Memorandum that the parties have submitted to arbitration
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Memorandum that the parties have submitted to arbitration
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 128, p. 77
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 172; Kirby, item 209
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
209 Memorandum that the parties have submitted to arbitration, [before 11 May
1514] (No. 128, p. 77)Memorandum for the matter of varyance betwyxt Sir John Roclife, Sir
William Perepoynt, John Constable, on the one party, & Sir Robart
Plompton & William his son on the other party. It is thus ordred by
the assent of both the parties: the sayd partys shall abyde the award of
my Lord Wynchester,1 my lord Tresourer, my lord of Surrey, Robt
Brudnell,2 William Fayrfax, iustices,3 Bryan Palmes, [p. 78] John New-
dygate,a sargaunts at the law,4 Sir John Norton knight,5 Richard
Sawcheverell,6 or Sir Andrew Wyndysour,7 betwixt this & the next
assise; & nether of the sayd partyes shall vex other, nor ther partakers,
servants, tenants for ther sakes, by entre, dystresse,b wrytt, priue seale,
indytement, nor otherwyse betwixt this & the sayd assise.William Farfaxc
a Marginal note: Newdigate sergant 10s.
b Marginal note: Memorandum about the suit on the lands lost by daughters.
c Appended: Copied the 16 day of Aprill 1613.
1 William Fox, 211.
2 Robert Brudenell, JKB 1507, App. III.
3 Sir William Fairfax, JKB, App. III.
4 38, 146, 173.
5 Of Norton Conyers, son or grandson of Sir William?s feoffee of 1475, Apps II, 35,
36; III.6 Richard Sacheverell, possibly a younger brother of Ralph, 147.
7 Sir Andrew Windsor of Bradenham, Bucks, royal councillor 1519, L & P, iii (i), 196;
(ii), 967. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
Md. for the matter of varyance betwyx Sir John Rocliffe, Sir
Wiliam Perepoynt, John Constable, on the one party, and Sir
Robart Plumpton and William his son on the other party; it is
thus ordred by the assent of both the parties, the sayd partys shall
abyde thaward of my Lord Wynchester, my lord Tresourer,
my lord of Surrey, Robert Brudnell, William Fayrfax, Justices,
Bryan Palmes, John Newdygate, Sargaunts at the law, Sir John
Norton, knyght, Richard Sawcheverell, or Sir Andrew Wyndy-
sour, betwixt this and the next assise; and nether of the sayd
partyes shall vex other, not ther partakers, servants, tenants for
ther sakes, by entre, dystresse, wrytt, prive seale, indytement, nor
other wyse betwixt this and the said assise.WYLLIAM FARFAX.a
a Sir William Fairfax, Justice of the Common Pleas, eldest son of Sir Guy Fairfax,
of Steeton, com. Ebor. kt. Chief Justice of the King's Bench, died 6 Hen. VIII.
1515. Only three of the arbitrators here named signed the final award, John Earnly,
the King's Attorney-general, being the fourth. (See Memoirs.)