
years later.1452