Oliver Wittonstall to Thomas Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Oliver Wittonstall to Thomas Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/83
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 107; Kingsford, Vol I, item 107
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
[before 1470]
This is clearly a little earlier than the next letter. The draft Award—No.
109—shows that the matter in dispute related to the estate of Wittonstall's
stepson, John Cottesmore, who was a ward of Thomas Stonor, and married
one of his guardian's daughters, probably in 1470—see Nos 110 and 137.
The date of this and the next two documents may possibly be a few years
earlier, but it is convenient to place them immediately before No. 110. From
A.C., xlvi, 83.42Ryght worshypfull syr, y recomaunde me unto, thankyng you for the
good scher that y hadd with you ever at suche tyme that y was with
you. Please you to remembre the pointement by you and me, that ys
to sey we scholde me to g[eder] at Henley the first Thorsday in clene
lenton, or that y schold sende you worde. Y have comynet with mywyfe, and sche sayes with good wel, so that her brother Barantyne be
on of thame with Mayster Rede, and sche to be ther at the awarde
whene it is yoven: and at Ester sche and y schull be with and not
fayle in no wyse. Forthermore, take credens to the berer hereof: and
God preserve you worship, whom [do he ha]1 you in hys kepyng.By your own Olyuer Wittonstall.
To the ryght worschipfull Thomas Stonor, be thys letter delyved.
1 These three words are only faintly legible, and so are bracketed.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
STONOR[before 1470]
This is clearly a little earlier than the next letter. The draft Award—No.
109—shows that the matter in dispute related to the estate of Wittonstall’s
stepson, John Cottesmore, who was a ward of Thomas Stonor, and married
one of his guardian’s daughters, probably in 1470—see Nos. 110 and 137.
The date of this and the next two documents may possibly be a few years
earlier, but it is convenient to place them immediately before No. 110. From
A.C., xlvi, 83.Ryght worshypfull syr, y recomaunde me unto, thankyng you for the
good scher that y hadd with you ever at suche tyme that y was with
you. Please you to remembre the pointement by you and me, that ys
to sey we scholde me to g[eder] at Henley the first Thorsday in clene
lenton, or that y schold sende you worde. Y have comynet with mywyfe, and sche sayes with good wel, so that her brother Barantyne be
on of thame with Mayster Rede, and sche to be ther at the awarde
whene it is yoven: and at Ester sche and y schull be with and not
fayle in no wyse. Forthermore, take credens to the berer hereof: and
God preserve you worship, whom [do he ha]1 you in hys kepyng.By your own Olyuer Wittonstall.
To the ryght worschipfull Thomas Stonor, be thys letter delyved.
1 These three words are only faintly legible, and so are bracketed.