Papers relating to the decease of Thomas Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Papers relating to the decease of Thomas Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/228-232
- Date
- [1474]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 138; Kingsford, Vol I, item 138
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
This Memorandum—Ch. Misc., 37, iv, 9—was most probably drawn up for
the funeral of the second Thomas Stonor, though there is no positive indica-
tion of the date. At this time Stonor was in Pyrton parish. In Ancient
Correspondence, xlvi, 228, amongst several papers relating to the decease
of Thomas Stonor there is a brief Memorandum of a similar kind:?Md. to send for the cover with ornamentes of the Auter: and the
herses to be hadde over. Itm. a blakke cloth for the house . . . and
blakke. Itm. sug. cuppes . . . pottis.From No. 157 we learn that the funeral of Thomas Stonor cost ?74 2s. 5d.
In Pirton Churche.
First vj auters. Item, the hie autre with blakke ornamentes therto.
Item, candelstikkes, sensers, basens, silver therto. Item, rectores chore
seutes of vestmentes blakke and white &c. Item, ornamentes for the
herse and for the beriell, blakke cloth to the ground with a white cloth
of gold. Item, a crosse with a fote on the herse, silver and gilt. Item,
iiij tapers aboute the herse. Item, ij tapers aboute the beriell. Item,
blakke hangyng aboute the chauncell and chirche. Item, lightis for
the hie auter and odir auters beside. Item, syngyng wyne, syngyng
brede.Mete for pouer men at deriges. Item, after deriges brede and chese
for the seid pouer men. Item for [prestes ?] and gentilmen, sew pur-
tenaunces of lambis, and vele, rosted moton, ij chekyns in a dysch.On the morow to brekkffastes. For prestes and odir honest men.
Item calvis hedis and sode beeff.At the dyner on the morow.
For pouer men: item, vmbils to potage, sode beeff, rosted wele in
a dische to geder, and rosted porkke.The ffirst course for prestes &c. First to potage, browes of capons
or,1 &c., capons, motons, ges,2 custard. The second course. The
second potage. Jussell, capons, lambe, pigge, vele, peiouns rosted,
baken rabettes, ffesauntis, venison, gelie &c.3 Item, vovtys.Item, Spisis. Furst a pound of Saunders, a unce of saferon, iij li.
Pepir, half a pound Clowes, half a pound Masis, a loff Sugre,4 iij li.
resons corauns, iij li. datys, half a pound gynger, j pound Synamon.
Item, in turnsole, iiij. d. Item, in greynys j li. Item, in Almondis,
iiij li.Item, treen vessell for pouer men. Item, sittyng plasis for the pouer
men. Item, peuter vessell for gentilmen. Item, a rome for them
acordyng. Item, sponys of silver, salt selers of silver for the most
worshipfull men &c. Item, borde clothis for gentilmen and pouermen.
Item, Salt &c. Item, a convenient rome for the ij botries for gentilmen
and pouermen. Item, a convenient place for the Kechyn. Item,
Cokis. Item, Botilers. Item, a man to overse the sadde purveiaunce
of the chirche. Item, a porter. Item, Odir servauntes to serve &c.
Item, vessell for ale. Item, cuppis and bollis and pottis. Item, spitis,
caundrens, pottes, rakkis, and odir necessaries for Cokis. Item, wode
and colis.Written in dorso are some further memoranda, scarcely legible; amongst
them are:?It., chesis for pouer men and moer gees.
It., remembre milke, pulters, egges.
It., wyne for grene geese.
It., remembre pygges.
1 Originally "frumenty or" was written; "frumenty" was struck out and
"browes of capons" inserted.
2 Originally "sode beeff and moton, pigge and vele".
3 Originally "venison, grene geesse &c." 4 Originally "iiij li." - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
This Memorandum—Ch. Misc., 37, iv, 9—was most probably drawn up for
the funeral of the second Thomas Stonor, though there is no positive indica-
tion of the date. At this time Stonor was in Pyrton parish. In Ancient
Correspondence, xlvi, 228, amongst several papers relating to the decease
of Thomas Stonor there is a brief Memorandum of a similar kind:—Md. to send for the cover with ornamentes of the Auter: and the
herses to be hadde over. Itm. a blakke cloth for the house . . . and
blakke. Itm. sug. cuppes . . . pottis.From No. 157 we learn that the funeral of Thomas Stonor cost £74 2s. 5d.
In Pirton Churche.
First vj auters. Item, the hie autre with blakke ornamentes therto.
Item, candelstikkes, sensers, basens, silver therto. Item, rectores chore
seutes of vestmentes blakke and white &c. Item, ornamentes for the
herse and for the beriell, blakke cloth to the ground with a white cloth
of gold. Item, a crosse with a fote on the herse, silver and gilt. Item,
iiij tapers aboute the herse. Item, ij tapers aboute the beriell. Item,
blakke hangyng aboute the chauncell and chirche. Item, lightis for
the hie auter and odir auters beside. Item, syngyng wyne, syngyng
brede.Mete for pouer men at deriges. Item, after deriges brede and chese
for the seid pouer men. Item for [prestes ?] and gentilmen, sew pur-
tenaunces of lambis, and vele, rosted moton, ij chekyns in a dysch.On the morow to brekkffastes. For prestes and odir honest men.
Item calvis hedis and sode beeff.At the dyner on the morow.
For pouer men: item, vmbils to potage, sode beeff, rosted wele in
a dische to geder, and rosted porkke.The ffirst course for prestes &c. First to potage, browes of capons
or,1 &c., capons, motons, ges,2 custard. The second course. The
second potage. Jussell, capons, lambe, pigge, vele, peiouns rosted,
baken rabettes, ffesauntis, venison, gelie &c.3 Item, vovtys.Item, Spisis. Furst a pound of Saunders, a unce of saferon, iij li.
Pepir, half a pound Clowes, half a pound Masis, a loff Sugre,4 iij li.
resons corauns, iij li. datys, half a pound gynger, j pound Synamon.
Item, in turnsole, iiij. d. Item, in greynys j li. Item, in Almondis,
iiij li.Item, treen vessell for pouer men. Item, sittyng plasis for the pouer
men. Item, peuter vessell for gentilmen. Item, a rome for them
acordyng. Item, sponys of silver, salt selers of silver for the most
worshipfull men &c. Item, borde clothis for gentilmen and pouermen.
Item, Salt &c. Item, a convenient rome for the ij botries for gentilmen
and pouermen. Item, a convenient place for the Kechyn. Item,
Cokis. Item, Botilers. Item, a man to overse the sadde purveiaunce
of the chirche. Item, a porter. Item, Odir servauntes to serve &c.
Item, vessell for ale. Item, cuppis and bollis and pottis. Item, spitis,
caundrens, pottes, rakkis, and odir necessaries for Cokis. Item, wode
and colis.Written in dorso are some further memoranda, scarcely legible; amongst
them are:It., chesis for pouer men and moer gees.
It., remembre milke, pulters, egges.
It., wyne for grene geese.
It., remembre pygges.1 Originally frumenty or was written; frumenty was struck out and
browes of capons inserted.2 Originally sode beeff and moton, pigge and vele .
3 Originally venison, grene geesse &c. 4 Originally iiij li.