1. Account of payments to Robert Spery, servant of Vyol, and others, for working at the Frerys2 in June and July; also for varnish, lead, earthen pans, yellow ochre, oil, bristles to make brushes, etc., for painter’s work.
Endorsed: ‘Vialles byll comprisid in the iij. rolles of stuff and werkmanship to A. P.3 place and the Freris, which, as Clargynet understondith, is paid to Viall.’
’Memorandum: j. copy of this bill remayneth amonges the billes of werk- manship at the White Freres and Baretts place, and a noder among the billes of plate and Vialles plegis.’
2. ‘Bill indented,’ 15th Aug. 10 Edw. IV., between William Paston, Esq., and Thomas Vyall of Norwich, painter, relative to the pledging of certain coral beads and plate to the former, for £5.
3. Account of sums owing to one Vyall for certain persons ‘at the Freris,’ during August, September, and October. Total, 32s. 10d.
Endorsed: ‘Viall’s reckoning written in the roll of the Freris werke not paid, and must be allowed of the £5 that was lent to Viall not yet content again.
’Memorandum: one copy of this bill remaineth amongs the bills of work- manship at the White Freris and Baretts place, and another bill amongs the bills of plate and pledges.’
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.]
2 Apparently the White Friars at Norwich.
3 Agnes Paston’s?